Hey Now! Billy West was on the Stern Show from 1989-1995. I am auctioning 3 cassettes totalling 4 hours of content(minus a minute or two at the end). There are no commercials, music, or BS. Just great content. I have the master tapes which are 25+ years old and have re-recorded them on brand new cassettes. Sound quality is near perfect. No fading, skipping, or interference. $2.55 shipping to continental U.S. only. Payment due within 48 hours.

  Tape#1. 90 minutes. Side one is mostly Billy doing Marge Schott(dozens of "N" words). Side 2 includes Billy imitating Jackie sounds, Nambla, gay priest, and goofing on Stuttering John.

  Tape#2. 90 minutes. Howard's mother, Ray calls in and Billy imitates her. Billy and Howard do a 17 minute bit as gay Raymond Burr. Billy does Elton John, Mister Sulu(Oh My!), Tommy Lasorda, Mayor Marion Barry. Early in the tape Billy repeats all the Jackie laughs, and later in the tape he repeats new Jackie laughs. Billy as the Jackie Puppet interacts with Beavis and Butthead when Mike judge visits the studio.

  Tape#3. 60 minutes. Gilbert and Billy sit in for the news and Gilbert takes over. Numerous inappropriate Jackie laughs during horrible news stories. During Jackie's plugs, Billy and Gilbert spend 10 minutes goofing on Jackie. Ben stern sings for a couple of minutes at the end of the tape.

  If you are interested in any one tape, tapes 1 and 2 are $26.99 each, including shipping. Tape 3 is $21.99. Email me and I'll set up a "buy it now" for you. Feel free to contact me with any questions. Bye 4 now!