The Battle of Lepanto
A brand new series of wargames rules to cover the period from 1500 to 1600 naval warfare. This set introduces galley wars in the Mediterranean in the great fight between the Christian and the Ottomans in1571.

This set of rules is specifically made for the Battle of Lepanto and comes with sheets of the ships on each side. These are fast play rules for very large numbers of galleys so that the whole of the battle of Lepanto can be fought in an evening. 

In addition we are now also making ship models to go with our rules ( see attached photos) several of which are available separately on Ebay  

In addition we also produce our skirmish rules for The Spanish Armada as well as our Ironclads 1860 to 1918 rules and WW1 fast play rules. See below.

Our Ironclads rules now comprise the following:

Ironclads 1860 to 1918 basic set of rules. Covers British, French and some Italian ships all of which we make as models.
Search for Ironclads 1860 - 1918 

The Battle of Lissa and The Crimean War. These also include fortifications and shore bombardments and include ship sheets by pdf for Italy, Austria, Russia, Britain and France as well as the major forts in Sevastopol.We also make 1/1200 scale models to go with these rules.

Search for Ironclads 1860 - 1918 Battle of Lissa 

The American Civil War. These also include mines, visibility and night fighting and include ship sheets by pdf for both the Union and Confederacy

Search for Ironclads 1860 - 1918 American Civil War 

South American Wars of Independence These include ship sheets by pdf for Spain, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Uruguay, Paraguay and Venezuela. We also make 1/1200 scale models to go with these rules.

Search for Ironclads 1860 - 1918 South American Wars of Independence

Pre Dreadnought wars 1895 to 1905. These cover from the Spanish American wars, The Sino Japanese wars and TsuShima and include crew quality and ships sheets by pdf for Japan, Russia, China, Spain, Britain and America. We also make 1/1200 scale models to go with these rules.

Search for Ironclads 1860 - 1918 Pre Dreadnought wars 

Turkey in WW1 1914 to 1917. This covers the war with Russia in the Black Sea as well as the allied bombardment of the Dardanelles. See if you can force a passage through to Constantinople and end the war or the ultimate prize can you sink the Goeben... This set includes by pdf ship sheets for Britain, France, Russia, Turkey and Bulgaria. We also make 1/1200 scale models to go with these rules.

Search Ironclads 1914 to 1917 Turkey

Gulf of Riga 1917. This set covers the fascinating little war between the Germans and Russians in 1917. With Russia crumbling and in a revolutionary state the Germans tried to push into the gulf of Riga to support their armies while the Russian navy tried to stop them. While the Germans appear to have overwhelming power with many dreadnoughts the Russians have vast mine barriers and the shallow waters of the Gulf of Riga on their side. Russian shore batteries are also very effective while they are manned by loyal crews. Ship sheets for both the Russian Baltic fleets and the Russian Army shore batteries as well as the German navy are included by pdf. We also make 1/1200 scale models to go with these rules.

Search Ironclads Gulf of Riga 1917 

Scenarios Ironclads 1860 to 1918 Vol 1. This set of rules includes one scenario for each of the above sets of rules. There are some additional rules and ship sheets included in this set. We also make 1/1200 scale models to go with these rules.

Search Scenarios Ironclads 1860 to 1918 Vol 1

Galleon Armada Rules These rules cover the Spanish Armada period and include ships sheets for England, Spain and Portugal. Race built galleons, Great ships and Carracks are included in the pdf ship sheets. These are designed for 1/400th scale model ships and we make several models including The Revenge, The Ark Royal, The San Filip (Portuguese) and The San Martin (Spanish flagship of the Armada).

Search Galleons Naval Wargames rules for the Spanish Armada.

In Addition we have also released a series of rules for Fast play large fleet actions. These will enable you to play battles such as the Battle of Jutland in a few hours. Our unique system has been test played with great success in many places, including the Naval wargames society of Great Britains open days in both 2016 and 2018.

Jutland 1916 For fast play fleet actions

The great battles of Dogger Bank and Jutland. Fought between the Grand fleet and the German High Seas Fleet. Could you do better than Jellicoe and destroy the High seas fleet?

Jutland 1918, For fast play fleet actions

The what if fleets if the German High Seas fleet hadn’t mutinied and had set out at the end of the war to attack the Grand fleet again. By this period there were huge differences between the fleets from their 1916 predecessors . This booklet also covers additional rules to cover the use of airships, aircraft and aircraft carriers

WW1 Mediterranean Fleets,  

For fast play fleet actions

This covers the fleets of France, Italy, Austro Hungary, Russian Black Seas Fleet and Turkey during the first world war.

Pre Dreadnought Fleets,  

For fast play fleet actions

This covers the fleets of Spain, America, China, Japan and Russia during the Spanish American war, The Sino Japanese war and the great Russian Japanese war. With these rules you can fight the whole of the battle of Tsu Shima in an evening.

Ironclads 1860 to 1880 Fleets Vol 1,  

For fast play fleet actions

This covers the fleets of Britain, Italy and Austria at the battle of Lissa. All the very first Ironclad battles.

Ironclads 1860 to 1880 Fleets Vol 2,  

For fast play fleet actions

This covers the fleets of the French, Japanese, Russian, German and Italian and Austrians after the battle of Lissa and can be used well with the rules in Vol 1.

Ironclads 1880 to 1900 Fleets Vol 1,  

For fast play fleet actions

This covers the fleets of the French, Japanese, Russian and Austrian navies of this period.

Ironclads 1880 to 1900 Fleets Vol 2,  

For fast play fleet actions

This covers the whole of the Royal Navy of this period