You are bidding on one document from 1829 out Mühlhausen (Thuringia).

Signedby the educator and philologist Ernst August Wilhelm Gräfenhan (1794-1836), prorector at the Mühlhausen high school, as well as his Wife Charlotte Gräfenhan, née. True. -- The seal probably comes from the wife (initials CJG).

DatedMühlhausen, 2. October 1829.

Joint statement to the district and city court in Heiligenstadt that the Gräfenhan couple Resident Bernhard Rietmeier of Wingerode the sum of Borrow 400 thalers, who gives his house and eight acres of land as a mortgage as security.

Format: 33.4 x 19.3 cm.

Condition:sheet folded; Paper slightly stained, seal slightly damaged. Please also note the pictures!

Internal note: Küttner blue folder

About Ernst August Wilhelm Gräfenhan (Source: ADB):

Gräfenhan: Two brothers of this name, sons of the white baker Johann Valentin G. zu Gotha, made themselves known through their educational and philological activities. The older, Ernst August Wilhelm G., born 18. March 1794, attended the high school in his hometown, entered the University of Jena in October 1813 to study theology, but soon turned more to studying philology, which he continued from 1815 in Leipzig under G. Hermann's direction. After he returned to Gotha in 1816 and passed the theological examination there, he was employed as a teacher at the royal school in 1817. Pedagogy of the Francke Foundations in Halle. In 1821 he became sub-principal at the high school in Eisleben, 1826 Prorector at the high school in Mühlhausen, received the directorate of this institution and at the same time of the community school there in 1830 and died there on the 7th. July 1836. His literary work includes an edition of Aristotle's Poetics (Leipzig 1821), which is not very satisfactory from a critical point of view, and the supplementary volume containing the indices to Heyne's large edition of the Homeric Iliad (Vol. IX. Leipzig 1822), program treatises on Theognis (Mühlhausen 1827), on Plato's Crito and Sophocles' Antigone (ibid. 1828) and about Aristotle's poem in praise of Hermias (ibid. 1831), finally a translation of Racine's tragedies (3 vols., Gotha 1825–27) was published.

Gräfenhan: Two brothers of this name, sons of the white baker Johann Valentin G. zu Gotha, made themselves known through their educational and philological activities. The older, Ernst August Wilhelm G., born 18. March 1794, attended the high school in his hometown, entered the University of Jena in October 1813 to study theology, but soon turned more to studying philology, which he continued from 1815 in Leipzig under G. Hermann's direction. After he returned to Gotha in 1816 and passed the theological examination there, he was employed as a teacher at the royal school in 1817. Pedagogy of the Francke Foundations in Halle. In 1821 he became sub-principal at the high school in Eisleben, 1826 Prorector at the high school in Mühlhausen, received the directorate of this institution and at the