Note: Many of my clients are scholars and researchers seeking specific information related to their field of interest. For their convenience I include the following details directly from this book:

Historical Subject Matter Discussed/Illustrated in this Book (Partial Only, See Full Contents Below): Recent Travels Explorations Bible Lands Buried Cities Recovered Frank Dehaas Gilt Decoration Decorative Illustrated Antique Archaeology Archaeologist Ancient Ruins Bible Holy Land Middle East Egypt Egyptian Palestine Israel Moses Mosaic Hieroglyphics History Rosetta Stone Religion Alexandria Greek Philosophy Greece Pharos Christianity Cleopatra’s Needle Pompey Pillar Veiled Women Khedive Abyssinia Suez Canal Heliopolis Pyramids Ghizeh Cheops Sphinx Thebes Temple of Solomon Ramesium Rameses II Philae Idolatry Cataracts of the Nile Ethiopia Hebrews Exodus Red Sea Crossing Pharaoh's Army Well of Moses Petra Israel Solomon Canaan Jaffa Jews Wailing-place Zion Mount Moriah Romans Mosque of Omar Mohammedan Legends Golgotha Tombs of Christ Mount Calvary Church of the Holy Sepulcher Royal Sepulchre House of David Bethlehem Judea John the Baptist Pools of Solomon Tomb of Herod Hebron Philistines Caesarea Athlit Acre Accho Tyre Sidon Mount Carmel Elijah Baal Bethel Jerusalem Damascus Nazareth Jacob’s Well Sea of Galilee Capernaum Nimrod Damascus Syria Jericho Sodom and Gomorrah Mountains of Salt Lot’s Wife Masada Fortress Moab Mount Pisgah Mount Gilead Jephthah Bashan Bozrah Salcah Uz Suweideh Book of Job Argob Padanaram Assyria Assyrian Nineveh Cyprus Beelzebub Baalbec Cedars of Lebanon Ephesus Temple of Diana Athens Egypt Pharaohs Tower of Syene Tombs of the Kings Royal Mummies Mamelukes Jewish Prophets Nebuchednezzar Chaldean Persian Persia Grecian Roman Empire Mohammedism Mecca Tomb of the Prophet Battle of Armageddon Islam Pompeii Abraham Aaron's Tomb River Adonis Cave of Adullam Modern Alexandria Ali Diab Sheik of the Adwans American Consulate Jerusalem Apis or Sacred Bull Arabs Eating Arak el Emir Rock-hewn Palace Ecce Homo Arch Ruins of Askelon Assyrian Black Obelisk Assyrian Sculpture and Seals Assyrian Tablet of the Deluge Great Stone Baalbec Ruins of Temple Baalbec Head of Baal Banias Grotto and Source of the Jordan Bedouin Camp Image of Beelzebub Beersheba Bethlehem Church of the Nativity Bloody Way Ruins of Bozrah Natural Bridge Mt. Lebanon Robinson’s Bridge Calirrhoe Hot Springs Camels Ships of the Desert Camp Life in the Holy Land Capernaum and Sea of Galilee Castle of Subeibeh Mount Hermon Cave under Dome of the Rock Cedars of Lebanon Banias Cesarea Philippi Church of the Ascension Church of the Holy Sepulcher Ancient Jewish Coins Widow's Mite Colossal Statues Thebes Convent of St. Catharine Crucifixion View of Damascus Damascus Wall and East Gate Dead Sea from Engedi Donkey of Alexandria Down to Jericho Dromedary Riding Ancient Egyptian Boat Egyptian Brick Egyptian Funeral Egyptian Gate-way Egyptian Remains Island of Philae Egyptian Sculpture: Hebrews Making Brick Egyptian Temple Exterior Egyptian Temple Interior El Aksa Temple Inclosure El Kuzneh Petra Engedi and Cliff of Ziz Ruins of Ephesus Fish Pools of Heshbon Flight into Egypt Flint Knives from Tomb of Joshua Ford of the Jordan Fountain at Tomb of Dorcas Gadara Ruins Gate of Damascus Jerusalem Gate-way of the Sik Petra Gethsemane and Olivet Golden Gate Temple of Solomon Grapes of Palestine Great Sea under Temple Court Grecian Temple Hauran Grinding at the Mill Hadrian's Statue Head of Haggai's Seal Hebrew Inscriptions Hebron Hezekiah's Pool and Dome over the Tomb of Christ Hiram's Tomb Castle of Hyrcanus Inscribed Rocks: Wady Mukatteb Jacob's Well Neetmok statue Jaffa from the Sea Mahanaim Jerash Ruin of Jericho Jerusalem Plan of the City Jerusalem View from Olivet Jerusalem View from the Wall Polish Jew Jew's Wailing Place Job's Traditional Palace Kunawat Joseph's Tomb Temple of Karnak Kedron Valley Kirjath Jearim Emmaus Egyptian Lamps List Judgment Egyptian Plan of Levitical Cities Lotus of the Nile Ruins of Luxor Fortress of Machserus Maps of Palestine and Gulf of Suez Mars' Hill Athens Neetmok Masada Fortress and Synagogue Moabite Pottery and Images Moabite Stone Moabite Vase and Inscription Mosque of Omar Mountains East of Dead Sea Mount Carmel and Convent Mount Tabor Egyptian Mummy Case Nablous Ancient Shechem Nazareth Excavations at Nineveh Oak of Abraham Oak of Bashan Obelisk at Heliopolis Palm Trees Pompey's Pillar Pools of Solomon Pyramids Quarantania Mount of Temptation Rabbah Ammon Rachel's Tomb Ramesium Colossal Statue Beboboam Son and Successor of Solomon Robber's Retreat Rock-cut Tombs Jewish Rock-hewn Tombs Interior Ruins at Samaria Sealed Fountain Assyrian Seals Smitten Rock Sphinx Theban Sphinx Springs of Moses Mount Pisgah Stone Houses of the Hauran Stone Door Stork and Nest Suez Canal Table-ware Egyptian Temple of Isis Island of Philae Tomb of Bishop Kingsley Tomb of Christ Tomb of David with Diagram Tomb of Joseph Tomb of the Judges Tombs of the Kings Egypt Tyre Vaults under the Temple Platform Water-Wheel for Irrigation Well of Abraham Wells of Moses Wilderness of Judea Egyptian Winged Globe Winged Lion Nineveh Wooden Statue Memphis

