Love Keychain/Pocket Orgonite, Provides EMF Protection, and Empowerment


Weighs  2.2 oz

High 2.4 in.

Wide 2.4  in.

Thick 0.4


Black Obsidian, Carnelians, 24k gold plated multi wave oscillator, copper, and resin.


Introducing the EMF and 5G Protection Keychain/Pocket Orgonite, a compact yet powerful tool designed to shield you from harmful electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) and 5G radiation while providing additional benefits for your well-being.

Crafted with a combination of potent materials, including black obsidian, carnelians, a multi-wave oscillator, copper, and resin, this orgonite Keychain/Pocket Orgonite offers comprehensive protection and support.

With the EMF and 5G Protection Keychain/Pocket Orgonite, you can confidently navigate today's technologically driven world while maintaining your energetic well-being. Whether carried in your pocket or attached to your keys, this orgonite serves as a steadfast guardian, providing both protection and empowerment wherever you go.

Orgonite Quick Guide

Derived from 'Orgone,' a term coined by Wilhelm Reich for the universal life force, Orgonite serves as a self-sustaining energy transmutation tool, converting negative life energy into positive vitality.

Organic Material: Epoxy resin, attracting and retaining orgone energy.

Inorganic Material: Various metals, repelling energy and inducing a cleansing effect by oscillation.

Natural Crystals: Predominantly crystal quartz, with additional crystals enhancing the energy dynamics.

As resin cures, it contracts, generating pressure and triggering the piezoelectric effect.

Crystals play a crucial role in converting Deadly Orgone Energy (DOR) into Positive Orgone Energy (POR), thereby vitalizing the environment.

These are handmade and may have minor imperfection. Please check pictures for details.