This collection of "Fibber McGee and Molly" shows features 777 shows on 1 DVD. Each episode is presented in the .mp3 format. There are many hours of entertaining "Fibber McGee and Molly" programs.

The DVD is labeled and provided in a highly protective jewel case. A list of the programs on the disc as well as the date the program originally aired (if known) is also provided.



A note concerning sound quality. The sound quality for the shows in this collection is very good to good. It is difficult to find perfect recordings from the golden age of radio due to the equipment used for recording and the fact that many of the recordings were made 60, 70 or even 80 years ago.


"Fibber McGee and Molly" was a radio show that played a major role in determining the full form of what became classic, old-time radio. The series was a pinnacle of American popular culture from its 1935 premiere until its end in 1959. One of the longest-running comedies in the history of classic radio in the United States, "Fibber McGee and Molly" has stood the test of time in many ways, transcending the actual or alleged limitations of its medium, form and concurrent culture.

The genesis of "Fibber McGee and Molly" occurred when small-time husband-and-wife vaudevillians James "Jim" and Marian Driscoll Jordan, native Illinoisans who met in church, began their third year as Chicago-area radio performers. Two of the shows they did for station WENR beginning in 1927, both written by Harry Lawrence, bore traces of what was to come and rank as one of the earliest forms of situation comedy.

In their 'Luke and Mirandy' farm-report program, Jim played a farmer who was given to tall tales and face-saving lies for comic effect. In a weekly comedy, 'The Smith Family', Marian's character was an Irish wife of an American police officer.

These characterizations, plus the Jordans' change from being singers/musicians to comic actors, pointed toward their future.

The Jordans teamed with Donald Quinn, an unemployed cartoonist the couple hired as their writer in 1931. For station WMAQ in Chicago, beginning in April 1931, the trio created 'Smackout', a 15-minute daily program which centered around a general store and its proprietor, Luke Grey (Jim Jordan), a storekeeper with a penchant for tall tales and a perpetual dearth of whatever his customers wanted: He always seemed "smack out of it." Marian Jordan portrayed both a lady named Marian and a little girl named Teeny, as well as playing musical accompaniment on piano. 'Smackout' was picked up for national airing by the National Broadcasting Company in April 1933, and the show endured until August 1935.

A member of the S.C. Johnson company's owners, Henrietta Johnson Lewis, married to the advertising executive who handled the Johnson's Wax account, recommended that her husband, John, give the show a chance as a national program for the company.

If 'Smackout' proved the Jordan-Quinn union's viability, their next creation proved immortal. Amplifying Luke Grey's tall talesmanship to braggadocio in a Midwestern layabout, Quinn developed "Fibber McGee and Molly", with Jim playing the foible-prone Fibber and Marian playing his patient, honey-natured wife. The show premiered on NBC April 16, 1935, and, though it took five seasons to become an irrevocable hit, it touched a nerve with enough listeners seeking cheer amidst despair.

Existing in a kind of Neverland where money never came in, schemes never stayed out for very long, yet no one living or visiting went wanting, 79 Wistful Vista (the McGees' address) became the home Depression-exhausted Americans visited to remind themselves that they were not the only ones finding cheer in the middle of struggle and doing their best not to make it overt. With blowhard McGee wavering between mundane tasks and hare-brained schemes (like digging an oil well in the back yard), antagonizing as many people as possible, and patient Molly indulging his foibles before catching him lovingly as he crashed back to earth yet again, not to mention a tireless parade of neighbors and friends in and out of the quiet home, "Fibber McGee and Molly" built its audience steadily, but once it found the full volume of that audience in 1940 they rarely let go of it.

Marian Jordan took a protracted absence from the show in late 1938-early 1939 (as part of a lifelong battle with alcoholism, although this was attributed to "fatigue" in public statements). The show was retitled Fibber McGee and Company during this interregnum.

"Fibber McGee and Molly" was one of the earliest radio comedies to use regular characters, nearly all of whom had recurring phrases and running gags almost equal to those of the stars. These included:

Throckmorton P. Gildersleeve (the pompous next-door neighbor whom Fibber enjoyed twitting and arguing with).

The Old-Timer (a hard-of-hearing senior citizen with a penchant for distorting jokes, prefacing each one by saying "That ain't the way I heared it!" For no apparent reason he refers to Fibber as "Johnny" and Molly as "Daughter"). A recurring joke is that he refuses to tell his real name. In one episode he finally claims that it is 'Rupert.'

Teeny, also known as "Little Girl", (a precocious youngster, voiced by Marian Jordan and held over from Smackout, who was usually trying to cadge loose change from Fibber, and ending half her sentences with "I'm hungry!" and, especially, "I betcha!" Teeny was also known to lose track of her own conversations. When Fibber tried to show interest in what she was saying, she would seem to forget all about it. Her conversation would switch from telling about to asking about whatever it was. Then, when Fibber would repeat all she had been telling him, Teeny would reply "I know it!" in a condescending way).

Mayor LaTrivia, a name inspired by New York's famous mayor Fiorello LaGuardia, who would go from frustration to stark-raving confusion by the McGees' literal interpretations of his colloquialisms.

Billy Mills (wisecracking leader of Billy Mills & The Orchestra, who played short instrumentals in the first half of each episode).

Dr. Gamble (a local physician and surgeon with whom Fibber had a long-standing rivalry and friendship).

Ole Swenson (a Swedish-born janitor at the Elks Club, always complaining that he was "joost donatin' my time!").

Abigail Uppington (a snooty society matron whose pretensions Fibber delighted in deflating).

Wallace Wimple (a hen-pecked husband constantly dominated by "Sweetieface," his "big ol' wife").

Alice Darling (a ditzy munitions-plant worker who boarded with the McGees during the war).

Horatio K. Boomer (a con artist with a W.C. Fields-like voice and delivery).

Nick Depopoulous (a Greek-born restaurateur with a tendency toward verbal malapropisms).

Myrtle, also known as "Myrt", (a never-heard telephone operator that Fibber is friends with. A typical Myrt sketch started with Fibber picking up the phone and demanding, "Operator, give me number 32...Oooh, is that you, Myrt? How's every little thing Myrt?" Commonly, this was followed with Fibber relaying what Myrt was telling him to Molly, usually news about Myrt's family, and always ending with a bad pun). Myrtle made one brief appearance on 06/22/1943 when she visited the McGees to wish them a good summer--the McGees did not recognize her in person.