BURIED CITIES RECOVERED, Or, Explorations in Bible Lands, Giving the Results of Recent Researches in the Orient, and Recovery of Many Places in Sacred and Profane History Long Considered Lost. Containing a Full Account of Egypt and the Egyptians, Rise and Fall of Empires in the Light of Prophecy, and Wonderful Confirmation of Revelation by Late Discoveries. By Frank S. DeHass, D.D. Published in 1890 by Bradley, Garretson, Philadelphia. 9” x 6” decorated cloth binding. Illustrated with numerous original engravings and maps. 525 pages.

Condition: FAIR ANTIQUE CONDITION. Ex-library, with remnants of library treatments. Exterior as shown in photo, some surface wear and soiling, bumping and rubbing at corners and spine ends. Front endpaper absent, inner hinge has tape repair. Binding a bit shaken. Text block holding well. Text is clean and complete. No torn, loose or missing pages.


This is a beautiful archaeological and historical survey of ancient ruins in Israel, Palestine, Egypt and other sites commonly associated with the Bible and the “Holy Land.” It is richly illustrated with more than 150 engravings.

Author Frank DeHaas was stationed in Jerusalem as part of the United States Consul in Palestine in the 1870s and had access to many archaeological digs and other activities in the region. It was an era of burgeoning Western interest in Egyptian antiquities and the ruins of other Middle Eastern locales, especially those connected with scenes described in the Bible.

DeHaas writes in the Preface:

These sketches were originally written for our own gratification, amid the vivid scenes where the events described occurred; and it is a remarkable fact that nearly all the places mentioned in the Bible where any great event transpired may still be identified by their old Hebrew names in the Arabic form—a most wonderful philological corroboration of the Biblical narrative.

