Up for auction a VERY RARE! "Italian Banker" Adriano Lemmi Clipped Signature Mounted


Adriano Lemmi ( Livorno , April 30, 1822 - Florence , May 23, 1906 ) was an Italian banker .

He was an Italian patriot and politician, very close to Giuseppe Mazzini, whom he had met in 1847 in London,

where Lemmi lived in voluntary exile, dedicating himself to trade. In 1849

he was in Rome to contribute to the defense of the Roman Republic . On

behalf of Mazzini he then kept in contact with Luigi Kossuth , hero of the Hungarian revolution, who

accompanied him to London and the United States of America . Lemmi

was involved in the failed Mazzinian attempt of February 6, 1853 and, to escape

the consequences, repaired in Switzerland , and subsequently in Constantinople . He remained in contact with Mazzini

and in 1857 financed the expedition of Carlo Pisacane. In 1860 together with the banker and

brother-in-law Pietro Augusto Adami ,

also from Livorno, he founded the Adami e Lemmi company to which Garibaldi granted the

concession of the railway network in the South and also of the

tobacco monopoly in Naples . Lemmi, a Mason from 1875, was elected to the highest office

of Grand Master of

the Grand Orient of Italy on

January 17, 1885 and was the great commander of the ancient Scottish Rite

and accepted until his death  . He succeeded

where his predecessors had failed, or to reunite, under the labaro of the Grand Orient of Italy ,

all Italian Masonic obedienceswhich,

for various vicissitudes, had remained hitherto autonomous. The grand

master also reorganized the GOI finances. He sensed the importance of having a

"covered" loggia at his disposal, in which to bring together the most

influential masons of finance and publishing. Lemmi's line of action, very

attentive to the conquest of power, has been repeatedly compared to the

"philosophy" that inspired Licio Gelli a century later.  A parliamentary commission of inquiry,

promoted in 1892 by the deputies of Imbriani and Achille

Plebano, accused Lemmi of having illegally concluded a contract in his name, to

the detriment of the state treasury, since it was entered into three years

before the beginning of a bearish cycle of prices on the New York Stock

Exchange and against a security reduced from 20 to 5%. Francesco Crispi rejected the investigation and

prohibited the display of the documents, while the parliamentary documents had

now been disclosed in the Catholic and non-Catholic press. The tobacco

scandal and the Marseille trial seriously damaged the public image and moral

credibility of the Italian Masonic body, causing Lemmi to take action in a

program of speeches and rallies throughout Italy to recover the ground lost in

the masses.  The concessions were after many contrasts confirmed by the

Kingdom of Italy,  Shortly after the newly constituted Savoy

government, having revoked the convention, transferred the concession deed

to the Vittorio Emanuele Society (mainly

French capital) ; but the subsequent events then saw the intertwining

of initiatives of French bankers and finally of a company created by Count Bastogi who had founded the Italian

Society for the southern railway tracks . Adami and Lemmi

were cashiers of the Mazzinian Action Party to which Garibaldi had opened the

doors of the South. Strongly secular and anti-Catholic, Lemmi's statement remains

famous: "The disappearance of the temporal power of the popes is the most

memorable event in the world". Lemmi's permanence at the top of

Freemasonry coincides with the leadership of the Italian government by Francesco Crispi . Lemmi and Crispi were linked by

close friendship and commonality in domestic and international political

choices. Inside the masonry, after 1896, the year of the fall of his

friend Crispi, he was left only with the office of sovereign great commander

of the Scottish rite ,

which he kept until his death in 1906. His son Silvano (1857-1901) joined his

father in trade and was briefly deputy.