The most unusual character might have been the McGees' black maid, Beulah. Unlike the situation on The Jack Benny Program, where black actor Eddie Anderson played "Rochester," Beulah was voiced by a Caucasian male, Marlin Hurt. The character's usual opening line, "Somebody bawl fo' Beulah??", often provoked a stunned, screeching sort of laughter among the live studio audience; many of them, seeing the show performed for the first time in person, did not know that the actor voicing Beulah was neither black nor female, and expressed their surprise when Hurt delivered his line.

The character of Uncle Dennis, who was the subject of a running gag (see below) and was generally never heard, did appear in a few episodes in 1943, including "Etiquette" on 11/23/1943 and "Fibber Makes His Own Chili Sauce" on 11/09/1943.

Much of the show's humor relied on recurring gags, unseen regulars and punchlines that sometimes popped up here and there for years.

Molly's Uncle Dennis is one of the more common unseen regulars, often referred to, and sometimes be heard making noise. He lives with the McGees, and is apparently an enormous alcoholic, becoming a punch line for many Fibber jokes and even the main subject of some shows in which he "disappeared."

When McGee tells a bad joke, Molly usually answers with the line "T'ain't funny, McGee!"

McGee is never mentioned as having a job, a device later made equally famous by Ozzie Nelson. However, Mayor LaTrivia often offers McGee jobs at City Hall, the jobs usually sounding exciting when the duties are vaguely described, but always ending up being very mundane when the actual job is named. For instance, a job "looking in on the higher ups" turns out to be a window-cleaning job.

McGee, apparently, is very proud of past deeds, sometimes recalls an interesting nickname he picked up over the years, one example being "Eyes-a-muggin' McGee". "Eyes-a-muggin' McGee, they'd call me!" From there he jumps headfirst into a long, breathless and boastful description of his nickname using an impressive amount of alliteration.

Each episode also featured an appearance by announcer/pitchman Harlow Wilcox, whose job it was to weave the second ad for the sponsor into the plot without having to break the show for a real commercial. Wilcox's introductory pitch lines were usually met with groans or humorously sarcastic lines by Fibber. During the many years that the show was sponsored by Johnson Wax, Fibber nicknamed Wilcox "Waxy," due to Wilcox's constant praises of their various products. In fact, and in a style not unusual for the classic radio years, the show was typically introduced as, "The Johnson Wax Program, starring Fibber McGee and Molly." Johnson Wax sponsored the show through 1950; Pet Milk through 1952; and, until the show's final half-hour episode in mid-1953, Reynolds Aluminum.

The Closet

None of the show's running gags was as memorable or enduring as The Closet -McGee's frequently opening and cacophonous closet, bric-a-brac clattering down and out and, often enough, over McGee's or Molly's heads. "I gotta get that closet cleaned out one of these days" was the usual McGee observation once the racket subsided.

Like many such trademarks, the clattering closet began as a one-time stunt - with Molly the burial victim. But The Closet was developed carefully, not being overused (it rarely appeared in more than two consecutive installments, though it never disappeared for the same length, either, at the height of its identification, and it rarely collapsed at exactly the same time from show to show), and it became the best-known running sound gag in American radio's classic period. Jack Benny's basement vault alarm ran a distant second.

Exactly what tumbled out of McGee's closet each time was never clear (except to the sound-effects man), but what signaled the end of the avalanche was always the same sound: a clear, tiny, household hand bell and McGee's inevitable postmortem. Naturally, "one of these days" never arrived. A good thing, too, in one famous instance: when burglars tied up McGee, he informed them cannily that the family valuables were in The Closet. Naturally, the burglars took the bait. And, naturally, they were buried in the inevitable avalanche, long enough for the police to come and cuff them and stuff them. Though on one or two episodes, including "Too Much Energy" (broadcast January 23, 1945), the closet turned up clean, to surprised hilarity. Fibber opened the door to the clean closet, only to be met with complete silence. As the audience chuckled slightly and most likely held their breath in anticipation, Molly explained that she had cleaned out the closet the day before. This was certainly not the end of the gag though, as the closet soon became cluttered once again, leading to many more comedic disasters. In due course, "Fibber McGee's Closet" entered the American vernacular as a catch phrase synonymous with household clutter.

Episode Listing for the "Fibber McGee and Molly" programs included in this collection:

