This versatile culture is used to make a wide range of soft cheeses, including cottage cheese, chèvre, and even blue cheeses.

Makes soft cheese from up to 20 gallons of milk.

Versatile culture: makes a wide range of mesophilic cheeses.

Contains instructions and 4 packets of starter culture (rennet not included).

INCLUDES: 4 packets of starter culture and 2 vegetable rennet tablets, enough to make four batches of delicious homemade cheese. You can also use all the packets at once to culture 5–10 gallons of milk in one big batch!
READY FASTER: It takes less than a week to make fresh cheeses, and usually only a day or two—unlike cheeses such as Cheddar cheese or Parmesan cheese, which have to age for several months.
CHEESE VARIETY: This versatile gluten free, non GMO starter lets you make many different types of cheese, so you can discover what you like best. Try your hand at making feta cheese, bleu cheese, Neufchatel cheese, and more!
HOMEMADE IS HEALTHIER: While store-bought cheese usually contains artificial coloring, preservatives, and additives, cheese you make at home will only have ingredients you select yourself.
MAINTENANCE FREE: Because it's direct-set, it only cultures once, so once you've made the cheese, there's no starter to maintain. Perfect for beginners, experimenters, and anyone not looking for a long-term project.