This antique veterinary medicine is a rare find for collectors and enthusiasts alike. Manufactured in the Late eighteen hundreds or  early 1900s by Fleming Bros, this medicine is a perfect representation of the art of veterinary medicine during that time. The California Prop 65 Warning does not appl

The medicine comes in a unique bottle with a label that reads "Flemming's Antique Veterinary Medicine". It is a great addition to any antique collection and can be displayed in a variety of settings. The Time Period Manufactured is Pre-1930, making it a valuable piece of history. Don't miss out on the opportunity to own a piece of veterinary medicine history.#### Excuse the a I description Can't Get it to edit. Colic mixture is what this is and it contains chlorofor  this is a chloroform bottle  they would put it on a rag and hold it up to a horse or cattle to relieve colic. Great gift to the students who want to become a veterinarian.