Healing Aspen Bark ( Populus Tremula ) , Natural, Organic,  Made in Ukraine
Medical herbs Aspen Bark 

ORGANIC from Carpathian mountains, ECO 100% 

Botanical name:  Populus tremula 
Common Names: European aspen, European poplar, Ratelpopulier, Populier Tremblay, Spey, Zieter-Pappel, Chopot temblon, Kora Osiny, Kora Osyki.

Aspen Bark (Populus Tremula) is a natural antiseptic that has a lot of useful properties. The correct systematic use of products based on its bark will strengthen the body and reduce the level of fatigue. Especially useful remedy during the spread of colds and flu.


  • Healing properties of aspen bark in diabetes mellitus. In this disease, aspen is useful for many enzymes. It normalizes metabolism and blood sugar levels, stimulates the pancreas and endocrine system. Indicated in type 2 diabetes, with insufficient insulin production.
  • Treatment of opisthorchiasis with aspen bark. This effective herbal remedy for parasites was well known to our ancestors. Aspen, unlike synthetic anthelmintic agents, is not as toxic to the liver, causes fewer side effects and well cleanses the body of toxins and waste products of helminths. However, not all parasitologists recognize the effectiveness of this drug in infection with trematodes (opisthorchiasis) and giardia (giardiasis).
  • Treatment with aspen bark of the kidneys and bladder. The drug acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. Her decoctions are prescribed to improve urination, with nephritis, cystitis, urethritis.
  • The benefits and harms of aspen bark in diseases of the respiratory system. Since ancient times, the plant has been considered a strong antitussive, that is, it reduces the excitability of the cough center. This herbal preparation can only be prescribed by a doctor! Cough medicines can be dangerous (especially for children) and lead to complications. After all, for example, with SARS, influenza or bronchitis, it is important not to eliminate, not to suppress cough, but to increase its effectiveness, to make it productive. It would be advisable to use this plant for an obsessive, irritating cough (pulmonary tuberculosis, pleurisy, whooping cough, bronchial asthma).
  • Diseases of the joints and muscles. Recommended for arthrosis, rheumatic, gouty pains, sciatica. The remedy relieves inflammation, swelling and pain in the joints and muscles, improves blood flow, and prevents the deposition of salts. It is also useful to take therapeutic baths for these diagnoses. Also, this medicine is prescribed for neuralgia and infringement of the sciatic nerve (sciatica).
  • The digestive system. Accepted for diseases of the liver, spleen, biliary tract, stomach and intestines. Drink with gastrointestinal infections (including dysentery), digestive disorders, inflammation of hemorrhoids, to normalize appetite and secretion.
  • For men. The drug is prescribed for violations of the genitourinary system. Most often they drink aspen bark for prostatitis, adenoma and to stimulate potency.
  • For women. There is no wide recognition and use of this medicine in gynecology. Folk sources indicate that the herb helps with inflammation of the ovaries and heavy periods. Many women take a weight loss drug as a dietary supplement. In any case, this folk medicine has recently been positioned this way. Indeed, this tool speeds up metabolic processes, removes excess fluid from the body and can contribute to weight loss.
  • Outdoor application. Decoctions, infusions and tinctures are also used externally. They are prescribed for sore throat, stomatitis, gingivitis, toothache. The tool heals the mucous membrane well after tooth extraction. Compresses and lotions can be made for burns, wounds, boils, trophic ulcers, lichen, eczema and other skin lesions.

Pharmacological effect:

Healing properties of aspen bark:

  • anthelmintic;
  • antirheumatic;
  • diaphoretic;
  • antitussive;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • secretory;
  • antidiarrheal;
  • antimicrobial;
  • appetizing
  • antipyretic;
  • antioxidant;
  • restorative.
  • painkiller.

Useful properties of aspen bark are explained by the unique chemical composition:

  • glycosides (in particular, salicin, populin);
  • carbohydrates;
  • fatty and organic acids;
  • bitterness
  • phenol carbon compounds;
  • fatty oil;
  • ethers;
  • vitamins and microelements;
  • rich composition of tannins.

How to use ? - Aspen bark decoction.

The bark is crushed, poured with water in a ratio of 1:4 and boiled for up to 30 minutes. The decoction is left to infuse for 6 hours. Take 40 grams 4 times a day. It is recommended to use a decoction of aspen bark on an empty stomach. The decoction is recommended to be taken internally for diabetes, cystitis, gout, joint pains and externally for abscesses, eczema, boils. For problems with the joints, the decoction is used once a day for 20 grams, but for a long time: six months.

You are a producer and not a medical producer.

Dietary Supplement

Manufactured in Carpathian mountains , UKRAINE

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