FMM - 350416 - 0001 - The Motorcycle Cop, The Judge And Fibber
FMM - 350430 - 0003 - Hot Dogs And A Blowout
FMM - 350722 - 0015 - The Baseball Instructor
FMM - 350826 - 0020 - The McGee's Win 79 Wistful Vista
FMM - 351028 - 0029 - The Halloween Party
FMM - 351209 - 0035 - Christmas Shopping
FMM - 351230 - 0038 - New Year's Celebration
FMM - 360113 - 0040 - Master Of The Kennel
FMM - 360302 - 0047 - Encyclopedia Salesman
FMM - 360323 - 0050 - Spring Cleaning
FMM - 360406 - 0052 - The Car Trade In
FMM - 360420 - 0054 - Street Car Motorman
FMM - 360504 - 0056 - The Haircut
FMM - 360518 - 0058 - The Escape Artist
FMM - 360525 - 0059 - Selling Christmas Cards In May
FMM - 360601 - 0060 - Conducting The Radio Station Auction
FMM - 360622 - 0063 - The Employment Agency
FMM - 360706 - 0065 - The Deadly Snake Is Loose
FMM - 360727 - 0068 - Don't You Remember Me
FMM - 360907 - 0074 - Judge Of The Court Of Domestic Relations
FMM - 360914 - 0075 - At A Public Dance Hall
FMM - 361005 - 0078 - McGee Shops For Clothes
FMM - 361026 - 0081 - Judges At The Polls
FMM - 361123 - 0085 - Indian Historical Play
FMM - 361130 - 0086 - Running The Public Library
FMM - 361221 - 0089 - Running The Post Office
FMM - 361230 - 0090 - Celebrating New Year's Eve
FMM - 370111 - 0092 - Representative Of The Can Opener Corp
FMM - 370125 - 0094 - Working Out In The Gym
FMM - 370201 - 0095 - Running A Pet Shop
FMM - 370208 - 0096 - Presenting Mcgee's Play, 'Cinderella'
FMM - 370405 - 0104 - Gardening
FMM - 370426 - 0107 - The Take Off For Hollywood
FMM - 370524 - 0111 - I Know Just The Spot For A Picnic
FMM - 370607 - 0113 - Molly Loses Her Diamond Ring
FMM - 370628 - 0116 - The Human Cannonball
FMM - 370719 - 0119 - Homecoming Program
FMM - 370726 - 0120 - Grocery Store Manager
FMM - 370913 - 0127 - A Drama In Ancient Rome
FMM - 371011 - 0131 - Shopping For A New Car
FMM - 371227 - 0142 - Heir To An Estate With Oil Wells
FMM - 380124 - 0146 - Mcgee Minds A Baby
FMM - 380131 - 0147 - The Weatherman
FMM - 380207 - 0148 - McGee Builds A Fireplace
FMM - 380214 - 0149 - The Justice Of The Peace
FMM - 380221 - 0150 - The Onion Soup King
FMM - 380307 - 0152 - The Pawn Broker
FMM - 380405 - 0156 - The New Precipatation Purple Suit
FMM - 380517 - 0162 - Police Reporter McGee
FMM - 380524 - 0163 - Managing A Riding Academy
FMM - 380607 - 0165 - McGee The Artist
FMM - 380906 - 0169 - Hundreds Of Autograph Seekers Are Wai
FMM - 380913 - 0170 - Impressing J. Hopkins Moganpoint
FMM - 381129 - 0181 - Masquerade Party
FMM - 381220 - 0184 - A Christmas Gift For McGee's Nephew
FMM - 381227 - 0185 - Acting Mayor McGee
FMM - 390110 - 0187 - McGee The Fireman
FMM - 390124 - 0189 - Missing Shirt Collar Button
FMM - 390131 - 0190 - Military Advisor For Army Maneuvers
FMM - 390207 - 0191 - Faulty Window Shade
FMM - 390214 - 0192 - Out Of Coal And Frozen Water Pipes
FMM - 390221 - 0193 - After Dinner Speaker At Rotowantis
FMM - 390228 - 0194 - Mouse In The House
FMM - 390307 - 0195 - Mcgee's Hamburger Joint
FMM - 390314 - 0196 - The Gildersleeve Memory Course
FMM - 390321 - 0197 - The Spring Haircut - Dr. Harry Storer
FMM - 390328 - 0198 - Inherited Yacht
FMM - 390404 - 0199 - Antique Furniture
FMM - 390411 - 0200 - The Mailman
FMM - 390418 - 0201 - Molly Returns - Sets Up Budget
FMM - 390425 - 0202 - McGee Gets Glasses
FMM - 390516 - 0205 - Zither Lessons And Buried Treasure
FMM - 390523 - 0206 - The Stork
FMM - 390530 - 0207 - Escaped Convicts (5)
FMM - 390606 - 0208 - McGee The Wrestler
FMM - 390613 - 0209 - Advice Column - Aunt Molly
FMM - 390620 - 0210 - Toothache - Doctor Gildersleeve
FMM - 390905 - 0212 - McGee's Fish Fry
FMM - 390912 - 0213 - 15th Anniversary - Elopement
FMM - 390919 - 0214 - Newspaper Column
FMM - 390926 - 0215 - Fibber Is Too Sick For Housework
FMM - 391003 - 0216 - Killer Canova's Autograph
FMM - 391010 - 0217 - Rummage Sale - Bazaar
FMM - 391017 - 0218 - Raking Leaves
FMM - 391024 - 0219 - Halloween Party At Gildersleeve's House
FMM - 391031 - 0220 - Auto Show (Annual)
FMM - 391107 - 0221 - Hiawatha
FMM - 391114 - 0222 - Traffic Ticket
FMM - 391121 - 0223 - Overdue Library Book
FMM - 391128 - 0224 - Finance Company Is After The Car
FMM - 391205 - 0225 - McGees Are Adjusters At Bonton Dept Store
FMM - 391212 - 0226 - Jewelry Store Robbery
FMM - 391219 - 0227 - Package From Uncle Sycamore Arrives
FMM - 391226 - 0228 - Butler Gildersleeve
FMM - 400102 - 0229 - McGee Builds A Dog House
FMM - 400109 - 0230 - Gone With The Wind
FMM - 400116 - 0231 - New License Plates - Stolen Car
FMM - 400123 - 0232 - Gildersleeve Girdle Show
FMM - 400130 - 0233 - Fibber Tries To Get Rid Of An Old Suit
FMM - 400206 - 0234 - Fibber's Birthday
FMM - 400213 - 0235 - Egyptian Good Luck Ring
FMM - 400220 - 0236 - To Tell The Truth
FMM - 400227 - 0237 - Fibber Is Catching A Cold
