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Strange Brains and Genius

by Clifford A. Pickover

In this unusual and penetrating work, Pickover takes readers on a wild ride through the bizarre lives of brilliant but eccentric geniuses in science and philosophy. Line art. Index.

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Publisher Description

Never has the term mad scientist been more fascinatingly explored than in internationally recognized popular science author Clifford Pickover's richly researched wild ride through the bizarre lives of eccentric geniuses. A few highlights: "The Pigeon Man from Manhattan" Legendary inventor Nikola Tesla had abnormally long thumbs, a peculiar love of pigeons, and a horror of women's pearls."The Worm Man from Devonshire" Forefather of modern electric-circuit design Oliver Heaviside furnished his home with granite blocks and sometimes consumed only milk for days (as did Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison)."The Rabbit-Eater from Lichfield" Renowned scholar Samuel Johnson had so many tics and quirks that some mistook him for an idiot. In fact, his behavior matches modern definitions of obsessive-compulsive disorder and Tourette's syndrome.Pickover also addresses many provocative topics: the link between genius and madness, the role the brain plays in alien abduction and religious experiences, UFOs, cryonics -- even the whereabouts of Einstein's brain!

Author Biography

Clifford A. Pickover is the lead writer for the brain-boggler column in Discover magazine and the author of numerous acclaimed science books. He has been featured on PBS, the Discovery Channel, and CNN. A research staff member at IBM's T.J. Watson Research Center, Dr. Pickover is a prolific inventor who holds numerous patents. He lives in Yorktown Heights, New York.


"Bucky Fuller though big, Arthur C. Clarke thinks big, but Cliff Pickover outdoes both." --Wired"Filled with 200 years of eccentric genius. This is lively and immensely enjoyable scientific history." --Publishers Weekly"Pickover's originality has found itself the perfect topic." --Ian Stewart, Scientific American)


Author Clifford A. Pickover
Pages 352
Language English
ISBN-10 0688168949
ISBN-13 9780688168940
Media Book
Format Paperback
Illustrations Yes
Year 1999
Residence Yorktown Heights, NY, US
Affiliation IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
Subtitle The Secret Lives of Eccentric Scientists and Madmen
DOI 10.1604/9780688168940
Place of Publication New York, NY
Country of Publication United States
AU Release Date 1999-05-19
NZ Release Date 1999-05-19
US Release Date 1999-05-19
UK Release Date 1999-05-19
Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Inc
Publication Date 1999-05-19
Imprint William Morrow
DEWEY 509.22
Audience General
