Note: Many of my clients are food service professionals, cooks, homemakers, farmers, artisans, inventors, etc., all seeking detailed information about their preferred fields of interest. For their convenience I include the following details directly from this book:

Types of Recipes Included in this Book (General Only, For Specific Recipes See Full Contents in Main Description): Recipes Receipts Antique Cookbook Vintage Cookery Pre Civil War Cooking Household House Home How-To Old-fashioned Guide American Farm Farming Dairy Livestock Farrier Farriery Veterinarian Shop Store Mercantile Factory Mill Manufactory Manufacturing Apothecary Medical Cures Remedies Doctor Physician Medicine Agriculture Bees Bee-Keeping Apiary Bleaching Brewing Beer Brew Distilling Distillation Still Calico Printing Textiles Cotton Wool Woolen Confectionery Pastry Pies Pudding Cakes Bread Soup Meats Game Desserts Crayons Dyeing Dyes Enamelling Engraving Gardening Gilding Glass Health Inks Jewelry Jeweller Lithography Metallurgy Metals Alloys Gold Silver Silvering Copper Plating Art Artist Oil Painting Water Colors Pottery Perfumery Perfume Pickling Scouring Cleaning Laundry Tanning Leather Skins Silk Silk Worms Varnish Varnishing Home-made Wine Wine-Making Beer Alcohol Spirits Rum Gin Brandy Vinegar Rural Domestic Economy Cattle

MACKENZIE’S FIVE THOUSAND RECEIPTS In All the Useful and Domestic Arts: Constituting a Complete Practical Library and Operative Cyclopedia. By Colin Mackenzie. Published in 1857 by Hayes & Zell, Publishers, Philadelphia. 9” x 6” quarter leather binding. Some illustrations. 454 pages. Index.

Condition: GOOD ANTIQUE CONDITION. Exterior as shown in photo, some wear at head of spine, also a 1" crack in leather at upper end of front joint. Binding is generally good, partially exposed at page 240/241. Text is clean and complete, some faint moisture blemishes in the gutter of pages towards the end. No torn, loose or missing pages. Good, solid example of this rare antique collection of cookery recipes and receipts for farm, home and mercantile.


This is a rare 167-year-old volume of practical instruction for the domestic, medicinal and industrial arts, especially baking and cooking, brewing ales, beers and wines, medical cures and treatments, horse and veterinary care (farriery), farming -- including specialties such as bee-keeping and rearing of silk-worms – household management, general mercantile, the mechanical arts, oil painting (how to crush berries and earth to make your own oil paints!) and much, much more. You’ll even find instructions for what to do if you become shipwrecked (still a reality in those days) or steps to take if your clothing becomes infected with plague (yikes!)

This book was first published in 1829, at a time when "cotton mill fever" was sweeping the nation and small textile factories were being raised on every river and stream throughout the Northeast. These mills represented the state of mechanical arts in America at the time and carried out numerous processes including bleaching, dyeing and other finishing procedures, many of which are addressed in this volume. Mill owners frequently also operated company stores to serve the mercantile needs of their laborers -- food, clothing and household necessities -- and this book contains numerous related recipes. The Publishers themselves stress the universal appeal and applications of this volume, especially:

… the numerous original recipes from the best modern authorities of the “Kitchen” for preparing various delicacies of the animal and vegetable kingdom, including Pastry, Puddings, &c., which will no doubt appeal to American housekeepers. The man of family, the Sportsman, the Artist, the Mechanic and the Farmer have all been remembered.

The Medical part has been condensed, simplified and adapted to the climate and diseases of the United States. A short but complete manual of “Directions for rearing the Silk Worm and the Culture of the White Mulberry Tree,” together with an extensive article on the Diseases of the Horse, may be noticed as important additions …

The attention of the reader is called to the “Miscellaneous Receipts.” In this portion, which is very copious, numerous receipts have been placed, which could not with propriety be elsewhere arranged. It has also been made the receptacle of much valuable matter obtained from several kind female friends and the fruit of researches into many curious and rare books …

This book is a treasure trove of practical knowledge. It represents generations of collective wisdom and the daily ways of a lifestyle long since vanished. It is said that alchemists of old would raise the dead to pry lost knowledge from their shades; just think, a book like this would have saved them the trouble! In these pages you’ll find helpful knowledge and instructions for the following fields, according to the title page:

  • Agriculture
  • Bees
  • Bleaching
  • Brewing
  • Calico Printing
  • Carving at Table
  • Cements
  • Confectionary
  • Cookery
  • Crayons
  • Dairy
  • Diseases
  • Distillation
  • Dyeing
  • Enamelling
  • Engraving
  • Farriery
  • Food
  • Gardening
  • Gilding
  • Glass
  • Health
  • Inks
  • Jeweller’s Pastes
  • Lithography
  • Medicines
  • Metallurgy
  • Oil Colors
  • Oils
  • Painting
  • Pastry
  • Perfumery
  • Pickling
  • Pottery
  • Preserving
  • Scouring
  • Silk
  • Silk-Worms
  • Silvering
  • Tanning
  • Trees of All Kinds
  • Varnishing
  • Water Colors
  • Wines
  • &c. &c. &c.

In order to give you a more thorough idea of the unparalleled riches this book contains, I have graciously provided some helpful details below. While cataloging all of the recipes, cures, instructions and formulas would have been a near impossible feat, I have nonetheless managed to summarize some of the more popular sections, such as cooking and cooking-related, medical cures, farm and farriery, brewing, bee-keeping, etc., for your perusal. Further down the page, you can see a photo of the book, along with some sample pages.

All of this is to help you make an informed decision when bidding. I hope you’ll take a few moments to have a look.


Sampling of Contents Includes:


