Item Description

"Vic and Sade," created and written by Paul Rhymer, had a 14-year run and was the most popular radio series of its kind, reaching 7,000,000 listeners in 1943, according to Time. For the majority of its span on the air, "Vic and Sade" was heard in 15-minute episodes without a continuing storyline. The central characters, known as "radio's home folks," were accountant Victor Rodney Gook (Art Van Harvey), his wife Sade (Bernadine Flynn) and their adopted son Rush (Bill Idelson). The three lived on Virginia Avenue in "the small house halfway up in the next block." The program was presented with a low-key ease and naturalness, and Rhymer's humorous dialogue was delivered with a subtleness that made even the most outrageous events seem commonplace and normal.

"Vic and Sade" was first heard over NBC's Blue network in 1932 and originated in Chicago. At the height of its popularity, it was broadcast over all three major networks and as many as six times a day.

In 1940, the actor who played Vic, Art Van Harvey, became ill, and Sade's Uncle Fletcher (Clarence Hartzell) was added to the cast to fill the place of the missing male lead. When Van Harvey recovered his health, Uncle Fletcher was kept on as a fourth character.

During the WWII years, the actor who played Rush, Bill Idelson, was called into military service, and he left the show. The spring months of 1943 were a tumultuous period, but eventually a second son figure, Russell Miller (David Whitehouse), was brought in, and the program continued as it always had.

"Vic and Sade" went off the air September 29, 1944 but was brought back several times. In 1945, the cast was augmented to include many characters who were previously only talked about. In 1946 it was a summer replacement series and also featured an augmented cast. In 1949 three television episodes were made using an elaborate set that included the whole house as well as the front and back yards. In 1957 it ran for seven weeks as a television series but returned to the original three-character format.

The show's strength and appeal stem from its author's unique outlook on the world, his peculiar sense of humor and his ability to create a universe of people, places and fascinating situations out of exiguous material.

Part of the magic of "Vic and Sade" is that all of the action, all of the people and all of the places in the town were created strictly through the dialogue. Listeners heard just the voices of the three, later four, principal speaking characters, embellished with very few sound effects.



Victor Rodney Gook was the chief accountant of the Consolidated Kitchenware Company Plant Number Fourteen. He was the Exalted Big Dipper of the Drowsy Venus Chapter of the Sacred Stars of the Milky Way which was founded by R.J. Konk. Vic's passion was parades, alarm clocks and doorbells. He was often asked to submit articles to the Kitchenware Dealers Quarterly and the lodge magazine.


Sade was a housewife who took pride in her housekeeping. Her interest outside the home was primarily focused on the Thimble Club where she and the thimble ladies would get together to sew and gossip. She was very pragmatic about things and had little sense of humor. Her world extended to a very small radius and she cared little for anything outside her tightly drawn circle.


Rush's (and later Russell's) favorite activities were playing baseball (and football) in Tatman's vacant lot, watching the fat men play handball down at the YMCA and taking in the Bijou moving picture show. Rush and Russell had the same friends, but they differed in character: Rush was the schemer who was always looking for ways to make a quick buck and had an angle on everything; doing homework, and especially algebra, was not high on his priority list. Russell enjoyed and did well in school despite the fact he was more the dreamer, the naive young romantic; he was always willing to lend a hand no matter how impractical his outlook was; it follows then that chores around the house were not something he excelled at.

Uncle Fletcher

Uncle Fletcher was a talker who had a story and advice about everything. If there was one activity, outside of telling stories, that he can be noted for, it would be riding on Gumpox's garbage wagon - and he even got a special pass to allow him to do so. He especially enjoyed discussing the interesting facts and statistics about such things as his watch fob collection, key collection, photos and snapshots, and his landlady's washrag collection. And he liked popping popcorn.

Once voted the best radio serial in a poll of 600 radio editors, "Vic and Sade" also received praise from many well-known listeners, including Ray Bradbury, Norman Corwin, Stan Freberg, Edgar A. Guest, Ogden Nash, John O'Hara, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jean Shepherd, James Thurber and Henrik Willem Van Loon. According to Bernadine Flynn, the show received a letter from a judge who always called for a recess in the afternoons so that he could listen to "Vic and Sade." Nash and O'Hara both compared Rhymer to Mark Twain, while others made a comparison with Charles Dickens, but Rhymer defies comparison since his work is unlike anything before or since.

This collection of "Vic and Sade" radio programs features 347 shows on 1 DVD. Each episode is presented in the .mp3 format. There are many hours of entertaining "Vic and Sade" episodes.

