You are bidding on one French letter, dated Paris, 38 Rue de la ville l'Évêque, den 31. December 1860.

resided at this address the Nicaraguan ambassador Don José de Marcoleta and de Casaus (1802-1881); see. Almanach de la cour 1860, p. 87 (list of ambassadors): "Nicaragua, rue de la ville l'Évêque 38, M. de Marcoleta, envoyé extraordinaire." He held this office from 1847 to 1868.

Signed Julie (?) de Marcoleta (certainly a relative, possibly. 2. Wife?); Reading of the first name uncertain (but it is probably not the ambassador himself).

Addressed to a "chere madame".

Scope:3 of 4 pages described (17.7 x 11.3 cm).

Written on beautiful writing paper (watermarked "Joynson 1859").

Condition:paper compressed / folded crookedly; otherwise very good. Please also note the pictures!

At the same time, I offer other French autographs!

About Don José de Marcoleta and de Casaus (Source: span. wikipedia; German google translate and Spanish original):

Don José de Marcoleta and de Casaus was born on the 25th. Born March 1802 in Madrid, the son of Don Pedro José de Marcoleta and de la Torre and Doña María del Rosario de Casaus and de Garrido. On the 17th In November 1833 he married Doña Adelaida Manuela Gustava de la Cuadra y de Martínez de Aragón. There was no successor from this marriage. He was born on the 24th. He was naturalized in Nicaragua in March 1846 by President José León Sandoval.

Beginning of his career: In 1820, he began special courses at the Royal College of the Pious Schools of San Fernando and then at the Royal Academy of Cadets of His Majesty's Royal Guard of His Majesty's Corps, in preparation for his entry into the diplomatic career. These courses covered the French language, rhetoric, politics, grammar, Latin, geography, mathematics, military drawing, astronomy, physics, law, zoology and political economy.

At the age of 26, on the 7th January 1827, he was appointed attaché to the Spanish legation in St. Petersburg, Russia. King Ferdinand VII Spain authorizes him, on the 15th. October 1827 to return to Spain. Coming on the 30th December of the same year in Madrid. King Don Fernando declares an all-out attack on January 1st. April 1832. After ten years of persistent calls to resume diplomatic careers, it is not achieving its purpose.

Nicaraguan diplomat in Europe: Britain's claims on the east coast of Nicaragua prompt the Nicaraguan government to send an extraordinary delegation to London to speak directly with the English government about recognizing and respecting Nicaraguan sovereignty. The Supreme Director of State, Manuel Pérez, appointed Francisco Castellón Sanabria as Minister Plenipotentiary from Nicaragua to France and England and Dr. Máximo Jerez Tellería as secretary. This is believed to have been the first Nicaraguan diplomatic delegation sent to Europe.

During his stay in Europe, Francisco Castellón met José de Marcoleta and, upon his return to Nicaragua, proposed to the government his appointment as Chargé d'Affaires of Nicaragua in France, England, Belgium and the Netherlands.

Marcoleta, for her personal friendship with Napoleon III. , Greatly supported in Nicaragua. For his positive efforts he gains the gratitude and admiration of Nicaragua, and the head of state José León Sandoval extends the "Carta de Naturaleza" or Nicaraguan citizenship by decree of December 24. March 1846.

On 20. In April 1846, José de Marcoleta signed a treaty with Prince Luis Napoleón Bonaparte to build a navigation canal through Nicaragua. The following year he is a business partner of Nicaragua in the courts of Belgium, the Netherlands, Sardinia, the Holy See and the French Republic.

Conflict between Nicaragua and Great Britain: On January 1st In January 1848, Britain made a military landing at San Juan de Nicaragua (later called San Juan del Norte) and seized San Carlos and threatened Granada. On the 7th A preliminary treaty is signed in March 1848, and a final treaty is subsequently signed in London. Marcoleta is appointed Chargé d'Affaires of Nicaragua to negotiate the final settlement of the issue of ownership and possession of the Mosquito Coast and the port of San Juan de Nicaragua, where Britain intends to legitimize ownership over this territory, which Nicaragua claims as part of its sovereignty.

On the 9th On July 25, 1850, he was appointed Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Nicaragua to Spain and signed on July 25. of the same month the "Treaty of Peace and Recognition" in which he recognized Spain as a free, sovereign and independent country as Nicaragua, with Allen the territories that belong to him from sea to sea or what belongs to him thereafter. In this way, Spain recognizes that the territory of the Mosquitia is Nicaragua.