  • How to boil meats, etc
  • How to bake meats, etc
  • How to roast meats, etc
  • How to regulate time in cookery
  • How to broil
  • How to fry meats, etc
  • How to make a savory dish of veal
  • Lamb’s kidneys au vin
  • How to dress a fowl with the flavor of game
  • How to make artificial eggs and bacon
  • Breast of veal, glacee
  • Shoulder en galatine
  • Shoulder of mutton
  • Sheep’s tongues
  • How to make an excellent ragout of cold veal
  • How to make veal cake
  • Portuguese method of dressing a loin of pork
  • How to make dry devils
  • How to make an olio
  • How to pot leg of beef
  • To pot beef
  • To pot eels
  • Potted lobster or crab
  • How to make bologna sausages
  • How to make Oxford sausages
  • How to make Epping sausages
  • How to make savaloys
  • To make beef a la mode
  • Bouilli
  • Bouilli en matelote
  • Beef’s tongue aux champignons
  • Beef en daube
  • Fish en matelote
  • Flounders a la crème
  • Terrapins
  • Oysters to stew
  • Oysters roasted very fine
  • Chicken en soleil
  • Duck – olive sauce
  • Wild fowl en salmis
  • Pigeons en compote
  • Partridge aux choux
  • Pigeon pie
  • Giblet pie
  • Rump steak pie
  • Chicken pie
  • Rabbit pie
  • Raised French pie
  • Raised ham pie
  • Raised pork pie
  • Eel pie
  • Raised lamb pie
  • Beef steak pudding
  • Vol au vent
  • To make mock brawn
  • How to make Dr Kitchener’s pudding
  • Nottingham pudding
  • How to dress a military omeletet
  • How to make an onion omelette
  • How to make Yorkshire pudding
  • Dutch pudding
  • How to make a dish of frumenty
  • How to make a Windsor pudding
  • A Cheshire pudding
  • How to make a plain pudding
  • How to make transparent pudding
  • A baked potato pudding
  • How to make raspberry dumplings
  • How to make abcxs raspberry and cream tarts
  • How to make narrow pudding
  • How to make Oldbury pudding
  • Quince pudding
  • Tansy pudding
  • Lemon pudding
  • Mrs Goodfellow’s lemon pudding
  • Mrs. Goodfellow’s orange pudding
  • Cocoa-nut pudding
  • Boston apple pudding
  • Spring fruit pudding
  • Plum pudding
  • Batter pudding
  • Newmarket pudding
  • Newcastle or cabinet pudding
  • Vermacelli pudding
  • Bread pudding
  • Suet pudding
  • Custard pudding
  • Boiled custards
  • To make a perigord pie
  • How to make a puff paste
  • How to make a short crust
  • How to make a good paste for large pies
  • How to make a paste for tarts
  • How to make a sack posset
  • Ale posset
  • Green gooseberry cheese
  • How to steam potatoes
  • How to make potato bread
  • How to use frosted potatoes


  • How to make a tureen of soup Flemish fashion
  • New England chowder
  • Mullaga-tawny soup
  • A tureen of hodge-podge of different sorts
  • Portable soup
  • Curry
  • Malay’s curry
  • Curry powder
  • A new receipt for Welsh rabbit
  • Soup maigre
  • Mock turtle soup
  • Asparagus soup
  • Giblet soup
  • White soup
  • Charitable soup
  • Veal gravy soup
  • Beef gravy soup
  • A poor man’s soup
  • A cheap rice and meat soup
  • Herring soup
  • How to make jelly broth
  • Cooling broth
  • Common sauce
  • Sweet sauce
  • Miser’s sauce
  • Pontiff’s sauce
  • Housewife’s sauce
  • Parson’s auce
  • Nun’s sauce
  • Admiral’s sauce
  • Sauce poquante
  • Sauce for veal
  • Bechamel or white sauce
  • Dr Kitchener’s sauce, superlative
  • A dish of macaroni
  • Sauce Italienne
  • Nonpareil sauce
  • Nivernoise sauce
  • Gravy cakes
  • General’s sauce
  • Sailor’s sauce
  • Queen’s sauce
  • Carach sauce
  • Tomata catsup
  • Catsup for sea stores
  • Fish sauce
  • Cream sauce for a hare
  • Ragout of asparagus


  • How to make a rich plum cake
  • Iceing for cakes
  • A rich seed cake
  • A plain pound cake
  • Ratafia cake
  • Wiggs
  • Bath cakes
  • Shrewsbury cakes
  • Portugal cakes
  • Ginger cakes without butter
  • Savoy cakes
  • Saffron cakes
  • Queen cakes
  • Rice cakes
  • Lemon cakes
  • Banbury cakes
  • Almond cakes
  • Plain gingerbread
  • Cream cakes
  • Crumpets
  • Muffins
  • Common buns
  • Cross buns
  • Rusks
  • Orange custard
  • Baked custard
  • Rice custard
  • Almond custards
  • Lemon custards
  • How to make almond tarts
  • Green almond tarts
  • Orange or lemon pie
  • Orange tarts
  • Orange puffs
  • English macaroons
  • Fancy biscuits
  • Sponge biscuits
  • Fine cheescakes
  • Almond cheesecakes
  • Bread cheesecakes
  • Rice cheesecakes
  • Apple cakes
  • Blancmange
  • Clear blancmange


  • How to candy sugar
  • How to make barley sugar
  • Bon bons
  • How to candy ginger
  • How to candy horehound
  • How to make white sugar candy
  • How to clarify loaf sugar How to clarify coarse brown sugar
  • How to improve and increase sugar
  • Starch sugar
  • Birch sugar
  • How to make pear sugar
  • Grape sugar
  • How to candy orange peel
  • Lemon peel
  • How to colour candied sugar
  • How to make devices in sugar
  • Whipt syllabub
  • Snow balis
  • Capillaire
  • How to make confectionary drops
  • Chocolate drops
  • Orange flower drops
  • Coffee drops
  • Peppermint drops
  • Clove drops
  • Ginger drops
  • Licorice lozenges
  • Extract of liquorice
  • How to prepare licorice juice
  • Refined licorice
  • How to candy orange marmalade
  • How to make transparent marmalade
  • Barberry marmalade
  • Quince marmalade
  • Scotch marmalade
  • Hartshorn jelly
  • Whipt cream
  • Pistachio cream
  • Ice cream
  • Currant jelly
  • Black currant jelly
  • Apple jelly
  • Strawberry jelly
  • Gooseberry jelly
  • Raspberry cream
  • Raspberry jam
  • Strawberry jam
  • Raspberry paste
  • Damson cheese
  • An omelette soufflé
  • Orgeat paste
  • Pate de Guimauve
  • Pate des jujubes


  • How to pickle onions
  • How to make saur kraut
  • Peccalilli, Indian method
  • How to pickle samphire
  • Mushrooms
  • Cucumbers
  • Walnuts white
  • Artificial anchovies
  • Salmon
  • How to preserve fish by sugar
  • How to salt hams
  • How to dry salt beef and pork
  • How to pickle in brine


  • How to bottle damsons
  • How to preserve barberries
  • How to preserve grapes
  • How to dry cherries
  • How to clarify honey
  • How to preserve candied orange flowers
  • Seeds in honey for vegetation
  • Seville oranges whole
  • Cucumbers and melons
  • Strawberries whole
  • Apricots
  • How to make candied angelica
  • Candied eringo
  • How to keep gooseberries


