They bid on two French letters from 1831 out ofParis.

Written and signed by hand by the French physician Jean Joseph Labâte (1766-1835),Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur (Knight of the Legion of Honor).

Addressed to a relative ("mon cher parent" = my dear relative) in his birthplace Saint Poix (Mayenne), namely a monsieur Cointet Lavigne, property of the parliament of Mayenne.

Dated Paris, the 9th and 23. December 1831.

In the second letter he mentions "mes operations."

Signed each "J'ai l'honneur d'être votre trés dévoué parents Labâte" (iI have the honor of being your very devoted relative Labâte).

Each sent by post as a pre-Phila letter; with handwritten tax note "6."

Format:26.3 x 20.4 cm (folded 8.3 x 13.2 cm or 8.2 x 12.7 cm).

Condition:Paper slightly browned, the seals missing (with corresponding tears in the paper), good condition. Please also note the pictures!

Internal note: Krst 24-01 frz Leitzfolder

About Jean Joseph Labâte (source: French wikipedia):

Jean Joseph Labâte, born 13 June 1766 in Saint-Poix (Mayenne), died in April 1835 in Paris, and is a French doctor.

Biography: Il commença ses études à Craon puis à l'université d'Angers. Admis en quality de chirurgien aux Invalides en 1789, il est ensuite envoyé aux armées avant de revenir aux Invalides.

Il fait partie de l'expédition d'Egypte.

The part of Costaz's commission, which took place on 14 August 1799, was part of the exploration of the Haute-Egypte.

It was named ensuite on September 24, 1803, commissioner of the School of Arts and Crafts, installed in the Château de Compiègne, which was transferred to Châlons-sur-Marne in 1806, or else from the Huit Campus d'Arts et Métiers ParisTech. Il occupe ces fonctions jusqu'en 1823.

Distinctions: He is named chevalier of the Légion d'honneur in 1814.

Written and signed by hand by the French physician Jean Joseph Labâte (1766-1835),Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur (Knight of the Legion of Honor). Addressed to a relative ("mon cher parent" = my dear relative) in his birthplace Saint Poix (Mayenne), namely a monsieur Cointet Lavigne, property of the parliament of Mayenne. Condition:Paper slightly browned, the seals missing (with corresponding tears in the paper), good condition. Please also note the pictures! Biography: Il commença ses études à Craon puis à l'université d'Angers. Admis en quality de chirurgien aux Invalides en 1789, il est ensuite envoyé aux armées avant de revenir aux Invalides. It was named ensuite on September 24, 1803, commissioner of the School of Arts and Crafts, installed in the Château de Compiègne, which was tran