Recent explorations in the East have resulted in the recovery of many places in sacred and profane history long regarded as lost; and as the facts brought out by these researches are not accessible to the general reader, the author has compiled them in this concise form, and at the request of numerous friends gives them to the public, not as a scientific work for the antiquarian, but as an humble contribution to Biblical archaeology for the home circle, believing that such a volume will add greatly to the elucidation of the Scriptures, and serve to correct some of the errors which many travellers have fallen into by a too hasty or superficial view of the places visited.

Palestine, the great centre of religious interest, though comparatively a small mountainous country, has, nevertheless, been the theatre of the most stirring and momentous events in the history of our world.

Learned divines, historians, and antiquarians for ages have been visiting this land, giving us glowing descriptions of their travels, with the results of their investigations, until our libraries teem with volumes on these subjects; and yet the desire to know more about this country was never greater than at present. No other land is so fruitful a theme for meditation or so hallowed in its associations; and what is remarkable, it never loses its interest. It can no more be exhausted than Deity himself.

The more we know about Palestine the more interest it awakens. The whole country seems to breathe an inspiration, and to the devout mind is fragrant with the most sacred memories.

The author's official position, together with his long residence in Jerusalem, and his connection with the American and English Palestine Exploration Societies, afforded him many facilities in his researches he otherwise could not have enjoyed; and under the conviction that the publication of these investigations will not only add to the knowledge but greatly strengthen the Christian's faith, he casts these fresh leaves upon the waters, with the sincere prayer that they may not return void, but tend to correct in some measure the perverse tendency of the age to doubt the credibility of the inspired volume.

Below I have furnished for you an extended summary of the Contents (more detailed than you would find in the Table of Contents itself), followed by a summary of the numerous engravings. Finally, further down the page you can see some photos of the book and its handsome illustrations.

I hope you’ll do me the honor of taking a moment to have a look.

Contents Are:


CHAPTER ONE ~ OUR INHERITANCE IN EGYPT: Relation of Egypt to Palestine * The Bible written on her Monuments * Oldest Civilized Portion of Our Globe * Egyptian Chronology * No Conflict with the Mosaic Account * The Hieroglyphics not reliable as Chronological Records * History Lost In Mystery * The "Rosetta Stone" * Religion of the Old Egyptians * Their Worship compared with that of the Hebrews

CHAPTER TWO ~ ANCIENT ALEXANDRIA – SEAT OF GREEK PHILOSOPHY AND CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY: Royal City of Alexander the Great * Ancient Splendor * The Pharos * Christianity early Planted here * Cleopatra's Needle * Pompey's Pillar * Modern City * Backsheesh * Oriental Scenes * Veiled Women * Dogs * Donkeys * Failure of the Khedive to conquer Abyssinia * Suez Canal probably first projected by Joseph.

CHAPTER THREE ~ HELIOPOLIS AND THE PYRAMIDS: The On of Scripture * Grand Temple of the Sun * Ancient Seat of Learning * Legend of the Phoenix * One solitary Obelisk all that remains * The Pyramids of Ghizeh * Their Origin Invested with Mystery * Probably Tombs for their Gods and Kings * Latest Speculations * Cheops identical with Joseph, the Hebrew * Piazzi Smyth's Theory * Colossal Sphinx * Interesting Legend * Reflections

CHAPTER FOUR ~ MEMPHIS, THE NOPH OF SCRIPTURE: Royal City of Osiris * Scene of the Miracles of Moses * Statue of Rameses II. * Necropolis of Egypt * Mummy Pits * Victims of Divine Vengeance * Fulfillment of Prophecy * Mausoleum of Apis * Grand Temple of Serapis * Tomb of Tih * Interesting Sculptures.