  • How to preserve milk
  • How to preserve cabbages and other esculent vegetables fresh during a sea voyage or a severe winter
  • How to preserve eggs
  • How to preserve potatoes
  • How to boil potatoes mealy
  • How to imitate parmesan
  • Mutton hams
  • How to make kitchen vegetables tender
  • How to salt meat
  • How to pickle meat
  • A method of preserving lime juice
  • Balsamic and anti-putrid vinegar
  • Gooseberry and neetmok currant wines
  • How to restore and improve flour
  • A simple method of preserving fruit
  • How to cure and preserve butter
  • Preparation of yeast
  • Fourteen ways of dressing potatoes
  • How to make Shrewsbury cake
  • Macaroons
  • Savoy biscuit
  • Jumbles
  • Almond cake
  • French rolls
  • Waffles
  • Poundcake gingerbread
  • Gingercake
  • Gingerbread
  • Short gingerbread
  • Dalves’ feet jelly
  • Apple pudding
  • Baked apple pudding
  • Lemon blancmange
  • Mr. Hoffman’s blancmange
  • Homminy pudding
  • Cocoa nut pudding
  • Rice pudding
  • Ground rice or sago pudding
  • Sweet potato pudding
  • Potato pudding
  • Citron pudding
  • Cream pudding
  • Custard pudding
  • Wedding cake
  • Election cake
  • Indian pudding
  • Baked Indian pudding
  • Apple custard
  • Black cake
  • Tomatoes catsup
  • Puff paste
  • Sponge cake
  • Lemon cake
  • Sugar cake
  • Cup cake
  • Whips
  • To make venison pasty
  • How to dress a turtle
  • Albany cake
  • Black cake that will keep for a year
  • To dress calf’s head in imitation of turtle
  • Mock turtle
  • Beef alamode
  • Oyster pie
  • Sportsman’s beef
  • Easy method of preserving meat in the country for a few days, without salt and without ice
  • A method of extracting the juice of sugar maple, for the making of sugar, without injuring the tree
  • How to restore tainted beef

Instructions in the Art of Carving:

  • How to carve a leg of mutton
  • How to carve a shoulder of mutton
  • How to carve a leg of pork
  • How to carve a shoulder of pork
  • How to carve a shoulder of pork
  • How to carve an edge bone of beef
  • How to carve a knuckle of veal
  • How to carve a breast of veal, roasted
  • How to carve a saddle of mutton
  • How to carve a spare rib of pork
  • How to carve half a calf’s head boiled
  • How to carve a ham
  • How to carve a haunch of venison
  • How to carve an ox tongue
  • How to carve a brisket of beef
  • How to carve a piece of sirloin of beef
  • How to carve a fore-quarter of lamb, roasted
  • How to carve a fillet of veal
  • How to carve a roasted pig
  • How to carve a rabbit
  • How to carve a goose
  • How to carve a green goose
  • How to carve a partridge
  • How to carve a fowl
  • How to carve a boiled fowl
  • How to carve a pigeon
  • How to carve a cod’s head
  • How to carve a mackerel
  • How to carve a piece of boiled salmon


  • How to fit up a small brewhouse
  • How to choose water for brewing
  • How to make malt
  • How to grind malt
  • How to determine the qualities of malt
  • How to choose hops
  • How to determine the proportion between the liquor boiled and the quantity produced
  • How to determine the heats of the liquor or water for the first and second mashes on different kinds of malt
  • How to mash without a thermometer
  • How to determine the strength of the worts
  • How to proportion the hops
  • How to boil worts
  • How to cool the worts
  • How to choose heats for tunning
  • How to mix the yeast with the worts
  • How to apportion yeast and apply it to the worts
  • How to manage the fermentation
  • How to accelerate the fermentation
  • How to check a too rapid fermentation
  • How to brew porter on the London system
  • How to brew three barrels of porter
  • How to brew porter on Mr. Morris’s plan
  • Brown stout
  • London ale
  • How to brew two barrels from a quarter of malt
  • To brew ale in small families
  • Another method of brewing ale
  • Table beer only, from pale malt
  • Table beer from sugar
  • Table beer from treacle
  • Ale and small beer on Mr. Cobbet’s plan. Utensils
  • Process of brewing the ale
  • The small beer
  • To brew ale and porter from sugar and malt
  • To brew four bushels of malt, with only one copper, mash tub and cooler
  • How to brew Welch ale
  • How to brew Burton ale
  • How to brew Ringwood ale
  • How to brew Nottingham ale in the small way
  • How to brew Dorchester ale
  • How to brew Essex ale
  • How to brew Barnstable ale
  • How to brew Edinburgh ale
  • How to brew Windsor ale
  • How to make table ale
  • How to brew porter, or brown beer, with table beer after, from the same malt and hops
  • How to brew table beer only
  • Cheup and agreeable table beer
  • How to make sugar beer
  • How to make spruce beer
  • How to make bran beer
  • How to make Yorkshire oat ale
  • Cheap beer
  • How to make beer and ale from pea shells
  • Required time for keeping beer
  • How to brew amber beer
  • Another method of brewing amber beer, or two-penny
  • How to make molasses beer
  • How to fine beer
  • To fine cloudy beer
  • How to recover thick, sour malt liquor
  • How to restore musty beer
  • Doherty’s description to enliven and restore dead beer
  • A speedy way of fining and preserving a cask of ale or beer
  • Improvement in brewing
  • How to recover beer when flat
  • How to prevent beer from becoming stale and flat
  • To prevent and cure foxing in malt liquors
  • Other methods of curing foxing
  • How to restore a barrel of copy beer
  • To make a butt of porter, stout
  • How to restore frosted beer
  • How to prevent malt liquors against the effects of electricity
  • How to give beer a rich flavor
  • How to preserve brewing utensils
  • How to sweeten stinking or musty casks
  • Method of seasoning new casks
  • How to keep empty vessels sweet
  • Fermentation by various means
  • How to restore bad yeast
  • How to make purl bitters
  • Cautions in the use of foreign ingredients
  • Use of sugar in brewing
  • How to close casks without bungs
  • How to bottle porter ale
  • How to remove tartness
  • How to bottle malt liquor
  • How to bottle table beer
  • How to render bottled beer ripe
  • How to manage ale in the cellar
  • How to keep hops for future use

    How to make Devonshire cider
  • The Scotch method
  • Now to manage cider and perry
  • How to make cheap cider from raisins
  • How to make perry
  • Observations on cider
  • General rules for making ciders
  • How to make punch
  • How to make nectar

Miscellaneous Beverages:

  • How to make ginger beer
  • How to make spruce beer
  • Now to make browns pruce beer
  • White spruce beer
  • Seltzer water
  • Liquid magnesia
  • Soda water
  • Portable lemonade
  • Nutritious dietetic composition
  • Sassafras cocoa
  • How to make chocolate cocoa
  • How to make native tea
  • Substitute for tea
  • Substitute for coffee, cocoa, etc
  • Other substitutes for tea and coffee
  • How to make acorn coffee
  • How to make coffee
  • Arabian method of preparing coffee
  • Improvement in making coffee
  • Parisian method of making coffee
  • How to make coffee milk
  • How to make mum