FMM - 400305 - 0238 - Cleaning Fibber's Closet
FMM - 400312 - 0239 - Make A Pal Of Your Wife Week
FMM - 400319 - 0240 - Dog License
FMM - 400326 - 0241 - Planting A Hedge
FMM - 400402 - 0242 - Dictionary
FMM - 400409 - 0243 - Coming Home After Doing 'Luz Theater'
FMM - 400416 - 0244 - 5th Anniversary Show For Johnson's Wax
FMM - 400423 - 0245 - Art Museum - How To Hang A Picture
FMM - 400430 - 0246 - Fibber The Director
FMM - 400507 - 0247 - Women's Club Play - Stuck In Suit Of Armor
FMM - 400514 - 0248 - Water's Grass-Fight With Gildersleeve
FMM - 400521 - 0249 - McGee's Mind Plumbers Hardware Store
FMM - 400528 - 0250 - The Circus
FMM - 400604 - 0251 - Spaghette Dinner For Stag Party
FMM - 400611 - 0252 - Wall Paper
FMM - 400618 - 0253 - Fibber Models A Dress
FMM - 400625 - 0254 - Packing For Vacation
FMM - 401001 - 0255 - Back From Vacation - Unpacking
FMM - 401008 - 0256 - Fibber Quits Smoking
FMM - 401015 - 0257 - Fibber Needs A Screwdriver
FMM - 401022 - 0258 - Fibber Finds Gildersleeve's Locked Diary
FMM - 401029 - 0259 - Trip To Notre Dame-Army Football Game
FMM - 401105 - 0260 - Election Officials
FMM - 401112 - 0261 - Fibber's Black Eye
FMM - 401119 - 0262 - Train Trip To See Uncle Dennis
FMM - 401126 - 0263 - Uncle Dennis Visits The McGees
FMM - 401203 - 0264 - Raffle Ticket - Five Tons Of Coal
FMM - 401210 - 0265 - Mailing Christmas Packages
FMM - 401224 - 0267 - The Radio - Phonograph
FMM - 401231 - 0268 - Fibber Finds A Watch At 14th And Oak
FMM - 410107 - 0269 - Hundred Dollar Bill
FMM - 410121 - 0271 - Piano Lessons
FMM - 410204 - 0273 - Fibber Buys A New Suit And Steals A Hat
FMM - 410211 - 0274 - Fibber The Watch Salesman
FMM - 410218 - 0275 - Early To Bed
FMM - 410225 - 0276 - Bottle Collector
FMM - 410304 - 0277 - McGees Give A Party
FMM - 410311 - 0278 - Quarantined With Measles
FMM - 410318 - 0279 - Fibber Is Drafted
FMM - 410325 - 0280 - Fibber Changes His Name To Ronald
FMM - 410401 - 0281 - Molly Loses Left-Rear Fender
FMM - 410408 - 0282 - Fibber Builds A Telescope
FMM - 410415 - 0283 - Fibber Needs Glasses - 6th Anniversar
FMM - 410422 - 0284 - Night Out With The Boys
FMM - 410429 - 0285 - Fibber Is Stuck In New Paving
FMM - 410506 - 0286 - Collecting Games And Books For Army Camps
FMM - 410513 - 0287 - Record Salmon Dinner
FMM - 410520 - 0288 - Fibber Bakes Molly's Birthday Cake
FMM - 410527 - 0289 - Gildy's Ladder - Fibber Makes A Record
FMM - 410610 - 0291 - Fibber And Molly Have A Picture Taken
FMM - 410617 - 0292 - McGee's Take Sis To Amusement Park
FMM - 410624 - 0293 - Leaving For Hollywood To Make A Movie
FMM - 410930 - 0294 - Back From Vacation - Gildy Says Goodbye
FMM - 411007 - 0295 - $50,000 Deal
FMM - 411014 - 0296 - Acting Fire Commissioner McGee
FMM - 411021 - 0297 - Fall House Cleaning
FMM - 411028 - 0298 - Fibber Meets A Racketeer
FMM - 411104 - 0299 - New Furniture
FMM - 411111 - 0300 - Bergen And Mccarthy Come To Movie Premiere
FMM - 411118 - 0301 - The Mayor Overstays His Welcome
FMM - 411125 - 0302 - Investment In Cosmetic Clay
FMM - 411202 - 0303 - Fibber Grows A Moustache
FMM - 411209 - 0304 - 40 Percent Off
FMM - 411216 - 0305 - Fibber Cuts His Own Christmas Tree
FMM - 411223 - 0306 - Christmas Presents
FMM - 411230 - 0307 - Fix It McGee
FMM - 420106 - 0308 - Night Out
FMM - 420113 - 0309 - Mrs. Uppington's Window (Part 01)
FMM - 420120 - 0310 - Mrs. Uppington's Window (Part 02)
FMM - 420127 - 0311 - Blizzard
FMM - 420203 - 0312 - Molly's Lost Diamond Ring
FMM - 420210 - 0313 - Valentine Candy
FMM - 420217 - 0314 - Fibber's Home Movie
FMM - 420224 - 0315 - Fibber Buys A Horse
FMM - 420303 - 0316 - Boomer's Suitcase
FMM - 420310 - 0317 - Fibber Builds A Footstool
FMM - 420324 - 0318 - Fibber Writes A Song
FMM - 420331 - 0319 - Latherind Soap Contest
FMM - 420407 - 0320 - Clean Out Closet For Scrap Drive
FMM - 420414 - 0321 - Spring Festival Parade
FMM - 420421 - 0322 - Take Me Out To The Ball Game
FMM - 420428 - 0323 - Fibber's Old Straw Hat
FMM - 420505 - 0324 - Sugar Substitute
FMM - 420512 - 0325 - Spy
FMM - 420519 - 0326 - Fibber Is Going To Be Rich
FMM - 420526 - 0327 - Uncle Dennis Has Disappeared (Part 01)
FMM - 420602 - 0328 - Uncle Dennis Has Disappeared (Part 02)
FMM - 420609 - 0329 - Pot Roast For Dinner
FMM - 420616 - 0330 - Mouse In The House
FMM - 420623 - 0331 - Packing For Vacation - Locked Suitcase
FMM - 420929 - 0332 - Back From Vacation - Lost Camera
FMM - 421006 - 0333 - Otis Cadwallader
FMM - 421013 - 0334 - Fibber Converts Furnace To Coal
FMM - 421020 - 0335 - Family Tree
FMM - 421027 - 0336 - Old Timer On The Lam
FMM - 421103 - 0337 - Duck Hunting With Latrivia
FMM - 421110 - 0338 - Uppy's Nephew
FMM - 421117 - 0339 - $20,000 In The Sofa
FMM - 421124 - 0340 - Fibber Getting In Condition
FMM - 421201 - 0341 - Mileage Rationing
FMM - 421208 - 0342 - Women Taking Over - Vacuum Cleaner
