Threw this board into a known working Satan's Hollow cabinet with MCR hookups, and it would boot up, but kept resetting constantly.  I know it's not just a voltage issue because this plays a Satan's Hollow board perfectly, so there's something wrong with the Kick board.  Also got a Sound Board Interface error on screen when it actually stayed on for a bit without resetting.  Gonna go out on a limb here and say the MCR ribbon cables being replaced might help this situation out because they look like paper thin wafers at this point...but, I'm selling this board set as NOT WORKING/SOLD AS-IS.  If you are handy with fixing up MCRs than I imagine this won't be too troublesome for you to fix.  Thanks for looking.  I have video of it rebooting and such, if you need to see that just sent a message.

Edit: after I pulled this board out and inspected it visually, I found that there are four pins that are broken on one specific ribbon cable.  Refer to last two pics to see what I'm talking about.  Pretty confident this is the main issue...if I have time I'll try to repair it and relist as a working board but if you want to take a crack at it yourself just snap this listing up and take a gamble before I get around to it!  Haha.