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The Mermaid's Mirror

by L.K. Madigan

As her sixteenth birthday approaches, Lena has just one wish: To learn to surf. She's been drawn so strongly to the waves off the coast of California her entire life, but her father, a former surfer himself, will not allow her to take lessons. When Lena begins sleepwalking to the beach—seemingly drawn by an unrecognizable force—she is compelled to learn to surf even if it means putting herself in grave danger and going against her father's wishes."
"That force is the presence of a woman. A woman who finally reveals herself—and her silvery tail—to Lena. She has a message. She has a key. The key opens a brown leather sea chest Lena's father has kept hidden for many years, and when Lena discovers what's inside her life, and what she thought she knew about it, will never be the same.

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Publisher Description

As her sixteenth birthday approaches, Lena has just one wish: To learn to surf. She's been drawn so strongly to the waves off the coast of California her entire life, but her father, a former surfer himself, will not allow her to take lessons. When Lena begins sleepwalking to the beach—seemingly drawn by an unrecognizable force—she is compelled to learn to surf even if it means putting herself in grave danger and going against her father's wishes."
"That force is the presence of a woman. A woman who finally reveals herself—and her silvery tail—to Lena. She has a message. She has a key. The key opens a brown leather sea chest Lena's father has kept hidden for many years, and when Lena discovers what's inside her life, and what she thought she knew about it, will never be the same.

Author Biography

L. K. Madigan lives in Portland, Oregon, with her husband, son, two big black dogs, hundreds of books . . . and quite a few items of mermaid memorabilia. This is her second novel for young adults. The first book she ever wrote (in fourth grade) was an eighty-page epic tale about mermaids, so her inner child cannot stop beaming over finally having published a mermaid book.


"With highly imagistic descriptions and savvy dialogue, Madigan offers a rewarding and credible story that uses fantasy elements to bare truths about family ties."--"Booklist", starred review

"Mixing supernatural elements with the types of family problems and growing pains she explored in "Flash Burnout", Madigan introduces Lena, a girl obsessed with the sea and learning to surf . . . emotions at play feel very real, and Madigan does a good job of evoking the fog of uncertainty that envelops Lena as she uncovers long-buried secrets--she truly is like a fish out of water."--"Publishers Weekly
"Be rewarded with a heartthrob of a merman, enthusiastic surfing scenes, and a well-integrated blend of magic and realism both on land and underwater."--"Bulletin

""Praise for FLASH BURNOUT"Fall 2010: New England Children's Booksellers Advisory Council's Fall Top Ten ListWinner of the 2010 William C. Morris Award "With just enough humor to diffuse the tension and the art and science of photography as a backdrop, this rich romance explores the complexities of friendship and love, and the all-too-human limitations of both. It's a sobering, compelling, and satisfying read for teens and a promising debut for a new young-adult author."--"Booklist", starred review ""Flash Burnout" gets high marks from me in all categories. Voice? Check. Plot that matters? Check. Writing style? Flawless. I would say that this book could be described as Laurie Halse Anderson meets John Green, with a whole new set of humor and imagery that is all its own."--Holly, Annie Bloom's Bookstore, Portland OR "#4" on "Indiebound's "Top Ten List

Long Description

Society's drive for technology that is faster and more efficient in processing and disseminating information is fueling changes-especially in academia. As the Internet becomes an important source for research, it challenges the library's role as the major information resource on campus. In order for libraries to respond to this challenge they must become agile in their adaptation of new technologies to meet the ever-changing needs and expectations of their users. This book discusses innovative and aggressive methods libraries can implement to become more agile. The seven chapters are written by library administrators who discuss their own experiences and cover topics including management, technology, services, users' needs and marketing the library.