FMM - 421215 - 0343 - Fibber Misplaces Christmas Money
FMM - 421222 - 0344 - Listening To The Christmas Carols
FMM - 421229 - 0345 - Gilders
FMM - 430105 - 0346 - Cut Down Old Suit For Molly
FMM - 430112 - 0347 - Billy Mills In Hospital
FMM - 430119 - 0348 - Mrs. Uppington Joins The Waacs
FMM - 430126 - 0349 - Fibber The Author
FMM - 430202 - 0350 - Cleaning The Closet
FMM - 430209 - 0351 - Modern Weapons
FMM - 430216 - 0352 - Looking For Skilled War Workers
FMM - 430223 - 0353 - Poker Game
FMM - 430302 - 0354 - Breakfast In Bed For Molly
FMM - 430309 - 0355 - Visit To The Dairy
FMM - 430316 - 0356 - Fibber's Horoscope
FMM - 430323 - 0357 - Red Cross Collector McGee
FMM - 430330 - 0358 - The Washing Machine
FMM - 430406 - 0359 - Fibber Feels Ill
FMM - 430413 - 0360 - Indian Fighter Uncle Sycamore On Radio
FMM - 430420 - 0361 - A Dress For Molly
FMM - 430427 - 0362 - Black Market Meat
FMM - 430504 - 0363 - Numerology
FMM - 430511 - 0364 - Fibber's New Barometer Indicates Snow
FMM - 430518 - 0365 - McGee Steals A Car And Goes To Jail
FMM - 430525 - 0366 - Fibber's Idea For World Travel
FMM - 430601 - 0367 - Fibber's Thumb Caught In The Bowling Ball
FMM - 430622 - 0370 - Getting Ready For Camping Trip
FMM - 430928 - 0371 - McGees Go To The Movies
FMM - 431005 - 0372 - Rent The Spare Room To A War Worker
FMM - 431012 - 0373 - Commision For Witney's Daughter
FMM - 431102 - 0376 - Ants In The House
FMM - 431109 - 0377 - Fibber Makes Chili Sauce
FMM - 431123 - 0379 - Etiquette
FMM - 431130 - 0380 - Teeny's Missing Dog
FMM - 431207 - 0381 - The War Is Not Almost Over
FMM - 431221 - 0383 - Looking For A Christmas Tree
FMM - 431228 - 0384 - A Fresh Start For New Years
FMM - 440111 - 0386 - 1943 Income Tax Return
FMM - 440118 - 0387 - Molly Gets Flowers
FMM - 440125 - 0388 - Dining Out
FMM - 440201 - 0389 - Fibber Finds Lost Diamond Ring In Gutter
FMM - 440208 - 0390 - Home Made Ice Cream
FMM - 440215 - 0391 - Handwriting Analysis
FMM - 440222 - 0392 - Old School Chum, Bill Smith From Peoria
FMM - 440229 - 0393 - Before A Western Campfire
FMM - 440307 - 0394 - Fibber Makes A Radio Speech - Red Cross
FMM - 440314 - 0395 - McGees Hire Beulah - One Day a Week
FMM - 440321 - 0396 - My Old Mandolin
FMM - 440328 - 0397 - Fibber Has Pneumonia - Gildersleeve Calls
FMM - 440404 - 0398 - Fibber The Convalescent
FMM - 440418 - 0400 - German Spy
FMM - 440425 - 0401 - Cannery Executive
FMM - 440502 - 0402 - Aunt Sarah's Picture
FMM - 440509 - 0403 - Alice Darling's New Boyfriend
FMM - 440516 - 0404 - Policeman's Ball - Uncle Sycamore's Pistol
FMM - 440523 - 0405 - Old Muley - Fishing License
FMM - 440530 - 0406 - Old Muley Caught
FMM - 440606 - 0407 - The Invasion Of Europe
FMM - 440613 - 0408 - Putting Up A Porch Swing
FMM - 440620 - 0409 - Getting Ready For Ranch Vacation
FMM - 441010 - 0410 - Fibber Can't Find His Hip Boots
FMM - 441017 - 0411 - No Maple Syrup
FMM - 441024 - 0412 - Bank Statement Error - Mining Stock
FMM - 441031 - 0413 - Duck Hunter Fibber
FMM - 441114 - 0414 - Night School
FMM - 441121 - 0415 - Fibber Gets A Broken Rib From Housecl
FMM - 441128 - 0416 - Wallace Wimple, Physical Culture Spec
FMM - 441205 - 0417 - Fibber Puts Ironing Board And Presses
FMM - 441212 - 0418 - Radio Quiz Show
FMM - 441219 - 0419 - Early Christmas Presents
FMM - 441226 - 0420 - McGee Controls His Temper
FMM - 450102 - 0421 - The Diamond Stick Pin
FMM - 450109 - 0422 - Mushrooms
FMM - 450116 - 0423 - Shampoo
FMM - 450123 - 0424 - Too Much Energy
FMM - 450130 - 0425 - Merchant Marines
FMM - 450206 - 0426 - The Case Of The Cross-Eyed Cat
FMM - 450213 - 0427 - Piano Tuner
FMM - 450220 - 0428 - Catching The Train
FMM - 450227 - 0429 - Red Cross
FMM - 450306 - 0430 - Early Golden Wedding Anniversary
FMM - 450313 - 0431 - A Visit From An Old Cattleman Friend
FMM - 450320 - 0432 - Fixing The Radio Set
FMM - 450327 - 0433 - Sending Doc's Clothes To The Clothing
FMM - 450403 - 0434 - Fibber The Poet
FMM - 450410 - 0435 - No Newspaper
FMM - 450417 - 0436 - Bank Statement
FMM - 450424 - 0437 - A Ride To The Elks
FMM - 450428 - XXXX - War-Time Cancer Special
FMM - 450501 - 0438 - Briefcase Bronson
FMM - 450508 - 0439 - Housing Survey
FMM - 450515 - 0440 - The Auction
FMM - 450522 - 0441 - Fibber Is In Charge Of War Bond Concert
FMM - 450529 - 0442 - Power Lawn Mower
FMM - 450605 - 0443 - Cleaning Hall Closet - Mrs. Carstairs
FMM - 450612 - 0444 - Fibber The Magician
FMM - 450619 - 0445 - Fibber's Big Deal With Carstairs
FMM - 450626 - 0446 - Houseboat On Lake Dugan
FMM - 451002 - 0447 - Welcoming Mayor La Trivia Home From T
FMM - 451009 - 0448 - Shopping For Car
FMM - 451016 - 0449 - Fibber's Influence
FMM - 451023 - 0450 - Dinner For Cousin Ernest
FMM - 451030 - 0451 - Fibber The Sculptor
FMM - 451106 - 0452 - Fudge
FMM - 451113 - 0453 - Fibber Teaches Molly To Drive
