You are bidding on one Poetry album, guided 1928 in Luther City Wittenberg from one Herta Wust.

Herta Wust, daughter of Louis Wust and Anna Wust, née. Höse (her mother died in Wittenberg in 1940), later married Rudolf Scheufler, dropped on the 7th. November 1944 "in the East" as a sergeant at the age of 31. He was the son of Wilhelm Scheufler (1869-1949), union secretary of the metal workers' association in Wittenberg. The obituaries (newspaper clippings) of her mother, husband and father-in-law are included in the diary.

With ins. 34 entries, all of 1928.

Related: Brother Herbert Wust, grandparents, cousins ​​Ella and Margarete.

Teachers: Helm, E. Herzberg, M. Kahmann, Krauße, Schmidt, Schreier, M. Sehmisch, Siebensohn and Trebuss (Rector)

Girlfriends: Charlotte Adler, Erna Eckardt, Luise Eggdorf, Lotte Friedrich, Gertrud Hebestreit, Nanny Hoffmann, Frieda Kölling, Irmgard Kynast, M. Lehmann, Elfriede Leps, Hildegard Liebmann, Hildegard Möbus, Elsbeth and Martha Müller, Elsa Reinisch, Erna Richter, Erna Rose , Erna Ruhl, Hildegard Singer, Marie Schäff and Lieselotte Stamann.

Album with very decorative cover and endpapers.

Format: 19.3 x 13 x 1.5 cm.

Condition: Binding and pages slightly stained; nice condition. The enclosed obituaries are partly torn. bPlease also note the pictures!

Internal note: PoetryA Box 2

Herta Wust, daughter of Louis Wust and Anna Wust, née. Höse (her mother died in Wittenberg in 1940), later married Rudolf Scheufler, dropped on the 7th. November 1944 "in the East" as a sergeant at the age of 31. He was the son of Wilhelm Scheufler (1869-1949), union secretary of the metal workers' association in Wittenberg. The obituaries (newspaper clippings) of her mother, husband and father-in-law are included in the diary. Girlfriends: Charlotte Adler, Erna Eckardt, Luise Eggdorf, Lotte Friedrich, Gertrud Hebestreit, Nanny Hoffmann, Frieda Kölling, Irmgard Kynast, M. Lehmann, Elfriede Leps, Hildegard Liebmann, Hildegard Möbus, Elsbeth and Martha Müller, Elsa Reinisch, Erna Richter, Erna Rose , Erna Ruhl, Hildegard Singer, Marie Schäff and Lieselotte Stamann. Condition: Binding and p