The DVD is labeled and provided in a highly protective jewel case. A list of the programs on the disc as well as the date the program originally aired (if known) is also provided.



A note concerning sound quality. The sound quality for the shows in this collection is very good to good. It is difficult to find perfect recordings from the golden age of radio due to the equipment used for recording and the fact that many of the recordings were made 60, 70 or even 80 years ago.

Episode Listing for the Vic And Sade programs included in this collection:

V&S - 000000 - 20 Dollars Hank Gustv Gave
V&S - 000000 - Appelrot Shoves Sade Around
V&S - 000000 - Catalog From Lodge Headquarters
V&S - 000000 - Deep Currents Of School Life
V&S - 000000 - Dottie Brainfeeble Arrives
V&S - 000000 - Fancy Titles Husbands
V&S - 000000 - Golden Treasuries of Vic and Sade
V&S - 000000 - Ice Cream and Salted Peanuts at Midnight
V&S - 000000 - Miz Appelrot Rearranges The Furniture
V&S - 000000 - People Who Owe Sade Money
V&S - 000000 - Rush Draws List Of Acquaintances
V&S - 000000 - Russell Tenders His Resignation
V&S - 000000 - Sade Opens Rev. Gook Letter
V&S - 000000 - Sade Out In The Yard
V&S - 000000 - Ushering at the Bijou
V&S - 000000 - Vic's Geographical Trip
V&S - 000000 - Vics Photograph With R.J. Konk
V&S - 370528 - Decoration Day Parade
V&S - 370604 - Sade's Trip To Dwight
V&S - 371128 - Congress And The Supreme Court
V&S - 380303 - Official Host
V&S - 381130 - Vic's New Hat
V&S - 390000 - Mr. Gumpox Offers Sade A Stall
V&S - 390000 - Rush... 'I Here By Resign From...'
V&S - 390000 - Sade Volunteers For Pageant
V&S - 390000 - Vic's Christmas Card List
V&S - 390102 - Lodge Regalia Out On Loan
V&S - 390116 - Flower Garden Arranger
V&S - 390308 - Mr. Erickson's House Repairs
V&S - 390425 - Rotten Davis Phones
V&S - 390426 - Sade's New Luggage
V&S - 390511 - Overnight Guests
V&S - 390601 - Grandpa Snyder and Christmas Cards
V&S - 390605 - Y.Y. Flirch Tries To Phone Vic
V&S - 390613 - Porch Collapses - Rotten Takes Blame
V&S - 390705 - Two Tons Of Coal
V&S - 390830 - Rush Mad - Pre-selected Clothes
V&S - 390906 - Office Invoices and Magnifying Glass
V&S - 390922 - Sade Provides Names Of Wildflowers
V&S - 391006 - Double Feature In Hopewood
V&S - 391030 - Five Christmas Card Salesmen
V&S - 391031 - Blue-Tooth Under The Gook Davenport
V&S - 391106 - Charlie R.'s Fish Picture
V&S - 391107 - Smelly Makes A Speech
V&S - 391114 - Rush... House Destroyer
V&S - 391121 - Smelly Clark Solicits Gifts
V&S - 391200 - Rush Is Getting On In Years
V&S - 400000 - Hank's $200 Wardrobe
V&S - 400000 - Letter To Walter
V&S - 400000 - Milton's Dirt In Fruit Jars
V&S - 400000 - Shake Hands With R.J. Konk
V&S - 400000 - Speaking Acquaintances
V&S - 400000 - Too Many Faces In The Windows
V&S - 400102 - No Painted Portrait Of Big Dipper
V&S - 400109 - Boys Copy Numbers And Sade Tells Gossip
V&S - 400112 - Vegetable Garden
V&S - 400119 - Gumpox vs. Donahue
V&S - 400122 - R.J. Konk's Imporved Portrait
V&S - 400124 - Y.Y. Flirch... Best Looking Man
V&S - 400202 - Mr. Donahue Gets A Promotion
V&S - 400220 - Rush's Good Looks (PARTIAL RECORDING)
V&S - 400227 - High School Gossip
V&S - 400319 - Bess Letter And Grocery List On Top
V&S - 400325 - Smelly Clark's Big Date
V&S - 400327 - Vic Fakes The Coronet
V&S - 400329 - No, Vic, No Trip To Chicago
V&S - 400404 - Rush Must Make A Call On A Girl
V&S - 400408 - Can Blue-Tooth Sue The Bijou
V&S - 400410 - Nicer To Sleep Over For Two Weeks
V&S - 400417 - Vic's Heart-Shaped Face
V&S - 400500 - Teaching Cigar Smoking To Chinbunny
V&S - 400503 - Engine Cab Ride To Chicago
V&S - 400506 - Working Out Hank's Indebtedness
V&S - 400515 - Vic's Picture Totally Mislabeled