FMM - 451120 - 0454 - Fibber The Supervisor
FMM - 451127 - 0455 - The Old Oak Tree
FMM - 451204 - 0456 - Winter Walk To Dugan's Lake
FMM - 451211 - 0457 - Fibber The Governor's Pal
FMM - 451218 - 0458 - White Christmas Tree
FMM - 451225 - 0459 - Doc Gamgle's Present - What Is It
FMM - 460101 - 0460 - Tall Story Contest
FMM - 460108 - 0461 - Guess The Number Of Beans Contest
FMM - 460115 - 0462 - Treasure Map
FMM - 460122 - 0463 - Pioneer Day
FMM - 460129 - 0464 - Card Party
FMM - 460205 - 0465 - Ice Skating
FMM - 460212 - 0466 - Fibber's New Suit
FMM - 460219 - 0467 - Molly Sick - Fibber & Doc Eat Out
FMM - 460226 - 0468 - Fibber's Pen Is Missing
FMM - 460305 - 0469 - Stolen Cars
FMM - 460312 - 0470 - Building A Kite
FMM - 460319 - 0471 - Red Cross Drive
FMM - 460326 - 0472 - Bullets Brannigan
FMM - 460402 - 0473 - Protecto-Rejecto Ignition Lock
FMM - 460409 - 0474 - Salvador McGee
FMM - 460416 - 0475 - Cousin Salvador Repairs Antique Table
FMM - 460423 - 0476 - How To Live To 150
FMM - 460430 - 0477 - Barbershop Quartet
FMM - 460507 - 0478 - Fibber Caught Old Muley - Out Of Season
FMM - 460514 - 0479 - Political Campaign
FMM - 460521 - 0480 - The Old Ball Game
FMM - 460528 - 0481 - Wedding Anniversary
FMM - 460604 - 0482 - Air Show - Flying Fool McGee
FMM - 460611 - 0483 - Camping Equipment For Boat Trip
FMM - 461001 - 0484 - Fibber Is Sick
FMM - 461008 - 0485 - Bull Moran
FMM - 461015 - 0486 - Fibber Checks The Water Supply
FMM - 461022 - 0487 - Fibber Shops For New Shoelaces
FMM - 461029 - 0488 - Dinner Party - Doc & La Trivia
FMM - 461105 - 0489 - 60th Anniversary Of Johnson's Wax
FMM - 461112 - 0490 - Expecting A Visit From Ronald Coleman
FMM - 461119 - 0491 - Fibber's Play For The Big Football Game
FMM - 461126 - 0492 - Prowler At Fifi's
FMM - 461203 - 0493 - Fibber's Bank Account
FMM - 461210 - 0494 - Fibber Needles Doc & LaTrivia About Fifi
FMM - 461217 - 0495 - Sunlamp
FMM - 461224 - 0496 - Fixing Toys The Day Before Christmas
FMM - 461231 - 0497 - New Year's Eve Party With Fred Waring
FMM - 470107 - 0498 - Escaped Convicts - Fibber Joins Posse
FMM - 470114 - 0499 - Package At The Post Office
FMM - 470121 - 0500 - House Alteration - Look For Architect
FMM - 470128 - 0501 - Waiting For The Bus
FMM - 470204 - 0502 - Baby-Sitting With Teenie
FMM - 470211 - 0503 - Aeronautics
FMM - 470218 - 0504 - Fibber Collecting Doc Gamble's Bills
FMM - 470225 - 0505 - Fibber Fixes A Window
FMM - 470304 - 0506 - Bad Mail Srevice
FMM - 470311 - 0507 - Man's Untapped Energies
FMM - 470318 - 0508 - Fibber Meeting Someone In The Rain
FMM - 470325 - 0509 - Home Power Plant
FMM - 470401 - 0510 - Traffic Conditions - Safe Driving Campaign
FMM - 470408 - 0511 - Molly's Twisted Ankle
FMM - 470415 - 0512 - 1880 Quarter
FMM - 470422 - 0513 - McGees Go To The Carnival
FMM - 470429 - 0514 - Molly's Old Freind Thelma Visits
FMM - 470506 - 0515 - Good Grammar
FMM - 470513 - 0516 - Smuggled Irish Tweed
FMM - 470520 - 0517 - Fibber Is Interviewed - Assessor
FMM - 470527 - 0518 - Old Family Recipe - Shrimps McGee
FMM - 470603 - 0519 - Citizenship Test
FMM - 470610 - 0520 - Picnic - Diving For Gold Pieces
FMM - 470617 - 0521 - Old Friend Homer Pays A Debt
FMM - 471007 - 0522 - Anniversary Of Their First Football Game
FMM - 471014 - 0523 - Catching Teeny's Cat
FMM - 471021 - 0524 - Late Car Payment - Carl Snarl Finance
FMM - 471028 - 0525 - Big Deal At The Farm
FMM - 471104 - 0526 - Fibber Gets Weighed
FMM - 471111 - 0527 - War Surplus Store
FMM - 471118 - 0528 - Telephone Call
FMM - 471125 - 0529 - New Bread Box
FMM - 471202 - 0530 - Duck Hunting
FMM - 471209 - 0531 - Newspaper Interview
FMM - 471216 - 0532 - Aunt Sarah's Fruitcake
FMM - 471223 - 0533 - Lost Key Ring
FMM - 471230 - 0534 - $10 Gift Certificate
FMM - 480106 - 0535 - Magic Act
FMM - 480113 - 0536 - Cartable Radio
FMM - 480120 - 0537 - Women's Bazaar
FMM - 480127 - 0538 - Missing Laundry
FMM - 480203 - 0539 - New Table Lamp
FMM - 480210 - 0540 - Childhood Sled
FMM - 480217 - 0541 - Big Money For Old Books
FMM - 480224 - 0542 - Getting $7 Back
FMM - 480302 - 0543 - Volunteering For Jury Duty
FMM - 480309 - 0544 - Broken Card Table
FMM - 480316 - 0545 - Spearhead Commission
FMM - 480323 - 0546 - Molly's Easter Creation
FMM - 480330 - 0547 - There's A Small Hotel
FMM - 480406 - 0548 - Fixing Doc's Car
FMM - 480413 - 0549 - Fire Alarm Box
FMM - 480420 - 0550 - Making A Vase
FMM - 480427 - 0551 - Passenger Pigeon
FMM - 480504 - 0552 - Selling The House
FMM - 480511 - 0553 - Going Fishing
FMM - 480518 - 0554 - Baseball Cologne
FMM - 480525 - 0555 - Molly's Toothache
FMM - 480601 - 0556 - Fibber's Tune
FMM - 481005 - 0557 - At The Taylors
FMM - 481012 - 0558 - Giving Up Smoking
FMM - 481019 - 0559 - Portable Radio At The Repair Shop
FMM - 481026 - 0560 - Planting A Lawn Six Months Late