  • How to make British wines
  • Gathering the fruit
  • Vatting
  • Vinous fermentation
  • Flavoring the wine
  • Drawing the must
  • Pressing the husk
  • Casking the musk
  • Spirituous fermentation
  • Racking the wine
  • Fining
  • Bottling and corking
  • Apparatus for wine-making
  • Red and white gooseberry wine
  • White gooseberry or champagne wine
  • Gooseberry wine of the best quality, resembling champagne
  • How to make British champagne
  • Red currant wine
  • Red and white currant wine
  • Dutch red currant wine
  • How to make compound wine
  • Other mixed fruits of the berry kind
  • White currant wine
  • Black currant wine
  • Strawberry wine
  • Raspberry wine
  • Mulberry wine
  • Elder-berry wine
  • How to make an imitation of Cyprus wine
  • How to make elder-flower wines or English Frontiniac
  • Imitation of port wine
  • Wortleberry or bilberry wine
  • Birch wine
  • Blackberry wine
  • Spruce wine
  • Juniper-berry wine
  • How to make damson wine
  • Cherry wine
  • How to make Morella wine
  • How to make peach wine
  • Peach and apricot wine
  • Apricot wine
  • Lemon wine
  • Apple white wine
  • How to make apple wine
  • Apple red wine
  • How to make quince wine
  • How to make orange wine
  • How to make orange and lemon wine
  • How to make parsnip wine
  • White mead wine
  • Red mead or metheglin wine
  • Walnut mead wine
  • How to make American honey wine
  • Cowslip red wine
  • Cowslip mead
  • Cider white wine
  • Cider red wine
  • Cider wine
  • Grape red wine
  • Grape white wine
  • How to make raisin wine equal to sherry
  • Claret vine-leaf wine
  • Ginger wine, excellent
  • How to make koumiss, a Tartar wine
  • How to make rhubarb wine
  • How to make sage wine
  • How to make gillyflower wine
  • How to make turnip wine
  • Rose wine
  • Barley wine
  • English fig wine
  • Sycamore wine
  • Balm wine
  • How to make scurvy grass wine
  • How to make cheap and wholesome claret
  • How to make dry wine

Management of British Wines:

  • How to guard against unripe fruit
  • To keep and manage wines
  • How to sweeten a foul cask
  • To improve poor wines
  • How to restore flat wines
  • How to take away the ill scent of wines
  • How to pass white wine off for champagne
  • How to make wine sparkle like champagne
  • How to clear foul or ropy wines
  • How to correct green or harsh wines
  • How to correct sharp, tart, acid wines
  • How to restore sour wines
  • How to fine or clarify wines
  • How to sweeten wines

    How to Manage Foreign Wine Vaults:

  • Process of foreign wine making
  • How to make port wine
  • How to rack foreign wines
  • How to manage and improve poor red port
  • How to manage claret
  • How to color claret
  • How to restore claret that drinks foul
  • How to make claret and port rough
  • How to recover pricked foreign wines
  • How to manage hermitage and Burgundy
  • How to manage Lisbon wine
  • How to manage Bacella wine
  • How to improve sherry
  • How to improve neetmok white wine
  • How to improve wine by chalk
  • How to renovate sick wine
  • How to mellow wine
  • German method of restoring wines
  • How to concentrate wines by cold
  • How to fine red wines
  • How to fine white wines
  • How to fine a hogshead of claret
  • How to fine sherry
  • How to fine pale sherry
  • How to fine Madeira
  • How to fine Vidonia wine
  • How to fine Malmsey and other abcxs wines
  • How to fine port wine
  • How to make and apply finings
  • How to convert white wine into red
  • How to render red wine white
  • How to make wine settle well
  • How to make oyster powder
  • How to make a filtering bag
  • How to bottle wine
  • How to detect adulterated wine
  • How to detect alum in wine
  • How to detect lead and copper in wine, cider, perry, etc
  • How to detect lead, corrosive sublimate and antimony in wines
  • Another test for lead in wine


  • How to manage distillation
  • Utensils
  • How to use a portable furnace
  • How to build fixed furnaces
  • How to make a portable sand pot
  • How to make a sand-heat furnace
  • How to make a hot still
  • How to make a large still
  • Astier’s improved still
  • How to extinguish fire in distilleries
  • How to dulcify spirits
  • How to make charcoal
  • How to make the spirit of wine
  • How to make ether
  • How to imitate foreign spirits
  • How to condense vapors in distillation
  • How to make British brandy
  • How to imitate Cognac brandy
  • How to procure the oil of wine
  • How to make brandy from treacle
  • How to make brandy from potatoes
  • How to improve British brandy
  • How to prepare tincture Japonica
  • How to make Jamaica rum
  • To imitate Jamaica rum
  • To obtain rum from molasses
  • How to prepare gin as in Holland
  • Rectification into Hollands gin
  • How to make malt spirit
  • English Geneva
  • How to distil spirits from carrots
  • How to make arrack
  • How to fine spirits
  • How to extract alcohol from potatoes
  • How to extract potash from potato tops
  • How to make brandy from beet root
  • How to obtain sugar from beet root
  • How to make proof spirit
  • How to make tincture of salt of tartar
  • Tincture of antimony


  • How to make ratafia d’angelique
  • How to make anisette de Bordeaux
  • Eau de barbades
  • How to make ratafia de café
  • How to make ratafia de cassis
  • Ratafia des cerises
  • Ratafia de chocolat
  • Eau divine
  • Elephant’s milk
  • Ratafia de grenoble
  • Marasquin de groseilles
  • Huile deVenus
  • Liquodilla
  • Fresh marasquin, a new liqueur
  • Raftafia de brou de noix
  • Ratafia de noyeau
  • Crème de noyeau de Martinique
  • Ratafia d’ecorces d’oranges
  • Crème d’orange of superior flavor
  • Fine brandy shrub
  • Rum shrub
  • Currant shrub
  • Usquebaugh
  • Ratafia de violette

Compound Spirits or Cordials:

  • How to make aniseed cordial
  • Strong cinnamon cordial
  • Caraway cordial
  • Cedrat cordial
  • Citron cordial
  • Clove cordial
  • Coriander cordial
  • Eau de bigarade
  • Gold cordial
  • Lovage cordial
  • Lemon cordial
  • Nectar
  • Noyeau
  • Orange cordial
  • Peppermint cordial
  • Ratafia
  • Dry or sharp ratafia
  • Common ratafia
  • Cherry brandy
  • Black cherry brandy
  • Caraway brandy
  • Lemon brandy
  • Orange brandy
  • Raspberry brandy
  • Whiskey cordial

