⭐️ I’ve touched this card twice; the first time was when I opened the Upper Deck pack in 2012, and the second time was when I took this picture for eBay. This card went from the pack into an Ultra Pro sleeve and top loader immediately after I purchased it. It’s as close to mint as you can get. Please see the photos.

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I’ve been collecting cards and sports memorabilia since 1966 when I was seven years old. My older brother gave me the nickname “ElginDuke”… Elgin, after Elgin Baylor from Seattle University Basketball fame, and Duke from the Duke of Flatbush.

Growing up in Seattle, my home team at that time was the Seattle Pilots Major League Baseball team. As time went on Seattle added the Mariners, SuperSonics, Seahawks, and Sounder FC. I had season tickets for the SuperSonics, Seahawks, and Sounders.

Recently I moved to Folsom, California, and I’ve decided to sell all of my miscellaneous varied sports memorabilia, which includes, in the ballpark 15,000 individual trading cards. Don’t ask me what I may have, because I can’t remember. The only time I know what I have is when I go into my storage unit and open a new box. For me, that is as much fun as opening a pack of baseball cards I just bought yesterday. I’m looking to find all of them a good home… One memory at a time…