Nexo PS10 Controler. comes with terminal block inputs so you can wire as needed without ordering another connector 

2 units available at time of listing. each unit will do 2 channels + a sub 

The PS10 TDController is an advanced analogue processor that allows the PS10 Loudspeaker and optional LS500 Subwoofer to achieve exceptional performance from such compact packages. The PS10 TD provides crossover, sensed amplifier control and system equalisation optimised for the PS10 and LS500. One PS10 TD has two inputs and three outputs, L, R and summed sub out, minimising installation cost and complexity. Like all Nexo processors, the PS10 TD provides precision dynamic, voice coil temperature and diaphragm displacement protection through the use of selective Voltage Controlled Equalisers (VCEQs), reducing levels only at frequencies when and where necessary.