Acid Liquors:

  • How to make vinegar
  • Common vinegar
  • Wise vinegar
  • Sugar vinegar
  • Gooseberry vinegar
  • Currant vinegar
  • Currant vinegar
  • Primrose vinegar
  • Raisin vinegar
  • Raisin vinegar
  • Cider vinegar
  • Vinegar from the refuse of fruits
  • Vinegar from the refuse of beehives
  • To strengthen vinegar
  • Vinegars from orange and elder flowers, clove, cauliflowers, musk roses, etc
  • How to prepare ice vinegar
  • How to make quass
  • Distilled vinegar
  • Improve distil1ed vinegar
  • To deprive vinegar and other vegetable liquids of their color
  • How to prepare the charcoal
  • How to procure the pyroligneous acid
  • To prepare the same
  • How to make strong acteous acid
  • Acid of ants
  • Honey water for the hair
  • Spirit of salt or marine acid
  • Strong spirit of nitre
  • Colorless spirit of nitre
  • Double aqua-fortis
  • Common aqua-fortis
  • Simple abcxs aqua-fortis
  • Aqua regia
  • Common aqua regia
  • Dephlogisticated spirit of salt


  • General rules for treating diseases
  • Of the pulse
  • Of fever: Simple inflammatory fever
  • Intermittent fever or ague
  • Remittent fever
  • Bilious fever
  • Typhus or low nervous fever
  • Putrid fever
  • Hectic fever
  • Inflammation of the brain
  • Headache
  • Inflammation of the eye
  • Dimness of sight
  • Night blindness
  • Inflammation of the ear
  • Bleeding from the nose
  • Polypus
  • Cancer of the lip
  • Mercurial ulcers in the mouth
  • Ulcers and pimples on the tongue
  • Enlargement of the uvula
  • Swelling of the tonsils
  • Inflammatory sore throat
  • Putrid sore throat
  • Strictures in the throat
  • Catarrh or cold
  • Asthma
  • Pleurisy
  • Spitting of blood
  • Consumption
  • Palpitation of the heart
  • Dropsy of the chest
  • Inflammation of the stomach
  • Cramp in the stomach
  • Hiccups
  • Heart-burn
  • Indigestison
  • Vomiting of blood
  • Jaundice
  • Ague cake
  • Inflammation of the intestines
  • Cholera morbus
  • Dysentery
  • Diarrhea or lax
  • Colic
  • Painter’s colic
  • Worms
  • The white thread worm
  • The round worm
  • The tape worm
  • Inflammation of the kidneys
  • Difficulty of urine
  • Suppression of urine
  • Incontinency of urine
  • Stone in the bladder
  • Diabetes or an immediate flow of urine
  • Dropsy of the belly
  • Tympany
  • Gonorrhea or clap
  • Gleet
  • Involuntary emissions
  • Strictures
  • Syphilis or pox
  • Cancer of the yard
  • Venereal warts
  • Mercurial disease
  • Dropsy of the bag
  • Enlarged spermatic vein
  • Cancer of the testicle
  • Impotency
  • Gout
  • Inflammatory rheumatism
  • Chronic rheumatism
  • Hip joint disease
  • Dropsy of the knee joint
  • White swelling
  • Pieces of cartilage in the joints
  • Scrofula or king’s evil
  • Inflamed glands
  • Scirrhus
  • Cancer
  • Goiter
  • Fainting
  • Apoplexy
  • Stroke of the sun
  • Epilepsy
  • Palsy
  • Tetanus or cramp
  • Locked-jaw
  • Painful affection of nerves of the face
  • Angina pectoris
  • Dance of St Vitus
  • Scarlet fever
  • St Anthony’s fire
  • Mercurial erysipelas
  • Measles
  • Chicken pox
  • Cow pox
  • Small-pox
  • Itch
  • Herpes
  • Scald head
  • Ring worm
  • Nettle rash
  • Blotched face
  • Scurvy
  • Of tumors
  • Of ruptures
  • Reducible ruptures
  • Irreducible ruptures
  • Strangulated ruptures
  • Aneurisms
  • Fleshy tumors
  • Steatomatous tumors
  • Encysted tumors
  • Ganglion
  • Biles
  • Carbuncle
  • Whitlow or felon
  • Piles
  • Blind piles
  • Bleeding piles
  • Abscess
  • Psoas abscess
  • Of fistula
  • Of ulcers
  • Inflamed ulcers
  • Fungus ulcers
  • Sloughing ulcer
  • Indolent ulcer
  • Carious ulcer

    Of Accidents:

  • Of contusion
  • Of sprains
  • Concussion of the brain
  • Compression of the brain
  • Of wounds
  • To stop bleeding
  • Punctured wounds
  • Contused wounds
  • Poisoned wounds from bites of mad dogs, rattlesnakes, etc
  • Stings of bees and wasps, bites of mosquitoes, etc
  • Wounds of the ear, nose, &c
  • Wounds of the scalp
  • Wounds of the throat
  • Wounds of the chest
  • Wounds of the belly
  • Wounds of joints
  • Wounds of tendons
  • Of fractures
  • Fractures of the bone of the nose
  • Fracture of the lower jaw
  • Fractures of the collar bone
  • Fractures of the arm
  • Fractures of the bones of the fore-arm
  • Fractures of the wrist
  • Fractures of the ribs
  • Fractures of the thigh
  • Fractures of the knee-pan
  • Doherty’s description
  • Of dislocations
  • Dislocation of the lower jaw
  • Dislocation of the collar bone
  • Dislocation of the shoulder
  • Dislocation of the elbow
  • Dislocation of the thigh
  • Dislocation of the knee-pan
  • Dislocation of the leg
  • Dislocation of the foot
  • Of compound accidents
  • Of amputation
  • Amputation of the arm
  • Amputation of the thigh
  • Amputation of the leg
  • Amputation of the fore-arm
  • Amputation of fingers and toes
  • Of suspended animation
  • Of swallowing poisons
  • Acids
  • Alkalies
  • Mercury
  • Arsenic
  • Copper
  • Antimony
  • Salts of tin
  • Salts of bismuth, gold and zinc
  • Lunar caustic
  • Salt petre
  • Salt ammoniac
  • Liver of sulphur
  • Phosphorous
  • Spanish flies
  • Powdered glass
  • Lead
  • Opium or laudanum
  • Mushrooms
  • Poisonous fish
  • Foreign bodies in the throat
  • Of burns and scalds
  • Of mortification
  • Directions for bleeding
  • Directions for passing the catheter
  • Directions for passing bougies

Miscellaneous Articles:

  • How to diminish inordinate inflammation
  • Marsh-mallow fomentation
  • Fomentation of poppies
  • Refrigerant lotion
  • Sedative lotion
  • Cold and sedative cataplasm
  • Cataplasm to hasten suppuration
  • Linseed cataplasm
  • Embrocation for sprains
  • Application of leeches
  • Burns and scalds
  • Liniment for the same
  • Extensive burns and scalds
  • Cataplasm for ulcers
  • Lotion for scorbutic ulcers
  • Lotion for cancerous ulcers
  • Malt poultice
  • Strong beer poultice
  • Yeast poultice
  • Charcoal poultice
  • Treatment of whitlow
  • Whitlow at the extremity of the finger
  • White swelling
  • Ringworm
  • Scald head
  • Lotion for leprosy
  • Leprous affections of the skin
  • Doherty’s description for itch ointment
  • To remove chilblains
  • Treatment of corns
  • Prevention of corns
  • How to remove warts
  • Ward’s paste for the piles
  • Extraneous bodies in the ear
  • To check hemorrhage associated with the extraction of teeth
  • Remedies for diseases of the teeth
  • Collyria or eye waters
  • For inflammation of the eyelids
  • Treatment of styes
  • Infusion of senna
  • Tartarized infusion of senna
  • Electuary of senna
  • Compound colocyth pills
  • Aloetic pills
  • Compound aloetic pills
  • Compound rhubarb pills
  • Purgative powder, formerly called hiera picra
  • Mild purgative emulsion
  • Electuary for the piles
  • Castor oil clyster
  • Purging clyster

Remedies for Coughs and Colds:

  • Paregoric elixir or camphorated tincture of opium
  • Expectorant pills
  • Napoleon’s pectoral pills
  • Dr Ratcliffe’s cough mixture
  • Simple remedy for coughs
  • Remedy for chronic coughs
  • For coughs in aged persons
  • Cough emulsion
  • Emulsion for a cold
  • Gargle for the thrush
  • Gargle for sore throat
  • For putrid sore throat
  • For ulcerated sore throat

Medicine For Worms:

  • The male fern
  • Worm seed
  • How to destroy ascarides
  • Powder of tin
  • Oil of turpentine
  • Essence of bergamot
  • For tapeworm in children
  • For the long round worms
  • Worm lozenges
  • The yellow lozenges
  • The brown lozenges

    Medicines for Indigestion:

  • Gentian wine
  • Chalybeate wine
  • Powerful tonic
  • For debility of the stomach
  • Stomachic aperient pills
  • Tonic draught in cases of great debility
  • Dr. Baillie’s prescription for indigestion
  • For indigestion and costiveness
  • Accompanying purgative
  • Remedy for flatulency
  • Night-mare
  • Digestive pills
  • To restore the appetite
  • For heartburn
    • Diarrhea, Gout, Rheumatism, Etc.:

    • To check diarrhea or looseness
    • Treatment of obstinate diarrhea
    • Opiate enema
    • Remedy for piles
    • Fills for rheumatism
    • Ointment for the same
    • Draught for lumbago and sciatica
    • Rheumatic pains in the face
    • Friction, compression and percussion
    • Remedy for the gout
    • The Chelsea pensioner’s remedy for gout and rheumatism
    • Gout cordial
    • The Portland powder
    • Prudier’s cataplasm
    • Mode of application
      • Fumigation and Ventilation:

        • To purify the air in theatres, halls and hospitals
        • Simple mode of ventilation
        • The air trunk
        • German method of cooling and purifying the air in summer
        • To fumigate foul rooms
        • Cautions in visiting sick rooms
        • Fumigating powder
        • Preparation of acetic acid
        • Aromatic vinegar
        • Cheap aromatic vinegar for purifying large buildings, manufactories, etc
        • To prevent and destroy the mephitism of plastered walls

        Diseases Peculiar to Females:

        • Hysteric fits
        • Cure and prevention
        • Anti-hysteric spirits
        • Anti-hysteric pills
        • Foetid enema
        • Opiate draught
        • Tonic for debility in females
        • Compound galbanum pills
        • Compound spirit of lavender
        • Infusion of senna with tamarind
        • Doherty's description
        • Mild purgative
        • Astringent injection
        • Tonic and astringent pills
        • Immoderate flow of the menses
        • Astringent fomentations
        • Astringent injection
        • Green sickness
        • Remedies
        • Regimen

        Management and Diseases of Children:

        • Infant nursing
        • Friction
        • Position
        • Exercise
        • To prevent distortion
        • Rendering children hardy
        • Cleanliness and bathing
        • Dress
        • The act of dressing
        • Sleep
        • Awakening suddenly
        • Restlessness at night
        • Amusements, &c
        • The yellow gum
        • Vomiting
        • Hiccups
        • Griping and flatulency
        • Absorbent mixture
        • Diarrhea
        • Opiate clyster
        • Excoriations of the skin
        • Cutaneous eruptions
        • The thrush
        • Syrup of black currants
        • Falling down of the fundament
        • Dentition
        • Scarifying the gums
        • Convulsions
        • Inward fits
        • The rickets
        • Distortion of the spine
        • Jelly from the raspings of ivory
        • Ringworm and scald head
        • Alterative medicines
        • Hooping cough
        • Enbrocation for hoping cough
        • Regimen for hooping cough
        • The croup

        Useful Domestic Medicines:

        • Dover’s sudorific powder
        • Aloetic powder with iron
        • Compound assafaetida pills
        • Liniment of ammonia
        • Eau-de-luce
        • Simple ointment
        • Ointment of hog’s lard
        • Lip salve
        • Turner’s cerate
        • Savin ointment
        • Mercurial ointment
        • Cerate of Spanish flies
        • Compound burgundy pitch plaster
        • Compound labdanum plaster
        • Court plaster
        • Compound tincture of rhubarb
        • Tincture of ginger
        • Compound tincture of senna
        • Daffy’s elixir
        • The black drop
        • Godfrey’s cordial
        • Balsam of honey
        • Tincture of Peruvian bark
        • Huxham’s tincture of bark
        • Goldbold’s vegetable balsam
        • Spirit of nutmeg
        • Lavender water
        • Water of pure ammonia
        • Black pectoral lozenges
        • White pectoral lozenges
        • Syrup of ginger
        • Syrup of poppies
        • Syrup of violets
        • Syrup of squills
        • Oxymel of squills
        • Vinegar of squills
        • Tar-water
        • Decoction of sasparilla
        • decoction of the woods
        • Water-gruel
        • Panada
        • Isinglass jelly
        • Beef tea
        • Transparent soup for convalescents
        • Sedlitz powders

        Salutary Cautions:

        • Purification of water by charcoal
        • Cleanliness
        • Prevention of dampness and cold
        • Exercise and amusements
        • Effects of climate, etc
        • Cautions to be observed when on shore
        • Intoxication
        • Noxious vapors
        • Captain Cook’s Rules for preserving the health of seamen
        • How to render sea water capable of washing linen

        Preservation from Drowning and Shipwreck:

        • When a man falls overboard
        • Upsetting of a boat
        • Cork waistcoats
        • Further means
        • The marine spencer
        • Bamboo habit
        • To extricate persons from broken ice
        • The life boat
        • Safe and readily constructed life boat
        • Further method of preservation in cases of shipwrecks


        • The art of swimming
        • Cramp in bathing
        • Precautions in bathing
        • Sea-bathing
        • The shower-bath
        • Substitute for a shower bath
        • The tepid bath

        General Rules for Preserving Life and Health:

        • Sir R. Phillips’s Rules
        • Clothing
        • Air
        • Ventilation
        • Ventilation of churches
        • Burying in churches
        • To disinfect substances of the plague
        • To protect gilders from the effects of mercury
        • Riding and walking
        • Exercise after meals
        • Reading aloud
        • Wind instruments
        • Friction
        • Getting wet
        • How to keep the feet dry
        • How to preserve the eyesight
        • Use of spectacles
        • Cosmetics
        • The teeth
        • Tooth powders
        • Loose teeth
        • Foul teeth
        • Cleaning the teeth


        • How to cure wounds in cattle
        • How to stop bleeding
        • Adhesive plaster and sewing
        • Bandages
        • Sores and bruises
        • Ointment
        • Green ointment for wounds
        • Food and vegimen
        • Abscess
        • Aubury or wart
        • The star gers
        • For loss of appetite
        • Inflamed bladder
        • Blood spavin
        • Bone spavin
        • Bots
        • Symptoms of worms in horses
        • Remedies for worms
        • Inflammation of the bowels
        • Broken wind
        • Paste ball for broken-winded horses
        • Broken knees
        • Burns or scalds
        • Canker
        • Liniment for canker
        • Capped hocks
        • Cold
        • Convulsions
        • Ball for cough
        • Corns
        • Cracked heels
        • The gripes
        • Draught for gripes
        • Diabetes
        • Ball for diabetes
        • Eyes
        • Eye-water
        • Film or cataract
        • Farcy
        • Cure for farcy
        • Grease
        • Foundered feet
        • Hoof-bound
        • Lampas
        • Laxity
        • Mild purging ball
        • Inflammation of the lungs
        • Mallenders
        • Mange
        • Molten grease
        • Neetmok
        • Poll evil
        • Suppurating poultice
        • Quittor
        • Ring bone
        • Sand-crack
        • Composition for sand-crack
        • Sit-fasts
        • Sallenders
        • Strains
        • Sangary
        • Strangles
        • Thrush
        • Vives
        • Wind galls
        • Wounds
        • Bleeding in general
        • Fulness of blood
        • Purging
        • To prepare horses for physic
        • Purgative balls for horses
        • Drink to check over purging
        • Astringent drink after looseness
        • Cough drink
        • Fever bull for horses
        • Purgative neetmok drink
        • Powerful mixture for fevers
        • Drink for an inflammatory fever
        • Purging ball for jaundice
        • Restorative balls after jaundice
        • Pectoral balls for broken wind
        • Alterative balls for surfeit, mange, etc
        • Astringent ball for profuse staleing
        • Mercurial ball for worms
        • Drink for worms
        • Purging ball for worms
        • Balls for the staggers
        • Clyster for convulsions
        • To cure gripes in horses
        • Draught for gripes in horses
        • Further treatment
        • White’s ball for gripes
        • Laudanum draught
        • How to cure surfeit or bad coat in horses
        • Urine balls for horses
        • Remedy for lameness in horses
        • Shoeing horses in winter
        • How to prevent the feet of horses from balling with snow
        • Ointment for the mange
        • Liniment for the mange
        • Eye-water
        • For inflammation of the lungs
        • Embrocation for sprains
        • Bracing mixture for sprains
        • Paste to stop bleeding
        • Ointment for scratched heels
        • Ointment for greasy heels
        • Mixture for canker in the mouth
        • Purging ball for dogs
        • Liniment for the mange
        • Mercurial liniments for the red mange
        • Mild ointments for the mange
        • Lotion for the mange
        • Distemper in dogs
        • Distemper among cattle
        • How to make tar-water for cows
        • For the garget in cows
        • To curee the redwater in cattle
        • To cure the scouring in cattle
        • Cure for cattle swelled with green food
        • Treatment of cattle and fowls
        • To cure the measles in swine
        • Rupture in swine
        • For the foot-rot in sheep
        • To cure the scab in sheep
        • To prevent the scab
        • How to destroy maggots in sheep
        • Cure for the scab in sheep
        • How to cure the water in the heads of sheep
        • How to prevent the “sturdy”
        • Practice of the Spanish shepherds
        • Purging drink
        • To cure the yellows or jaundice in neat cattle
        • Frenzy or inflammation of the brain
        • Paunching
        • Cordial drink
        • To cure swimming in the head
        • Sudorific drink for the same


        How To Manage a Dairy:

        • Improved mode of feeding and milking cows
        • How to rear calves
        • How to choose a milch cow
        • How to determine the economy of a cow
        • How to breed pheasants
        • How to manage young chickens
        • How to hatch chickens in the Egyptian mode
        • Excellent substitute for candles
        • Portable ice-house
        • How to cultivate mustard
        • How to cure herrings, pilchards, mackerel, sprats, &c
        • How to make ice
        • How to procure cie from a powder
        • How to char peats at the moss
        • How to char peats for family use
        • How to make a cheap fuel
        • How to clean water casks
        • How to preserve eggs
        • A substitute for milk and cream
        • How to cure butter
        • How to make butter by the Dumbarton method
        • How to make Cheshire cheese
        • How to correct damaged grain
        • How to preserve flour
        • How to preserve wheat
        • How to correct moist flour
        • How to remove flies from rooms
        • How to make excellent bread
        • How to prepare bread in the method of the London bakers
        • How to prepare household bread
        • How to produce one-third more bread from a given quantity of corn
        • How to make French bread
        • How to make bran bread
        • How to make cheap bread
        • How to make bread on Mr Cobbet’s plan
        • How to detect adulteration in bread
        • How to preserve houses from vermin

        Mucilaginous Oils:

        • How to make oil of sweet almonds
        • Nut oil
        • Oil of mace
        • Olive, salad or sweet oil
        • Castor oil
        • Oil of croton
        • Rape oil
        • To purify rope oil
        • How to purify vegetable oil
        • How to make pumpkin oil
        • Beech nut oil
        • How to extract oil from grape stones

