1954-P Washington Quarter #3

I have been buying and selling on Ebay for 21 years with great feedback. I was hospitalized with acute respitory failure that nearly killed me but I was blessed to receive a double lung transplant. I had put my Ebay store on hold for 30 days but was in ICU and in early recovery when my 30 days was up. This allowed 11 sales to go through but I was 270 miles away from my coins. I contacted each buyer about what happened and they were all very understanding for why i had to cancel their transactions. When I canceled those sales, I was given 3 reasons in drop down menu for 1. Seller requested to cancel

2. Item is unavailable, Lost or damaged

3. Buyers address is incorrect

I chose number 2 as it was the most accurate response not knowing that would affect my seller rating. After weeks of appeals, they will not restore my account standing for a year or about 600 transactions where they are taking 50% more in fees. I tell you this because I'm not a new seller and I don't think I did anything wrong. Please let me know if you have questions. I always accept returns within 30 days and my goal is 100% satisfaction. So no matter what, I will always make things right.