NEW YORK CITY - Charles French Restaurant - Greenwich Village - 1949:  "On Sixth Avenue between 10th & 11th Streets, New York City. Internationally famous, enjoying the finest reputation for superb food and the ultimate in French service since 1916. A seating capacity of 300...a large comfortable bar, stocked with the rarest of wines and liquors...a private dining room..."Pot eu Feu", a specialty of the house...and an atmosphere that will transport you to the elegance of the French Riviera."  Jan Mitchell, dispenser of Gemutlichkeit at Luchow's Restaurant and eclectic cuisine at Longchamps, will purvey Gallic charm with his latest acquisition Charles French Restaurant in Greenwich Village.  NY Times, July 24, 1962.  This Photochromatic postcard, mailed in 1949, is in good condition.  Lumintone Photoprint.  New York.