3 x 1/1200 model of generic C19 torpedo boats and includes masts. These destroyers were sold to so many nations in the 19C that they can be used for most nations. Packet comes with 3 x models torpedo boats
Hulls come with holes already drilled for the masts
A new range of 1/1200 scale model ships.  

We also make rules to go with these ships. These rules are for small scale skirmish actions involving just a few ships or our fast play fleet actions which allow dozens of ships on each side 

We will soon be making many of the 1/1200 scale models to go with these rules. 

Rules come with turning circles, reload counters and a pdf ship document for all relevant nations covered by the rules 

Current rules available are

For the main set please search for 
Ironclads 1860 to 1918

See also
Ironclads 1860 to 1918 Battle of Lissa and the Crimean War

See also
Ironclads 1860 to 1918 Pre Dreadnought wars 1895 to 1905

See also
Ironclads 1860 to 1918 American Civil War

See also
Ironclads 1860 to 1918 Turkey 1914 to 1917

See also
Ironclads 1860 to 1918 Gulf of Riga 1917

See also
Ironclads 1860 to 1918 Scenarios (for all the above rules)

See also our Fast play large fleet action rules. 
Search for:
Wargames rules  1900 to 1918 Fast play large scale naval fleet actions. Fight the whole of the battle of Jutland 1916 in a few hours. 


Jutland 1918 scenario  Wargames Fast play large scale naval fleet actions. What if Jutland had been refought in 1918 as the German High Command wanted to. Includes rules for aircraft, submarines and aircraft carriers

Fast Play Fleet large scale fleet actions Mediterranean Navies.
Fast play fleet rules for the navies of the mediterranean including the French, Italians, Austro Hungarians, and Turkish navies.

Condition is New. Dispatched with Royal Mail 2nd Class.