CHAPTER FIVE ~ THEBES, THE NO-AMON OF THE BIBLE: Hundred-gated Thebes * Without Wall or Gates * Land of the Winged GlobeGrind Temples of Kamak and Luxor * Similarity to the Temple of Solomon * Egyptian Idols * Historic Sculpture * Medeenet Haboo * The Ramesium * Colossal Statue of Rameses II * The Vocal Memnon * Tombs of the Kings

. CHAPTER SIX ~ ISLAND OF PHILAE ~ LAST SEAT OF IDOLATRY IN EGYPT: Assouan * Granite Quarries of Syene * Mode of moving large Stones * Cataracts of the Nile * Ancient Ethiopia * Island of Philae * Last Seat of Idolatry * Curious Sculptures * Aboo Simbel * Fulfillment of Prophecy

CHAPTER SEVEN ~ ISRAEL’S DEPARTURE FROM EGYPT – PASSAGE OF THE RED SEA: Deliverance of the Hebrews from Bondage * Traditional Crossing-place * Location of Rameses * Their probable Route * Topography of the Country * Significance of Names * Safe Passage of the Sea * Destruction of Pharaoh's Army * Well of Moses * Journey through the Wilderness * Petra.


CHAPTER ONE ~ THE PROMISED LAND: God's Covenant with the Patriarch' * Jacob's Name changed to Israel * Land of Israel under Solomon * Primitive Inhabitants of Canaan * Character of the Country * Present Condition of Palestine, Moral, Social, Political * Turkish Rule * Future Prospects.

CHAPTER TWO ~ FROM JAFFA TO JERUSALEM: Oldest Seaport in the World * Difficulty of landing * Oriental Life * Plain of Sharon * City of the Great King * First impressions * Jews' Wailing-place * Ruin and desolation * Interest awakened by the Holy Places.

CHAPTER THREE ~ A WALK ABOUT ZION: Stroll around the Holy City * Point* of Interest * Suggestive of Christ's Parables * Identity of the Holy Places * The Enduring Word * Result of Scientific Investigation

CHAPTER FOUR ~ MORIAH ~ THE MOUNTAIN OF THE LORD’S HOUSE: Scene of Abraham's offering * Threshing-floor of Araunah * Site of Solomon's Temple * Rock of Foundation * Destroyed by the Romans * Remains of the Noble Sanctuary * Mosque of Omar * Reflections * Mosque el Aksa * Mohammedan Legends.

CHAPTER FIVE ~ GOLGOTHA AND THE TOMB OF CHRIST: Mount Calvary * Traditional Tomb of Christ * Arguments In Favor * Church of the Holy Sepulcher * Constantino's Basilica * Adam's Grave * Late Discoveries.

CHAPTER SIX ~ ROYAL SEPULCHER OF THE HOUSE OF DAVID: Ancient Book-hewn Tombs * Old Jewish Tombs * Natives Use them as Dwellings * Tombs of the Patriarchs, Prophets, Kings * Sepulcher of David on Moans Ban * Tomb of Joshua * St. Stephen * Eudocia.

CHAPTER SEVEN ~ EASTER FESTIVITIES: Arrival of Pilgrims * Religious Fanaticism * Solemn Mockeries * Ceremony of feet-washing * Dramatizing the Crucifixion * Baptism of Fire * Other Shocking Scenes

CHAPTER EIGHT ~ BETHLEHEM, AND THE HILL COUNTRY OF JUDEA: Birthplace of Christ * Church of the Nativity * Oriental Khan * Christmas in Bethlehem * Armenian Convent * Midnight Service * Solemn Impressions * Grotto of St Jerome * Birthplace of John the Baptist * Wilderness of Judea * Locust and Wild Honey * Difference of Opinion

CHAPTER NINE ~ POOLS OF SOLOMON – CAVE OF ADULLAM – TOMB OF HEROD: Water supply of Jerusalem * Great Reservoirs * Ancient Aqueducts * Gardens of Solomon* Cave of Adullam * David and Saul * Teloa, the Home of Amos * Herodium, the Tomb of Herod

CHAPTER TEN ~ HEBRON – CAVE OF MACHPELAH – BEER-SHEBA: Ancient City of Arba * Plain of Mamre * Valley of Eshcol * Oak of Abraham * Cave of Machpelah * Tomb of the Patriarchs * Solemn Reflections * Beer-Sheba * Kadesh-Barnea * Merabah-Kadesh * The Smitten Rock

