This is a lot of loose Star Wars action figures from my childhood. I did my best to identify as many as I could and pair them with the appropriate accessories, but my apologies for any inaccuracies - please see the pictures for details! There were a handful of leftover accessories that I will include as well.

Here is what I believe to be an accurate list:

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace (1999-2000)

Captain Tarpals

Ric Olie (w/ gun & helmet)

Qui-Gon Jinn (Jedi Duel) w/ lightsaber

Darth Maul (Jedi Duel) w/ lightsaber

Jar Jar Binks (The Phantom Menace)

Padme Amidala

Padme Amidala (Battle)

Boss Nass (w/ staff)

Rune Haako

Pit Droid

Battle Droid x3 (two with guns: one with dark marks around the knees and ankles, the other with yellow on the head and chest; one with blue electricity and a removable head)

Star Wars: Attack of the Clones (2002)

Ki-Adi Mundi w/ lightsaber

Plo Koon w/ lightsaber

Jar Jar Binks w/ staff

Count Dooku w/ lightsaber

Clone Trooper Captain w/ gun

Orn Free Taa w/ camera droid

Obi-Wan Kenobi Kedi Starfighter w/ lightsaber

Tuan We

Tusken Raider w/ staff

Palpatine (Darth Sidious)

Zam Wesell w/ gun

Luminara Unduli w/ lightsaber

Fi-Ek Sirch w/ lightsaber

Anakin Skywalker (Outland Peasant Disguise)

Saesee Tinn

Anakin Skywalker (Hanger Duel)

Yoda (Jedi Master) w/ lightsaber and stand

Kit Fisto w/ lightsaber

Mace Windu (Geonosian Rescue) w/ lightsaber

Shaak Ti

Padme Amidala (Arena Escape) w/ gun, chain, and pillar

Dexter Jettser

Captain Typho w/ helmet

Geonosian Warrior w/ staff

Jango Fett (Kamino Escape) w/ guns & helmet

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Coruscant Chase)

Boba Fett (Kamino Escape) w/ helmet, cloak & jetpack

Jango Fett (Kamino Showdown) w/ removable head

R2-D2 (Coruscant Sentry)

Super Battle Droid w/ Exploding Body Damage (interchangable torso)

Nexu (w/ working sound)

Battle Reek (w/ working sound)


Qui-Gon Jinn (The Phantom Menace, 2002)

Luke Skywalker (Bespin Duel) w/ Cloud City Accessories

Han Solo (Endor Raid)

Darth Vader (Bespin Duel) w/ Cloud City Accessories

The Emperor (not identified  - 1998 with blue highlights on his cloak)

Chewbacca (Cloud City Capture) w/ dissembled C3PO and net

Royal Guard (Power of the Force, 2002)

Djas Puhr, Alien Bounty Hunter