Review Quote

"With highly imagistic descriptions and savvy dialogue, Madigan offers a rewarding and credible story that uses fantasy elements to bare truths about family ties."-- Booklist , starred review "Mixing supernatural elements with the types of family problems and growing pains she explored in Flash Burnout , Madigan introduces Lena, a girl obsessed with the sea and learning to surf . . . emotions at play feel very real, and Madigan does a good job of evoking the fog of uncertainty that envelops Lena as she uncovers long-buried secrets--she truly is like a fish out of water."-- Publishers Weekly "Be rewarded with a heartthrob of a merman, enthusiastic surfing scenes, and a well-integrated blend of magic and realism both on land and underwater."-- Bulletin Praise for FLASH BURNOUT Fall 2010: New England Children's Booksellers Advisory Council's Fall Top Ten List Winner of the 2010 William C. Morris Award

Excerpt from Book

Chapter 1 A patchwork of paper waves surrounded Lena. The walls of her room were covered with every shade of blue, green, and gray water imaginable-some images were photos she had taken herself, and others were pages torn from magazines: surfers riding through translucent green barrels . . . surfers surrounded by miles of limpid blue tropical sea . . . surfers about to be flattened by dark gray walls of water. As Lena lay sleeping, the oceans of the world sparkling all around her, her cell phone rang. It was the Kai ringtone. Eyes closed, Lena rolled over and reached out from under the covers, fumbling on her nightstand for her phone. "Hi," she croaked. "Her name''s Selena, and she dances on the saaaand," sang Kai, mangling the words to some old ''80s song. His voice sounded overly loud to her half-asleep ears. "Leen? Did I wake you?" "Mmm-hmm." "But it''s seven o''clock. You never sleep this late. Are you okay?" Lena squinted at her clock-7:04-and blinked in surprise. She was usually up by six, or six thirty at the latest. "I''m fine." She yawned, then added, "And I don''t dance on the sand." "You know what''s weird? I don''t think I''ve ever woken you up before. That means . . . oh, wow. That means you''re just lying there in bed." "That''s what it means," she agreed, closing her eyes. She felt like she could go right back to sleep. "Leen! I just realized that I don''t know what your pajamas look like. I''m a terrible boyfriend. I''ll be right over to check." She snickered. "Great. Just knock and my dad will let you in." "Oh, yeah. Your parents," he joked. "They''re always messing me up." He lowered his voice. "But what are you wearing?" Lena stifled a laugh. When he used that sexy voice, it always made her feel like cracking up, instead of flirting back. "My wetsuit, of course. Doesn''t everyone wear rubber pajamas?" Kai groaned. "Oh, nooo. My eyes . . . my mental eyes! You''ve scarred them. But since you''ve already got your wetsuit on-" She giggled. "I''m heading out to Back Yard. No school today, remember? Want to come?" At the mention of the local surfing spot, an image of moonlight on water floated into Lena''s mind. Her eyes snapped open. She sat up, looking around her room. Her hoodie hung in the closet, and her sandals sat in the shoe rack, same as always. Was it all a dream? She slid her feet out from under the covers and examined them. There were grains of sand between her toes. "Leen? You there?" Lena lay back down slowly. She didn''t remember getting out of bed, or going downstairs, or unlocking the back door. All she remembered was the shock of finding herself on the beach. "Yeah," she said. "You''re going to Back Yard. Right now?" "The early bird catches the wave, Leen-you know that." I should tell Mom and Dad, she thought. Almost before the idea could take shape, she backed away from it. No, they would just worry . . . maybe even make her go to the doctor. Lena frowned. It was a completely random episode, probably a one-time thing. "Lena, helloooo? Are you falling back asleep?" "No, sorry," she said. "I''ll meet you there. Is Pem coming?" "She is." "Okay. I''ll be there in twenty minutes." After she hung up, Lena realized she hadn''t told Kai about her sleepwalking. I''ll tell him later, she thought. But she knew she would not.

Description for Bookstore

Hardcover edition: $16.00 CL 978-0-547-19491-2


Author L.K. Madigan
Publisher Graphia Books
Language English
ISBN-10 0547577354
ISBN-13 9780547577357
Media Book
Format Paperback
Audience Age 12-17
Pages 308
Year 2011
Publication Date 2011-11-14
Audience Children/Juvenile
Imprint US Clarion Books
Publisher US HarperCollins
