Vintage MyoElectric Prosthetic RIGHT Hand — Fidelity Electronics. 

Made for the Veterans Administration by Fidelity Electronics.  Fidelity Electronics distributed the proportional below-elbow system originally developed at Northwestern University.  This is sometime referred to as the “VANU” hand.  In this version a mild myo- electric  impulse causes a slow, gentle movement of the hand, while a strong impulse creates a rapid, powerful movement of the hand.  Many authorities feel this is the most physiologically natural control, and offers the greatest degree of pretension control as well.  Several things are unique about this product:

1:  A 12 volt system 

2:  All the electronics are located in a “wrist module”. Including the battery.  This hand has been in storage since the early 1980’s at the Washington VA hospital.  

The hands that we disassembled and tested were all functional with the exception of the NiCad batteries which were all dead and no myo-electric sensors were available.  The motor and grasping force of the hand was substantial and responsive when voltage applied.