V&S - 400527 - Miss Scott Getting Too Chummy
V&S - 400529 - Nicer The Goader
V&S - 400613 - Hank Gutstop is Healthy
V&S - 400614 - Freedom... Last Day Of School
V&S - 400617 - Mr. Sludge To Sleep Overnight At Gooks
V&S - 400618 - June Christmas Card Pressure
V&S - 400619 - Vic's Wide-Brimmed Hat
V&S - 400621 - Hank's Job - Royal Throne Barbershop
V&S - 400624 - Mr. Gumpox Blows Kisses
V&S - 400701 - Ruthie Has Secrets
V&S - 400704 - Mr. Sludge Calls His Mother
V&S - 400722 - Mr. Donahue Asks For Demotion
V&S - 400723 - Sade Shows Razorscum Album
V&S - 400814 - Bacon Sandwiches
V&S - 400900 - Mr. Sludge Grows A Quick Moustache
V&S - 400900 - Sleepers Beware - Rush
V&S - 401023 - Hot Soup
V&S - 401119 - Brickmush Man Caught In Revolving Door
V&S - 401200 - H.K. Fleeber's 48 Teeth
V&S - 401223 - Bess' Letter From 1937
V&S - 401231 - Howard Has A New Harness
V&S - 410000 - 14 Days In Grovelman, SC
V&S - 410000 - 40 Pounds Of Golf Clubs
V&S - 410000 - Crowded Car Ride To Shenendoah
V&S - 410000 - Iceberg Lecture
V&S - 410000 - Vic's Inspection Trip
V&S - 410100 - Chit-Chat... South American Wallpaper
V&S - 410121 - Demise Of Bernice
V&S - 410122 - A Very Pleasant Noon Hour
V&S - 410123 - Vic Now On Marching Team
V&S - 410124 - Mr. Roebush Has to Wait
V&S - 410125 - Beautiful, Beautiful Wallpaper
V&S - 410203 - New Wallpaper But There's A Catch
V&S - 410207 - Landlady's Photos... Again
V&S - 410211 - Fred Considering Joining The Lodge
V&S - 410216 - Wives' Rule Book
V&S - 410224 - Uncle Fletcher To Meet 1 AM Train
V&S - 410225 - No Marchin' For Me
V&S - 410300 - Company Coming - 13 People
V&S - 410314 - Marching Team Pictures
V&S - 410318 - After Dinner Talk
V&S - 410318 - Miz Keller to Join the Thimble Club
V&S - 410325 - Muddled Shopping Money
V&S - 410327 - Hank's Weather Service
V&S - 410331 - Rush Wants His Interest
V&S - 410400 - Shopping Trip - 5.00 Bank
V&S - 410404 - Dinner Invitation Withdrawn
V&S - 410423 - Sleep Tight, Mr. Donahue
V&S - 410500 - Fred's Concrete Partition
V&S - 410500 - Landlord's Sneaky Trick
V&S - 410500 - Rush, Bulletin Board Monitor
V&S - 410502 - Vic's Picture On Quarterly Cover
V&S - 410508 - Mr. Erickson Gives the House as a Gift
V&S - 410512 - Exalted Big Dipper Day
V&S - 410513 - Uncle Fletcher Wants Mementos Stored
V&S - 410516 - Uncle Fletcher's Door Stop Plan
V&S - 410521 - Uncle Fletcher's Keys
V&S - 410530 - Five Men From Maine
V&S - 410601 - Uncle Fletcher Tries To Call Long Distance
V&S - 410603 - The Hammock
V&S - 410604 - Grand Old Lodge Lady
V&S - 410609 - Letter Writing Plot
V&S - 410630 - Who's Who In Kitchenware
V&S - 410701 - The Easy Chair
V&S - 410826 - Uncle Fletcher... The Protector
V&S - 410909 - Vic Got Boss' Gift Wrap Again
V&S - 410917 - Don't Help Dust, Uncle Fletcher
V&S - 410929 - Bright Kentucky Hotel Speaker
V&S - 411008 - Sade's Surprise Christmas Gift
V&S - 411009 - It's Algebra, Uncle Fletcher
V&S - 411010 - Fred And The Fifth Tire
V&S - 411014 - Vic Declines Coronet Lessons
V&S - 411031 - Broken Alarm Clocks
V&S - 411100 - No Hookey For Vic And Rush
V&S - 411100 - Strictly Business Christmas Loan
V&S - 411104 - Send The Slippers Back
V&S - 411105 - Vic's Christmas Gift List Too Long
V&S - 411120 - Rush Humiliated At Thanksgiving
V&S - 411200 - Left And Right Handed Stacey Yupp
V&S - 411201 - Bert, Winnie & Vic's Trip To Plant No. 17
V&S - 411201 - Winnie and her man
V&S - 411208 - The Bottom Buffet Drawer
V&S - 411212 - 34 Christmas Gifts For $20
V&S - 411217 - A Bijou Lifetime Pass
V&S - 411225 - North Dakota River Bottom Revel
V&S - 420000 - Lodge Speech Rehersal
V&S - 420000 - Parades
V&S - 420000 - Telephone Call From Hinks
V&S - 420000 - The Thunderstorm
V&S - 420000 - Thimble Club Ladies Plan Visit
