Citracal Maximum Plus blends 630 mg of calcium citrate with 500 IU of vitamin D3, fortifying bones.* With these sugar-free coated caplets, integrating calcium and vitamin D into your osteoporosis prevention plan is effortless. Dietary sources alone might not provide sufficient calcium, making Citracal Maximum a valuable addition. Its unique formulation is gentle on the stomach, easily absorbed, and complemented by vitamin D3, enhancing calcium absorption. Suitable for adults aged 19 and above, this supplement can be taken with or without food. Incorporate Citracal Maximum Plus into your daily routine alongside diet and exercise to bolster bone health. Please note, this product has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. However, ensuring adequate calcium and vitamin D intake, as part of a balanced diet, may help mitigate osteoporosis risk over time.