Conflicts over the Interoceanic Channel: On 27. August 1849, the first pipeline contract is signed between the government of Nicaragua and the American Atlantic and Pacific Ship Company, represented by David L. White, representative of Cornelius Vanderbilt, and the opening of the route of transit. In this way, American interests and presence in Nicaragua become clearer.

On the 30th On April 1, 1852, the Webster-Crampton proposals were signed in Washington between the United States and Great Britain, in which he was freed from the Atlantic coast without the intervention of the representative of Nicaragua and established the line The Nicaragua-Costa Rica divide would be along the entire river San Juan, which extends over the coastal edge of the Great Lake and loses Nicaragua on the southern shore of the Great Lake. Marcoleta goes to the State Department and, using her handwriting, copies the core text of the proposals and gives a copy to a friend of the senator (political opponent of President Fillmore). The matter is reported in the New York newspapers. They accuse proposals of contradicting the Monroe Doctrine. The lawsuit triggers a political scandal that results in the downfall of Foreign Minister Daniel Webster, who died shortly afterwards.

Resignation as ambassador to the USA: Because of the political significance of the denunciations in the American press, the new foreign minister in: Edward Evertt declared Marcoleta unpleasant and informed him that no further communication from him as envoy from Nicaragua would be received in the future. The United States Prosecution in Nicaragua, in: John Bozman Kerr, calls on the government to withdraw José de Marcoleta and refuses to give in to Nicaragua's request to be informed of the charges that had led them to take such action. He insists its immediate removal. So José de Marcoleta arrives on January 1st. September 1853 in Nicaragua, where he was received with great appreciation. Meanwhile, a new minister plenipotentiary arrives in Nicaragua from the United States of America: Solon Borland . In his first interview with the new head of state, General Fruto Chamorro, he asks Don José to be readmitted to the United States as Minister for Nicaragua. The request is answered and José de Marcoleta returns to Washington and lays claim on the 17th. November 1853 presented his certification.

In February 1854, he requested an investigation into the Transit Company's "Northern Light" ship because it was suspected of carrying arms, ammunition, and people to Nicaragua and whose goal was to break the country's laws. In May 1854, he protested against the project of some Americans to establish a colony on the Mosquito Coast under the name "Central American Land and Mining Company", founded by Kinney and Fabens. He also points out that he has ample evidence that they intend to conquer Central America and impose prison sentences on Kinney, Fabens and others. Although they evade justice through bail; It is possible to prevent the escape of the vapors that led to the adventurers. The Government of Nicaragua congratulates Don José de Marcoleta for the energy used to destroy the filibuster plans, which will intensify with the arrival of William Walker to Nicaragua the following year.

On 20. In July he protests to the Foreign Minister against the destruction and fire of San Juan del Norte by the American cruise ship "Cyanie" of the Transit Company.

In 1855, filibuster expeditions were organized across the United States to swell William Walker's ranks. José de Marcoleta worked hard to prevent these expeditions, demonstrating his diplomatic skills before the government, protesting strongly against the violation of international law, working for the cause of Nicaragua in high circles and reporting the crime committed in the press to denounce "Against a weak and helpless people." Eventually Walker would be defeated and expelled from Nicaragua.

Final Responsibilities: In April 1857, Mr. José was appointed Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Spain and made arrangements for that country to intervene consensually to ensure the security, integrity and independence of Nicaragua and all Central America.

In December 1859 he received the appointment of Commander of the Legion of Honor from Emperor Napoleon III.

In 1868 he was appointed Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to France, and in 1875 he received the appointment of Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Holy See, with whom he began discussions for the signing of a concordat.

He died on March 31 while in Paris. May 1881 in his house.

Don José de Marcoleta y de Casaus, born in Madrid on the 25th of March 1802, hijo de Don Pedro José de Marcoleta y de la Torre, and Doña María del Rosario de Casaus y de Garrido. The 17th of November 1833 was married to Dona Adelaida Manuela Gustava de la Cuadra and Martínez de Aragon. This marriage is not a succession. Naturalized in Nicaragua on March 24, 1846, by the president José León Sandoval.