V&S - 420000 - Trip To Carberry
V&S - 420000 - Uncle Fletcher's Trip To Dixon
V&S - 420000 - Washrag Collection
V&S - 420201 - Donahue's Doorbell
V&S - 420211 - Budgeting
V&S - 420213 - Prize Clock
V&S - 420217 - Hank Gutstop, Hostess
V&S - 420218 - Edith Suggin's Visit
V&S - 420219 - Uncle Fletcher Comes To Visit
V&S - 420224 - Rawhide Shoestrings
V&S - 420226 - Putting Up The Porch Swing
V&S - 420300 - Miz Appelrot's Petition
V&S - 420303 - Accounting For The Sponduliks
V&S - 420304 - Room Warming
V&S - 420306 - Tornado Gook
V&S - 420309 - Uncle Fletcher's Unopened Letter
V&S - 420312 - Tiny Petite Pheasant Feather Tea Shoppe
V&S - 420406 - Scrap Drive
V&S - 420420 - Gravy Boat
V&S - 420515 - Mentioned In Dispatches
V&S - 420608 - Fourth Letter From Bess
V&S - 420716 - A Gross Of Gravels
V&S - 420806 - Christmas Cards C.O.D.
V&S - 420818 - Attic Cleaning
V&S - 420824 - Rush's New School Clothes
V&S - 420914 - Sade And Ruthie Come Out Even
V&S - 420915 - Letter From H.K. Fleeber... Forward March
V&S - 421001 - Cherry Phosphates
V&S - 421012 - Mayor Wants To Joins The Lodge
V&S - 421020 - Fred's Concrete Floor
V&S - 421027 - Boss' Christmas Present
V&S - 421120 - Smelly Clark, The Barber
V&S - 421207 - Miss Nagle To Break Up Lee Street
V&S - 430104 - Honorary Titles For Sale
V&S - 430107 - Fred Might Join Lodge
V&S - 430123 - Robert and Slobert Call Long Distance
V&S - 430215 - Dottie's Letter From Chuck
V&S - 430216 - Leland Richard Is Coming
V&S - 430227 - Leland Richard is Homesick
V&S - 430305 - Vic Entertains Dottie
V&S - 430310 - Chuck And Dottie Wash Dishes
V&S - 430318 - Miz Applerot Versus Dottie
V&S - 430331 - Brainfeeble's Housewarming
V&S - 430412 - Dottie's New Dress
V&S - 430608 - Vic Reluctant To Put Up Porch Swing
V&S - 430712 - Lodge Regalia Out On Loan
V&S - 430723 - Lodge Robe Needs Altering
V&S - 430820 - Picking Up Vic At Railroad Station
V&S - 430920 - Fifty Photos Of Vic's Teeth
V&S - 431001 - Sewing Buttons
V&S - 431011 - Victor R. Gook Fontenelle
V&S - 431026 - Pom Pom Honorary Lodge Member
V&S - 431027 - Thimble Club Ladies Meeting
V&S - 431103 - Watch Fob Collection
V&S - 431108 - Essay On Birds
V&S - 431110 - Phone Call Interruptions
V&S - 431111 - B.B. Baugh And Stingyberry Jam
V&S - 431112 - Uncle Fletcher's Packing Problem
V&S - 431115 - Ike Kneesuffer's Snapshots
V&S - 431119 - Pom Pom Cordova
V&S - 431126 - Boss' Christmas Present
V&S - 431129 - Garbage Wagon Pass
V&S - 431130 - Sweet Esther, Wisconsin Parades
V&S - 431202 - Cleaning Out The Bookcase
V&S - 431215 - Color Of Gumpox's Eyes
V&S - 431227 - Invoice Preparations
V&S - 440000 - Russel Miller, Con Artist
V&S - 440124 - Vic Sleeping On the Couch
V&S - 440125 - Missouri State Home For The Tall
V&S - 440203 - Sixty Pairs Of Pants
V&S - 440204 - Mr. Sludge Grows A Quick Moustache
V&S - 440225 - History Of Plant Number 14
V&S - 440301 - Hank Gutstop's Supper Party
V&S - 440307 - Hank Gutstop's Proposition
V&S - 440317 - Vic's Cancelled Trip
V&S - 440320 - Mysterious Skulkers
V&S - 440403 - Fred Stembottom Becomes Ted
V&S - 440405 - Roy's Formula For Hyena Grease
V&S - 440407 - Solo March
V&S - 440419 - B.B. Baugh, The Dentist's Friend
V&S - 440501 - Lodge Holiday Home Visits
V&S - 440530 - Lolita DiRienzi's Suggestion
V&S - 440602 - Teaching Cigar Smoking To Mr. Chinbunny
V&S - 440607 - Elkskin Shoelaces
V&S - 440609 - The Lunges Are Coming
V&S - 440612 - Professor Russell... Tutor
V&S - 440613 - Prettiest Eye Contest
V&S - 440614 - Dead-Man's-Trick Job
V&S - 440615 - Aunt Bess's 5th Letter
V&S - 440616 - Piercing Blue Eyes
V&S - 440619 - 500 Bijou Tickets
V&S - 440620 - No More Pretty Boy
V&S - 440621 - Rishigan Fishigan's Secret
V&S - 440622 - Gaggle Of June Christmas Card Sellers
