I purchased this Combined Volume from W H Smith almost 60 years ago in 1962.

Like most boys of the time I had been a serious train spotter, but like most 13 year old boys of the time discovered pop music and girls and the excitement of trains disappeared!

The book was put into a box with all my other Ian Allen books and forgotten, although the box has remained with me in various locations over the last 60 years.

I have recently downsized and am in the process of selling items I can no longer easily store.

As can be be seen from the photos it is unmarked, and very tight, retaining the feel of a new book. 

The photos were taken without forcing the pages wide open.

It has always been stored in pet free, smoke free locations and not subjected to the harmful effects of the sun.

My photographic skills are quite limited, but if anyone would like more photos I would be happy to provide them.