HP EliteDesk 800 G3 TWR
This HP EliteDesk 800 G3 TWR PC has been fully tested and cleaned by our professional technicians, and is in full working order. All updates, necessary drives and security software have been installed onto the device along with Windows 11 Pro

Storage device
The storage device (in this case, a 256GB SSD) has been thoroughly wiped using a NIST 800-88 compliant wiping process and checked using our three-stage testing routine, so it is in good health with no errors.

Cosmetic Condition
This item is in a fair condition; a few small scratches and marks in places which can be seen in the photos, but overall there are very few signs of previous use. The same goes for the inside of the item - everything clean and in working order. 

Supplied With:

Items are packed safely and shipped rapidly. 

This item comes with a 60 day warranty