I have bought many bears from Donna Hinkleman in the past (renowned, award winning, artist teddy bear maker from the US). Please check out her website, unfortunately, no longer ships to the UK. I am convinced this bear is one she has made but he has managed to lose his tag (too much roaming in the woods at night - I did warn him). He measures a whopping 32" from the tips of his ears to the tips of his toes. Original black and dark topaz glass eyes. Black embroidered nose and mouth. Deep golden fur - last two pics are more accurate colour. Very long arms (18"). Leather paw pads with airbrushing detail (tiny amount of spotting on one pawpad). Loud working growler.

A really huge, heavy, chunky bear with a huge personality to match - a real treasure (but don't let him out at night - you will struggle to get him back in)!