Initio de su carrera: En 1820, inició cursos especiales en el Real Colegio de las Escuelas Pías de San Fernando y luego en la Real Academia de Cadetes de las Reales Guardias de Corps de Su Majestad para parar su ingreso en la carrera diplomamática. Dichos cursos versaron sobre lengua francesa, retórica, política, gramática, latín, geografía, matemáticas, dibujo militaría, astronomía, física, leyes, zoología y economía política.

At 26 years old, on the 7th day of 1827, it became the Agregado of the Legación de España in San Petersburgo, Russia. Aquejado gravemente de unas febres "biliosas" el Rey Fernando VII de España le authoriza regresar a España el 15 de October de 1827. The year in Madrid is 30 years old. The king Don Fernando declared himself a member of the 1st of April 1832. Después de diez años de solicitar insistentemente volver a ingresar en la carrera diplomamática no consigue su propósito.

Diplomático de Nicaragua en Europa: Las pretensiones de Gran Bretaña sobre la Costa Oriental de Nicaragua mueven al gobierno de Nicaragua a enviar una delegación extraordinaria a Londres para conversar directamente with el gobierno Inglés sobre el reconocimiento y respeto de la soberanía Nicaragüense. El Director Supremo del Estado, Manuel Pérez, named after this finnal license Francisco Castellón Sanabria, as Ministro Plenipotenciario de Nicaragua ante Francia e Inglaterra, and as doctor Máximo Jerez Tellería as Secretario. We consider this to be the primary delegation of diplomats from Nicaragua to Europe.

Durante su permanencia en Europa, Francisco Castellón conoce a José de Marcoleta, ya su regreso a Nicaragua propone al gobierno su nombramiento como Encargado de Negocios de Nicaragua en Francia, Inglaterra, Bélgica y Holanda.

Marcoleta, for his personal friendship with Napoleón III, logra gran apoyo para Nicaragua. For his positive gestures, the gratitud and admiración de Nicaragua, and the Jefe de Estado, José León Sandoval, the extiende "Carta de Naturaleza" or Ciudadanía Nicaragüense mediante decree of 24 de March de 1846.

On April 20, 1846, José de Marcoleta was commissioned by Prince Luis Napoleón Bonaparte to build a canal for navigation in Nicaragua. Al año siguiente, it Encargado de Negocios de Nicaragua ante las Cortes de Bélgica, Países Bajos, Cerdeña, Santa Sede y de la República Francesa.

Diferendo between Nicaragua and Gran Bretaña: El 1 de enero de 1848, Gran Bretaña realized a military desembarco in San Juan de Nicaragua, (posteriormente llamada San Juan del Norte) and se apodera de San Carlos, amenazando Granada. The firm was commissioned on March 7th, 1848 and subsequently entered the firm definitively in Londres, designed by Marcolet as Encargado de Negocios de Nicaragua para negociar el arreglo definitivo de la cuestión sobre la propiedad y posesión de la Costa de Mosquitos y puerto de San Juan de Nicaragua, donde Gran Bretaña pretende legitimar positionsión sobre esa zona, que Nicaragua reclama como parte de su soberanía.

On July 9, 1850, he was appointed Extraordinary and Ministro Plenipotenciario de Nicaragua in Spain and the company of the "Tratado de Paz y Reconocimiento" on the 25th of this year, he was recognized as Spanish in Nicaragua as a libre, sovereign and independent, with all territories que le pertenecen de mar a mar o lo que en lo sucesivo le pertenezcan. In this form Spain reconoce que the territory of the Mosquito is Nicaragüense.

Conflictos por el Canal Interoceánico: The 27th of August 1849, it was the first contract between the canalization between the government of Nicaragua and the American Atlantic and Pacific Ship Company, represented by David L. White, represented by Cornelius Vanderbilt, y de la apertura de la Route del Transito. This model has more obvious interests and the presence of Norteamericana in Nicaragua.

On April 30, 1852, the company was in Washington between the United States and the Gran Breta, the proposals of Webster-Crampton, in the countries that intervened as the representative of Nicaragua, the despojaba of the Costa Atlantic and the line Divisoria between Nicaragua and Costa Rica sería a lo largo de todo el río San Juan, prolongándose sobre el borde costero del Gran Lago, perdiendo Nicaragua la costa sur del Gran Lago. Marcoleta va al Department de Estado y copia con su puño y letra la parte medular de texto de las proposiciones y da copia a un senator amigo (adversario politico del presidente Fillmore). El asunto se denuncia en los diarios de New York, acusando a las propuestas de contradecir la Doctrina Monroe. The denunciation of an escándalo politico que provoca the caída del Secretario de Estado Daniel Webster, quien murió poco después.