FMM - 481109 - 0561 - Voting Day
FMM - 481116 - 0562 - Bowling Finals
FMM - 481123 - 0563 - Doc's Pheasants
FMM - 481130 - 0564 - Street Light Is Out
FMM - 481207 - 0565 - Christmas Shopping
FMM - 481214 - 0566 - New Fish Store
FMM - 481221 - 0567 - Taking Packages To The Post Office
FMM - 481228 - 0568 - New Years Eve Dance
FMM - 490104 - 0569 - Forgets To Order Furnace Oil
FMM - 490111 - 0570 - Organizing A Sleigh Ride
FMM - 490118 - 0571 - Money In A Shoe Box
FMM - 490125 - 0572 - Washing Machine Won't Work
FMM - 490201 - 0573 - The Good Listener
FMM - 490208 - 0574 - Date On Calendar
FMM - 490215 - 0575 - Women Drivers
FMM - 490222 - 0576 - Truth On Washington's Birthday
FMM - 490301 - 0577 - Old Jalopy
FMM - 490308 - 0578 - The Elk's Mortgage
FMM - 490315 - 0579 - Doc Gamble Day
FMM - 490322 - 0580 - Dress Maker's Dummy
FMM - 490329 - 0581 - The 1000 Pound Inheritance
FMM - 490405 - 0582 - At Kramer's Cash Register
FMM - 490412 - 0583 - Fibber Buys A Pipe
FMM - 490419 - 0584 - Housework On a Schedule
FMM - 490426 - 0585 - Boy Scout
FMM - 490503 - 0586 - Building New House For Ole
FMM - 490510 - 0587 - Choosing New Suit For Doc
FMM - 490517 - 0588 - Story Of The Typewriter
FMM - 490524 - 0589 - Making Vacation Plans
FMM - 490531 - 0590 - Vacation Plans - Canoeing
FMM - 490913 - XXXX - Fifteenth Anniversary Show
FMM - 490920 - 0591 - Fibber Wants To Elope
FMM - 490927 - 0592 - Big Fish Feed
FMM - 491004 - 0593 - Umbrella Stand
FMM - 491011 - 0594 - Cloth From Paper
FMM - 491018 - 0595 - Selling Kisses
FMM - 491025 - 0596 - Symphony Orchestra Tickets
FMM - 491101 - 0597 - Bus Suggestion
FMM - 491108 - 0598 - Fix Coo-Coo Clock
FMM - 491115 - 0599 - Stuck In Grating
FMM - 491122 - 0600 - $125 Tax Bill
FMM - 491129 - 0601 - $1.19 Innertube
FMM - 491206 - 0602 - Making Christmas Cards
FMM - 491213 - 0603 - Man-Of-The-Year Book
FMM - 491220 - 0604 - Best Christmas Decorations
FMM - 491227 - 0605 - Trip To Aunt Sarah's
FMM - 500103 - 0606 - At Aunt Sarah's
FMM - 500110 - 0607 - Working For Walt
FMM - 500117 - 0608 - Cutting Firewood
FMM - 500124 - 0609 - Selling Fibber A Suit
FMM - 500131 - 0610 - Sleigh Ride
FMM - 500207 - 0611 - City Council
FMM - 500214 - 0612 - Lost Radium
FMM - 500221 - 0613 - Dog Bites Mailman
FMM - 500228 - 0614 - Mayor La Trivia's Party
FMM - 500307 - 0615 - Ole is Kidnapped
FMM - 500314 - 0616 - Guest House Building Permit
FMM - 500321 - 0617 - Trimming the Shade Tree
FMM - 500328 - 0618 - The Flying Saucer
FMM - 500404 - 0619 - Fibber the Census Taker
FMM - 500411 - 0620 - Running the General Store
FMM - 500418 - 0621 - Manhole Cover
FMM - 500425 - 0622 - Elks' Club Dance
FMM - 500502 - 0623 - The Fishing Trip
FMM - 500509 - 0624 - Circus Day
FMM - 500516 - 0625 - Picnic in the Orchard
FMM - 500523 - 0626 - Ranch Foreman
FMM - 500919 - 0627 - The Chicken Bar-B-Q
FMM - 500926 - 0628 - Night School
FMM - 501003 - 0629 - McGee's Stomach Ache
FMM - 501010 - 0630 - The Con-Men
FMM - 501017 - 0631 - The Snapshot Contest
FMM - 501024 - 0632 - The Real Estate Deal
FMM - 501031 - 0633 - The Ukulele Course
FMM - 501107 - 0634 - Fibber Needs Glasses
FMM - 501114 - 0635 - The $100,000 Postage Stamp
FMM - 501121 - 0636 - Aunt Jennie
FMM - 501128 - 0637 - Parking Meter Returns Razors
FMM - 501205 - 0638 - Dinner At La Trivia's
FMM - 501212 - 0639 - Bank Nite At The Movies
FMM - 501219 - 0640 - McGee The Postman
FMM - 501226 - 0641 - Shoveling Snow
FMM - 510102 - 0642 - Fixing Teeny's Sled
FMM - 510109 - 0643 - Circular Mailers
FMM - 510116 - 0644 - Walking On City Hall Grass
FMM - 510123 - 0645 - McGee's Belongings
FMM - 510130 - 0646 - Skating Pary At Dugan's Lake
FMM - 510206 - 0647 - Breakfast In Bed For Molly
FMM - 510213 - 0648 - Nasty Letter To Fred Nitney
FMM - 510220 - 0649 - Express Company Bandits
FMM - 510227 - 0650 - Trip to Peoria
FMM - 510306 - 0651 - Molly's Checkup
FMM - 510313 - 0652 - The Antique Vase
FMM - 510320 - 0653 - Good Deeds
FMM - 510327 - 0654 - Surprise Party (McGee's Are Out Ill)
FMM - 510403 - 0655 - McGee Declared Well
FMM - 510410 - 0656 - The Gas Bill
FMM - 510417 - 0657 - Grocery Budget
FMM - 510424 - 0658 - Soapbox Derby Racer For Teeny
FMM - 510501 - 0659 - The Hitchhiking Bureau
FMM - 510508 - 0660 - McGee, The Artist
FMM - 510515 - 0661 - Hole In One
FMM - 510522 - 0662 - Running A Red Light
FMM - 510529 - 0663 - Birds Nest In The Mailbox
FMM - 510605 - 0664 - New Fish Bait
FMM - 510612 - 0665 - The Businessmen's Symphony
FMM - 511002 - 0666 - Trip To Omaha
FMM - 511009 - 0667 - Community Chest Rally In Omaha
FMM - 511016 - 0668 - Teeny Needs To Visit The Dentist
FMM - 511023 - 0669 - Molly's Birthday
FMM - 511030 - 0670 - McGee's New Dog
FMM - 511106 - 0671 - Selling Fibber's Racoon Coat
FMM - 511113 - 0672 - Duck Hunter McGee
FMM - 511120 - 0673 - Some Like It Hot