CHAPTER ELEVEN ~ THE LAND OF THE PHILISTINES: An Extinct Rae* Early Settlers Canaanites * Her Royal Cities * Site of Gath, Gaza, Akelon, Erkon, Ashdod * Fulfillment of Prophecy * Scene of Samson’s Exploits * Slaughter of the Philistines * Pulls Down the House of Dagon * Our Adventures in this Land:

CHAPTER TWELVE ~ SEA COAST OF PALESTINE: Plain of Sharon * Caesarea * Athlit * Grand Ruins * Haifa German Colony * Acre or Ancient Accho * Napoleon’s First Repulse * Pasha El Jezzar * Tyre and Sidon * Hiram’s Tomb * Interesting Discovery

CHAPTER THIRTEEN ~ MOUNT CARMEL – SCENE OF ELIJAH’S SACRIFICE: Convent of Mar Elyas * Cave of Elijah * Grotto of the Sons of the Prophets * Mukhrakah or Place of Sacrifice * View from the Mountain * Priests of Baal * The Lord, he is God

CHAPTER FOURTEEN ~ FROM JERUSALEM TO DAMASCUS: Tent Life * Gibeah of Benjamin * Bethel * Curious Legend * Shiloh * Jacob’s Well * Shechem * Nazareth * Sea of Galilee * Site of Capernaum * Waters of Merom * Dan * Caesarea Philippi * Crossing Hermon * Tomb of Nimrod * Damascus

CHAPTER FIFTEEN ~ DOWN TO JERICHO: The Inn by the Wayside * Going up the Adummim * Brook Cherith * Valley of Achor * Site of Gilgal * Passage of the Jordan * Place of Christ’s Baptism * Pilgrims Bathing * Ancient Jericho * Singular Tradition * Quarantania * Mount of Temptation * Bone Caverns

CHAPTER SIXTEEN ~ THE DEAD SEA: Lowest Sheet of Water on Our Globe * Mountains of Pure Salt * Lot’s Wife * Destruction of the Cities of the Plain * Site of Sodom and Gomorrah * Identity of Zoar * Singular Phenomenon * Nature’s Sanitarium

CHAPTER SEVENTEEN ~ FORTRESS OF MASADA AND CLIFF OF ZIZ: Last Stronghold of the Jews * Great Strength of the Fortress * Tragic end of the Garrison * The Silence of Death * Engedi * Cliff of Ziz * Rocks of the Wild Goats * Burning Bush * Stones of Witness


CHAPTER ONE ~ THE LAND OF MOAB: Beyond Jordan * Rich, unexplored Region * First settled by the Descendants of Lot * Conquered by Moses * Given to Reuben, Gad and Manasseh * Now overrun by the wild sons of Ishmael * Castle of Kerak * Fortress of Machaerus

CHAPTER TWO ~ HOT SPRINGS OF CALIRRHOE – THE MOABITE STONE: Zurka Main * Enchanting Valley * Numerous Hot Springs * Delicious Bathing * Strange Legend * Fishing in Wady Watch * Dibon, Ancient Capital of Moab * Discovery of the Mesha Stone * Oldest Alphabetic Inscription * A lost Chapter of the Bible Recovered

CHAPTER THREE ~ MOUNT PISGAH: Its identity established * Wady Musa * The Outpourings of Pisgah * High Places of Baal * King’s Highway * Moabite Images * Grand Outlook

CHAPTER FOUR ~ LAND OF GILEAD: Mount Gilead * Name applied to all Eastern Palestone * Home of Elijah * Jephthah * Ramoth-Gilead * Remarkable Ruins* Arak El Amir * Jerash * Pella * Gadara * Balm of Gilead

CHAPTER FIVE ~ STONE CITIES OF BASHAN: Giant tribes of Men * Land of the Giants * Present Population * Patriarchal Character * Deserted Cities * Adraha * Bozrah * Salcah

CHAPTER SIX ~ THE LAND OF UZ: Suweideh * Ancient Tombs * The Kenath of the Bible * Interesting Monuments * Strong Towers * Serai of Job * Land of Uz * Probable Scene of Job’s Fiery Trial * Book of Job