V&S - 440623 - Lodge Telescope Wanted
V&S - 440626 - The Boys Avoid Instructions
V&S - 440627 - Fraudulent Job Rejected
V&S - 440628 - Cough Nixes Buller Letter
V&S - 440629 - War Bond Visitor
V&S - 440630 - Russell Stays With Milton
V&S - 440704 - Sade Decides To Play Rummy
V&S - 440705 - Big Dipper Dashes For Robe
V&S - 440706 - Where To Hide The Ritual
V&S - 440707 - Second Letter From Yellow Jump
V&S - 440710 - Vic Cajoles - Play Rummy
V&S - 440711 - Don't Scrape Off The Watts
V&S - 440712 - Phone Call From Yellow Jump
V&S - 440713 - Uncle Fletcher Miffed With Sade
V&S - 440714 - Sade Short Changed
V&S - 440717 - Marching Plans Disappear
V&S - 440718 - Sale at Yamelton's Store
V&S - 440719 - Uncle Fletcher's New Lodgings
V&S - 440720 - Uncle Fletcher's Come-Visit-Me
V&S - 440724 - Robert & Slobert Are Scoundrels
V&S - 440725 - Mr. Donahue Hates Vacations
V&S - 440726 - Sade Pleads To See A Movie
V&S - 440727 - Vic's Foreign Accent
V&S - 440728 - Garbage Box Mystery
V&S - 440731 - Hank Cuts His Debt To Vic
V&S - 440801 - No Old Overshoes
V&S - 440802 - Miss Harris Versus Mr. Overholt
V&S - 440803 - Sunday School Alumni Reunion
V&S - 440804 - Vic Is Boss For A Day
V&S - 440807 - No Dinner Tonight
V&S - 440808 - Russell Is In Charge Of Howard
V&S - 440809 - Hunt For Lost Teeth
V&S - 440810 - Sade Struggles With A Letter
V&S - 440811 - Uncle Fletcher Must Rest Brain And Body
V&S - 440814 - Uncle Fletcher - Rest Extended
V&S - 440815 - Vacation From A Vacation
V&S - 440816 - Great Picture Of Vic
V&S - 440901 - Arranging The Honeymoon
V&S - 440904 - Wedding Guest List
V&S - 440905 - Sade Reckons Her Debtors
V&S - 440906 - Muted Silver Moonbeam Chimes
V&S - 440907 - Mysterious Mother-Of-Pearl Box
V&S - 440908 - Business Trip To Chicago
V&S - 440911 - Uncle Fletcher Looks For A Guide
V&S - 440912 - Changing Tires With Ted Stembottom
V&S - 440913 - Aunt Bess's 6th Letter (Ham, Ham)
V&S - 440914 - Working Out Gutstop's Indebtedness
V&S - 440915 - Uncle Fletcher Needs Sade's Help
V&S - 440918 - Vic's Greeting Cards
V&S - 440919 - Vic Is To Be Best Man
V&S - 440920 - Rev. V. Cook's Letter
V&S - 440921 - Groom Arrives On The 9-45
V&S - 440922 - Vic's Unheard News
V&S - 440925 - Saving Blue-Tooth From Tragedy
V&S - 440926 - Box Of Old Letters
V&S - 440927 - Bridegroom Disappears
V&S - 440928 - Keebergers Department Store Owes Vic $200
V&S - 440929 - Goodbye
V&S - 441027 - Sade's Thimble Club
V&S - 450318 - The Stillness of an Afternoon is Broken - Russell
V&S - 451119 - Uncle Fletcher, Unwanted Samaritan
V&S - 451120 - Miz Korkell, Strong Lady
V&S - 451121 - Jimmy Custard, City Callestalker
V&S - 451123 - Five Sleeping Beauties
V&S - 451126 - Sweet Corn, A Shattered Bullfinch
V&S - 451127 - Sade's Parade Of Interruptions
V&S - 451129 - Uncle Fletcher Arranges Phone Calls
V&S - 451130 - Dwight Twentysixler's Scrapbook
V&S - 451203 - Dull Evening Comes To Life
V&S - 451204 - Orville Fired And Hired
V&S - 451205 - Engagement!
V&S - 451206 - Rainy Day Fun In The Kitchen
V&S - 451207 - There's Going To Be A Great Day
V&S - 460622 - Piano Lessons
V&S - 460704 - Women's Auxilliary
V&S - 460711 - Police Chief Cullerson
V&S - 460718 - Mid-Summer Madness
V&S - 460725 - Moving To Peoria
V&S - 460801 - Drum The Bum, Visitation Officer
V&S - 460808 - The Honeymoon Couple
V&S - 460822 - Sade And Miss Kessler Fight
V&S - 460829 - Uncle Fletcher's Pre-Arranged Meals
V&S - 460919 - Uncle Fletcher Is Farmed Out
V&S - 460926 - Vic Brings Office Work Home
V&S - 461010 - Mr. Zee, The Handyman
V&S - 461026 - August_Invoices
V&SExtra - 950425 (Re-enactment) - Ordering Underwear By Mail
V&SExtra - 950425 (Re-enactment) - Rush Brings Home A Dog
V&SExtra - Honored By Philco Radio Hall Of Fame on 450318

