Cards you will receive:

3 Orcust harp horror super rare

3 Girsu, the orcust Mekk knight secret 1st

3 Orcust knightmare super rare

1 Orcust Cymbal Skeleton super rare

2 Orcust Brass bombardment rare

2 Armageddon knight super rare

1 Dark grepher common

1 Gizmek Orochi secret rare 1st

3x Imsety, Glory of the Horus secret 1st

1x Duamutef blessing of the Horus secret 1st

1x Quebehsenuef, protector of the horus

1x Hapi, Guidance of the horus

2x Orcustrated return secret rare 1st

2x Orcustrated babel super rare

1x Orcust crescendo super

3x Kings sarcophagus ultra 1st

3 Galates, the Orcust automation Ultimate rare

2 Dingirsu, the orcust of the eventing star ultimate