Retiro como embajador en Estados Unidos: A causa de la trascendencia politica que tuvieron las denuncias en la prensa norteamericana, the new Secretario de Estado en:Edward Evertt declared non-grato to Marcoleta, al comunicarle que ninguna comunicación suya, como enviado de Nicaragua, Sería recibida en el futuro. El Encargado de Negocios de los Estados Unidos en Nicaragua, en:John Bozman Kerr solicita al gobierno que retire a José de Marcoleta y rehusaba ceder a la petition de Nicaragua para que le informase sobre los cargos que les habían llevado a tomar tal medida e insist on immediate removal. In this modo, the 1st September of 1853, José de Marcoleta llega in Nicaragua donated it recibido with grandes muestras de aprecio. Mientras tanto llega a Nicaragua un new Ministro Plenipotenciario de los Estados Unidos de América, en:Solon Borland . In the first year of entrevista with the new Jefe de Estado, General Fruto Chamorro, it was the solicita that Don José sea accepted new como Ministro de Nicaragua en los Estados Unidos; The request was made by José de Marcoleta, who returned to Washington and presented his credit cards on November 17, 1853.

In February of 1854, an investigation into the barge "Northern Light" by the Company of the Transit was carried out, including weapons, weapons and gente from Nicaragua and the object was discovered by the eyes of the land. In May of 1854, there was a protest against the project of all the established colonies on the Costa de Mosquitos, based on the name of the “Central American Land and Mining Company”, funded by Kinney and Fabens. También señala que tiene manyas pruebas de que pretenden apoderarse de Centroamérica y logra que se dicte auto de prisión contra Kinney, Fabens y other personas. Aunque evaden the justice mediante una fianza; This logra impedir the salida de los vapores que conducían a los aventureros. The Gobierno de Nicaragua felt to Don José de Marcoleta por la energía desplegada to destroy the planes filibusteros that involved an intensificarse with the lightada, the other day, de William Walker in Nicaragua.

The 20th of July protested at the Secretariat of State, for the destruction and incense of San Juan del Norte, lasting the days 12 and 13 of July, by part of the American Crucero "Cyanie" from the Compañía del Tránsito.

In 1855, in the Unified States, they organized expediciones de filibusteros, para engrosar las filas de William Walker. José de Marcoleta worked afanosamente por impedir esas expediciones, desplegando su habilidad diplomamática ante el Gobierno, protestando enérgicamente contra la violación del derecho internacional, trabajando en los altos círculos en pro de la causa de Nicaragua y denunciando en la pressen el crimen que se est aba cometiendo “contra un pueblo débil e indefenso”. Finalmente Walker series of rotation and expulsion from Nicaragua.

Latest asignaciones. In April of 1857, José was appointed Extraordinary and Ministro Plenipotenciario in Spain, and managed to ensure that he was able to ensure security, integrity and independence from Nicaragua and the Centroamerican Republic.

In diciembre de 1859, recibe de parte del Emperador Napoleón III, el nombramiento de Comendador de la Legion de Honor.

In 1868, it was named Extraordinary and Ministro Plenipotenciario in Francia and in 1875 it received the name of Enviado Extraordinario and Plenipotenciario ante la Santa Sede, with the beginning of conversations for the company of a concordato.

Encontrándose en Paris, falleció el 31 de Mayo de 1881, en su domicilio.

Retiro como embajador en Estados Unidos: A causa de la trascendencia politica que tuvieron las denuncias en la prensa norteamericana, the new Secretario de Estado en:Edward Evertt declared non-grato to Marcoleta, al comunicarle que ninguna comunicación suya, como enviado de Nicaragua, Sería recibida en el futuro. El Encargado de Negocios de los Estados Unidos en Nicaragua, en:John Bozman Kerr solicita al gobierno que retire a José de Marcoleta y rehusaba ceder a la petition de Nicaragua para que le informase sobre los cargos que les habían llevado a tomar tal medida e insist on immediate removal. In this modo, the 1st September of 1853, José de Marcoleta llega in Nicaragua donated it recibido with grandes muestras de aprecio. Mientras tanto llega a Nicaragua un new Ministro Plenipotenciari