IMPORTANT NOTE!: The DVD presented for sale contains radio programs recorded and preserved in the MP3 audio format. The MP3 format allows for audio compression and can allow the storage of over 400 hours of audio per DVD. The MP3 format is compatible with many newer DVD and MP3 players. The MP3 format is also playable on Windows based computers with DVD drives using Real Player, Windows Media Player or other players.

Attention EBay: After a careful search of the Library of Congress and the United States Trademark and Patent Office, it has been determined that the programs listed for sale here are in the Public Domain. They are being offered with the understanding that no valid or active copyright, trademark, and/or patent exist for them. These recordings are sold for private home listening and use only. No broadcast rights are stated, implied, or given. Historical Media assumes no responsibility for unauthorized use of these programs. The Library Of Congress has ruled that old radio broadcasts are within the Public Domain, since they were not qualified for copyright protection when presented, nor was any attempt to place them under such copyright protection when the opportunity existed in 1978-1979 when the copyright law regarding these programs was revised. Radio shows created before January 1, 1978 are protected by the Copyright Act of 1909. These shows are listed in accordance with current EBay policies concerning selling Old Time Radio Public Domain materials.

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eBay Payments is the only form of payment accepted. Payment must be made through eBay Payments within 48 hours of auction's end. Item will be shipped within 24 hours of receiving full payment.

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Shipping is offered within the United States ONLY. No international shipping is offered. Shipments will be made to eBay Payments confirmed addresses only. Items will be shipped via U.S.P.S. Ground Advantage within 24 hours of receiving full payment.

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