        Animal Oils and Fats:

        • Hog’s lard
        • Neat’s feet or trotter oil
        • How to purify trotter oil
        • To prepare oil from yolks of eggs
        • How to refine spermaceti
        • How to sweeten, purify and refine Greenland whale and seal oil
        • How to purify fish oils and apply the refuse to useful purposes


      • How to work bees in glass hives
      • How to work bees in straw hives
      • How to work bees in a box hive
      • How to work bees in a hexagon box hive and straw hive
      • How to work bees in the common hive
      • How to establish an apiary
      • How to cultivate bee flowers
      • How to swarm bees
      • How to hive bees
      • How to unite swarms and reinforce stocks
      • How to feed bees
      • Another method to feed bees
      • An improved machine for feeding bees
      • How to manage honey
      • How to take the honey without destroying the bees
      • How to manage bees generally
      • How to keep large hives for winter
      • How to manage bee-hives of Mr. Thorley’s construction
      • How to manage bees on Mr. Cobbett’s plan
        • PERFUMERY:

        • How to make eau de cologne
        • Eau de bouquet
        • The best honey water
        • Ottar of roses
        • English milk of roses
        • French milk of roses
        • Cream of roses
        • How to perfume clothes
        • Perfumed bags for drawers
        • Excellent perfume for gloves
        • Tincture of musk
        • Pastils for perfuming sick rooms
        • Aromatic pastils
        • Explosive pastils
        • How to make ambergris perfume
        • Musk and civet perfumes
        • Orris perfume
        • Violet perfume
        • Rose perfume
        • Bergamot perfume
        • Ambergris hair powder
        • Rose hair powder

          Essential and Other Oils:

        • Oil of aniseed
        • Cajeput oil
        • Oiol of caraway
        • Oil of cloves
        • Oil of cassia
        • Oil of chamomile
        • Oil of cinnamon
        • Essence of codrat
        • Common essence of codrat
        • Foreign oil of lavender
        • Essence of lavender
        • 0il of mint
        • Essence of neroli
        • 0il of nutmegs
        • Oil of peppermint
        • Oil of pennyroyal
        • Oil of pimento
        • Oil of rhodium
        • The true Riga
        • Butter of roses
        • Oil of rosemary
        • Oil of rue
        • Oil of sassafras
        • Oil of thyme
        • Oil of wormwood
        • Birch oil
        • 0il of gum-benzoin
        • Oil of turpentine
        • To rectify oil of turpentine
        • Krumholz oil
        • Oil of tar
        • Japan camphor
        • Camphor from essential oils

          Distilled Waters:

        • Preservation of flowers for distillation
        • Stills for simple waters
        • Expeditious method of distilling simple waters
        • How to make rosemary water
        • Simple Alexetereal waters
        • Simple pennyroyal water
        • Simple spearmint water
        • Cinnamon water
        • Eau sans-pareil
        • Jessamine water
        • Jamaica pepper water
        • Myrtle water
        • Orange flower water
        • Orange peel water
        • Peppermint water
        • Portugal and angel waters
        • Rose water
        • Small snail water
        • Strawberry water
        • How to estimate the quantity of salts contained in any mineral water
        • Common distilled water
          • Compound Distilled Water:

          • Bergumot water
          • Original receipt for Hungary water
          • French Hungary water
          • Best Hungary water
          • Aqua methis or the king’s honey water
          • Compound spirit of juniper
          • Lavender spirit
          • Lavender water
          • Lavender water of the second order
          • Lavender water for immediate use
          • Perfumed lavender water
          • Lemon water
          • Spirit of peppermint
          • Compound gentian water
          • Spirit of scurvy grass
          • Antiscorbutic water
          • METALLURGY:

          • Mosaic gold, or molu
          • Queen's metal
          • Red tombac
          • White tombac
          • Best pewter
          • Common pewter
          • Common solder
          • Soft Solder
          • Hard solder
          • Printers' types
          • Metallic casts from engravings on copper
          • White metal
          • Fusible alloy
          • Casts from fusible metal
          • Metallic injection
          • For cushions of electrical machinery
          • For varnishing figures
          • To plate looking glasses
          • Liquid foil for silvering glass globes
          • Bath metal
          • Brass
          • Pinchbeck
          • Prince's metal
          • Bronze
          • Specula of telescopes
          • Gun metal
          • Bell metal
          • Blanched copper
          • Mock patina
          • Fine casting of brass
          • Gilding metal
          • For common jewelry
          • Yellow dipping metal
          • Imitation of silver
          • Tutania or Brittania metal
          • German tutania
          • Spanish tutania
          • Engestroom tutania
          • Kustitien's method of tinning
          • Solder for steel joints
          • Brass solder for iron
          • Silver solder for jewelers
          • Silver solder for plating
          • Gold solder
          • Useful alloy of gold with platinum
          • Ring gold
          • Manheim gold, or similar
          • Preparation of foils
          • To prepare copper for foils
          • To white foils
          • Foils for crystals, pebbles or paste, to give the lustre and play of diamonds
          • To colour foils
          • Ruby colours

            Gilding, Silvering and Tinning:

          • How to gild glass and porcelain
          • How to gild leather
          • How to gild writings, drawings, on paper or parchment
          • How to gild the edges of paper
          • How to gild silk, satin, ivory, &c. by hydrogen gas
          • Oil gilding on wood
          • How to gild by burnishing
          • Matting
          • How to gild copper by amalgam
          • Gold powder for gilding
          • How to cover bars of copper &c with gold, so as to be rolled out into sheets
          • How to silver copper ingots
          • How to gild in colors
          • Grecian gilding
          • How to dissolve gold in aqua regia
          • How to gild iron or steel with a solution of gold
          • How to gild by dissolving gold in aqua regia
          • Amalgam of gold, in the large way
          • How to gild by amalgamation
          • How to silver by heat
          • How to silver in the cold way
          • How to assay plated metals
          • How to plate iron
          • How to heighten the color of yellow gold
          • How to separate gold from gilt, copper and silver
          • How to tin copper and brass
          • How to tin iron or copper vessels
          • How to prepare the leaden tree
          • How to prepare the tin tree
          • How to prepare the silver tree
          • Metallic watering for blanc moire
          • Chinese sheet lead

            Iron and Steel:

          • Expeditious mode of reducing iron ore into malleable iron
          • New method of shingling and manufacturing iron
          • Approved method of welding iron
          • Welding steel, or iron and cast steel
          • Common hardening
          • Case-hardening
          • Improved process for hardening steel
          • Improved method of hardening steel by hammering
          • English cast steel
          • How to color steel blue
          • How to distinguish steel from iron

            … and literally THOUSANDS more!

            • Remember folks, this is an 1857 original. This book is 167 years old!


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