CHAPTER SEVEN ~ ARGOB AND PADAN-ARAM: Tribal Wars * The Lejah * A sea of congealed iron * Part of Ancient Argob * Druses * Their History and Religion * Edrei, the Ancient Capital of Bashan * Taken by Moses * Mirage * Padan-Aram * Haran, near Damascus * Laban the Syrian

CHAPTER EIGHT ~ LATEST DISCOVERIES IN ASSYRIA AND PALESTINE: Recovery of Long Lost Nineveh * Wonderful Remains of an Extinct Nation * Assyrian Records of the Creation * Cesnola’s Explorations in Cyprus * Moabite Pottery * Suburbs of the Levitical Cities * Golden Candlestick * Image of Beelzebub * House of Simon the Tanner * Hadrian’s Head

CHAPTER NINE ~ HOMEWARD BOUND: Impressions on Leaving Jerusalem * Old City of Damascus * Turkish Bath * Great Mosque * Baalbec by Moonlight * Cedars of Lebanon * Ruins of Ephesus * Temple of Diana * Classic Athens * Vestiges of Ancient Greece * Home Again


CHAPTER ONE ~ EGYPT AND THE EGYPTIANS: Land of the Pharaohs * Tower of Syene * Oldest Civilized Portion of the Globe * Battlefield of the World * Grand Monuments * Tombs of the Kings * Wonderful Discoveries at Dayr el Bahree * Royal Mummies * Doherty’s Description * Pyramids at Sakara * Cleopatra’s Needle * Prophecy Fulfilled * Mahommed Ali * Slaughter of the Mamelukes * Joseph’s Well * Ishmaelites * Arabi Bey * Late Conflict * Future of Egypt

CHAPTER TWO ~ RISE AND FALL OF EMPIRES IN THE LIGHT OF PROPHECY: Foretelling Future Events * The Jewish Prophets * History, Prophecy Fulfilled * Nebuchednezzar’s Dream * Rise and Fall of the Chaldean, Persian, Grecian and Roman Empires * A Little Stone breaks them to Pieces * Symbol of Christ’s Kingdom * Daniel’s Vision of the Four Beasts * The Little Horn of Mohammedism * Makes War against the Saints * Pilgrimages to Mecca * Tomb of the Prophet * Conflict between the Crescent and Cross * The Prophet’s Flag * To Prevail 1, 260 Prophetic Days * Great Battle of Armageddon * Overthrow of Islamism * The Little Stone becomes a Mountain and fills the earth with the Glory of God

CHAPTER THREE ~ CONCLUSION – MULTUM IN PARVO: Authenticity of Scripture * Egyptian Sculpture * Colossal Sphinx * Southern Cross * Pyramids of Ghizeh * Sinaitic Inscription * Wilderness of Wandering * Ash Beds of the Israelites’ Campfires * Overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah * Lot’s Wife * Confirmation of the Book of Daniel * Explorations in Assyria * Lion’s Den and Fiery Furnace * Ur of the Chaldees * House of Abraham * Temple of the Moon * Ancient Graves * Tower of Babel * Writing 4000 Years Old * Late Discoveries at Pompeii, Mycenae and Troy * Deluge Records * Discovery of Sippara, Oldest City in the World

Illustrations Include:

Aaron's Tomb * River Adonis * Cave of Adullam * Modern Alexandria * Ali Diab, Sheik of the Adwans * American Consulate, Jerusalem * Apis, or Sacred Bull * Arabs Eating * Arak el Emir, Rock-hewn Palace * Ecce Homo Arch * Ruins of Askelon * Assyrian Black Obelisk * Assyrian Sculpture and Seals * Assyrian Tablet of the Deluge * Great Stone Baalbec * Ruins of Temple, Baalbec * Head of Baal * Banias, Grotto and Source of the Jordan * Bedouin Camp * Image of Beelzebub * Beersheba * Bethlehem, Church of the Nativity * Bloody Way * Ruins of Bozrah * Natural Bridge, Mt. Lebanon * Robinson’s Bridge * Calirrhoe, Hot Springs * Camels, Ships of the Desert * Camp Life in the Holy Land * Capernaum and Sea of Galilee * Castle of Subeibeh, Mount Hermon * Cave under Dome of the Rock * Cedars of Lebanon * Banias Cesarea Philippi * Church of the Ascension * Church of the Holy Sepulcher * Ancient Jewis Coins, Widow's Mite * Colossal Statues, Thebes * Convent of St. Catharine * Crucifixion * View of Damascus * Damascus, Wall and East Gate * Dead Sea, from Engedi * Donkey of Alexandria * Down to Jericho * Dromedary Riding * Ancient Egyptian Boat * Egyptian Brick * Egyptian Funeral * Egyptian Gate-way * Egyptian Remains, Island of Philae * Egyptian Sculpture: Hebrews Making Brick * Egyptian Temple, Exterior * Egyptian Temple, Interior * El Aksa, Temple Inclosure * El Kuzneh, Petra * Engedi and Cliff of Ziz * Ruins of Ephesus * Fish Pools of Heshbon * Flight into Egypt * Flint Knives, from Tomb of Joshua * Ford of the Jordan * Fountain at Tomb of Dorcas * Gadara, Ruins * Gate of Damascus, Jerusalem * Gate-way of the Sik, Petra * Gethsemane and Olivet * Golden Gate, Temple of Solomon * Grapes of Palestine * Great Sea under Temple Court * Grecian Temple, Hauran * Grinding at the Mill * Hadrian's Statue, Head of * Haggai's Seal * Hebrew Inscriptions * Hebron * Hezekiah's Pool and Dome over the Tomb of Christ * Hiram's Tomb * Castle of Hyrcanus * Inscribed Rocks: Wady Mukatteb * Jacob's Well * Neetmok statue * Jaffa, from the Sea * Mahanaim Jerash * Ruin of Jericho * Jerusalem, Plan of the City * Jerusalem, View from Olivet * Jerusalem, View from the Wall * Polish Jew * Jew's Wailing Place * Job's Traditional Palace, Kunawat * Joseph's Tomb * Temple of Karnak * Kedron Valley * Kirjath Jearim, Emmaus * Egyptian Lamps * List Judgment, Egyptian * Plan of Levitical Cities * Lotus of the Nile * Ruins of Luxor * Fortress of Machserus * Maps of Palestine and Gulf of Suez * Mars' Hill, Athens * Masada, Fortress and Synagogue * Moabite Pottery and Images * Moabite Stone * Moabite Vase and Inscription * Mosque of Omar * Mountains East of Dead Sea * Mount Carmel and Convent * Mount Tabor * Egyptian Mummy Case * Nablous, Ancient Shechem * Nazareth * Excavations at Nineveh * Oak of Abraham * Oak of Bashan * Obelisk at Heliopolis * Palm Trees * Pompey's Pillar * Pools of Solomon * Pyramids * Quarantania, Mount of Temptation * Rabbah Ammon * Rachel's Tomb * Ramesium, Colossal Statue * Beboboam, Son and Successor of Solomon * Robber's Retreat * Rock-cut Tombs, Jewish * Rock-hewn Tombs, Interior * Ruins at Samaria * Sealed Fountain * Assyrian Seals * Smitten Rock * Sphinx * Theban Sphinx * Springs of Moses, Mount Pisgah * Stone Houses of the Hauran, Stone Door * Stork and Nest * Suez Canal * Table-ware, Egyptian * Temple of Isis, Island of Philae * Tomb of Bishop Kingsley * Tomb of Christ * Tomb of David, with Diagram * Tomb of Joseph * Tomb of the Judges * Tombs of the Kings, Egypt * Tyre * Vaults under the Temple Platform * Water-Wheel for Irrigation * Well of Abraham * Wells of Moses * Wilderness of Judea * Egyptian Winged Globe * Winged Lion, Nineveh * Wooden Statue, found at Memphis

(Note: Some of the photos below are from one of my previous sales of this title on eBay. I use them as a time-saver, since the same illustrations are featured in the book currently at auction. There may be slight variations in foxing/toning, etc.)

Remember folks, this is an 1883 original. This book is 141 years old.


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