FMM - 511127 - 0674 - Homecoming Dance Chaperones
FMM - 511204 - 0675 - Floorwalker McGee
FMM - 511211 - 0676 - Detective McGee
FMM - 511218 - 0677 - Big Pool Match
FMM - 511225 - 0678 - The Spirit Of Giving
FMM - 520101 - 0679 - New Years Day Visiting
FMM - 520108 - 0680 - Rumors
FMM - 520115 - 0681 - Rummage Sale
FMM - 520122 - 0682 - Locked Out
FMM - 520129 - 0683 - McGee Plays Cupid
FMM - 520205 - 0684 - Paying The Bills
FMM - 520212 - 0685 - Braiding A Rug
FMM - 520219 - 0686 - Summoned By The I.R.S.
FMM - 520226 - 0687 - Pancake Day
FMM - 520304 - 0688 - Fixing The Back Step
FMM - 520311 - 0689 - 20th Anniversary On NBC (Streamload)
FMM - 520318 - 0690 - Statue Of Buckshot McGee
FMM - 520325 - 0691 - Running The Drugstore
FMM - 520401 - 0692 - Heat Wave, Selling Umbrellas
FMM - 520408 - 0693 - The Perilous Horoscope
FMM - 520415 - 0694 - All You Can Eat For A $1.00
FMM - 520422 - 0695 - Traffic Court
FMM - 520429 - 0696 - Potted Plant And Pet Show (Incomplete)
FMM - 520506 - 0697 - Picnic At Dugan's Lake
FMM - 520513 - 0698 - Fibber Tunes The Piano
FMM - 520520 - 0699 - At The Carnival
FMM - 520527 - 0700 - McGee's Annual Checkup
FMM - 520603 - 0701 - The Singing Commercial
FMM - 520610 - 0702 - McGee, The Political Worker
FMM - 521007 - 0703 - The Rich Friend, Gert
FMM - 521014 - 0704 - Stock In The Transit Company
FMM - 521021 - 0705 - Post Office Box Key
FMM - 521028 - 0706 - The Giant Grizzly
FMM - 521111 - 0707 - McGee's Fruit Punch
FMM - 521118 - 0708 - The Missing Umbrella
FMM - 521125 - 0709 - Polishing Doc's Car
FMM - 521202 - 0710 - The Bowling Team
FMM - 521209 - 0711 - Molly's New Hat
FMM - 521216 - 0712 - Presents Form Wimple
FMM - 521223 - 0713 - Doc's Surprise Party
FMM - 521230 - 0714 - The New Years Dance
FMM - 530106 - 0715 - Reunion with Nitney
FMM - 530113 - 0716 - McGee Buys a Puppy
FMM - 530120 - 0717 - Gossip Book
FMM - 530127 - 0718 - McGee's Giant Icicle
FMM - 530203 - 0719 - Installing A Wall Safe
FMM - 530210 - 0720 - Courteous McGee
FMM - 530217 - 0721 - McGee Minds Doc's Office
FMM - 530224 - 0722 - McGee, The Artist
FMM - 530303 - 0723 - Breakfast In Bed For Molly
FMM - 530310 - 0724 - Something Fell Off the Car
FMM - 530317 - 0725 - Reward For Noble Deed
FMM - 530324 - 0726 - McGee's Lucky Day
FMM - 530331 - 0727 - McGee, The Hypnotist
FMM - 530407 - 0728 - Elk's Vaudeville Show
FMM - 530414 - 0729 - McGees False Alarm
FMM - 530421 - 0730 - Fibber Delivers A Cake For Molly
FMM - 530428 - 0731 - The Old Moose Head
FMM - 530505 - 0732 - Helps Lady At 14th & Oak
FMM - 530512 - 0733 - Ole's Brother From Sweden
FMM - 530519 - 0734 - Old Law To Escape Taxes
FMM - 530526 - 0735 - Bodybuilding To Fight Hector
FMM - 530602 - 0736 - Lost Cat Ad
FMM - 530609 - 0737 - Traffic Court Campaign
FMM - 530616 - 0738 - Molly's Date With Al Bennington
FMM - 530623 - 0739 - Operation Skywatch
FMM - 530630 - 0740 - Fishing Trip To Dugan's Lake
FMM - 531005 - 0741 - Hanging Aunt Sarah's Picture
FMM - 531006 - 0742 - A Letter To The Postmaster
FMM - 531007 - 0743 - Buying A Parakeet
FMM - 531008 - 0744 - Teaching The Parakeet To Talk
FMM - 531009 - 0745 - Buying Shampoo At Kremers
FMM - 531012 - 0746 - Awaiting A Phone Call
FMM - 531013 - 0747 - Preparing His Executive Club Speech
FMM - 531014 - 0748 - Buying A Suit For Luncheon
FMM - 531015 - 0749 - Fibber's Biography For Luncheon
FMM - 531016 - 0750 - Fibber Goes Hoarse, Molly Speaks
FMM - 531019 - 0751 - Ribbon On Finger To Remember What
FMM - 531020 - 0752 - Taking Molly To Dine And Dance
FMM - 531021 - 0753 - Luggage Shopping For Trip To See Aunt Sarah
FMM - 531022 - 0754 - Packing For Trip To See Aunt Sarah
FMM - 531023 - 0755 - Further Trip Preparations
FMM - 531026 - 0756 - Fibber Lost On The Train
FMM - 531027 - 0757 - Seeking Aunt Sarah's Home
FMM - 531028 - 0758 - Overnight in Wrong House
FMM - 531029 - 0759 - Who Is FC
FMM - 531030 - 0760 - Trick Or Treating With Teeny
FMM - 531102 - 0761 - Trying To Catch Phantom Burglar
FMM - 531103 - 0762 - Phantom Burglar Nabbed
FMM - 531104 - 0763 - Buying & Installing Door Lock
FMM - 531105 - 0764 - Trying To Get To Shoe Repair Shop
FMM - 531106 - 0765 - Parakeets Preference
FMM - 531109 - 0766 - At Bon Ton For Teeny's Gift
FMM - 531110 - 0767 - Preparation For Duck Hunting
FMM - 531111 - 0768 - Fibber Looks For His Hunting License
FMM - 531112 - 0769 - Buying The Groceries
FMM - 531113 - 0770 - Leaving For Lake Wapahokey
FMM - 531116 - 0771 - It's Raining
FMM - 531117 - 0772 - Duck Hunting With Success
FMM - 531118 - 0773 - The Happy Hunter Returns
FMM - 531119 - 0774 - Fibber To Bed By Seven
FMM - 531120 - 0775 - The Christmas Fund
FMM - 531123 - 0776 - Phoney Ring Investment
FMM - 531124 - 0777 - Selling Doc the Ring & Wimp Moves In
FMM - 531125 - 0778 - Autumn Leaves Drive With Wallace
FMM - 531130 - 0781 - 56 Years Bad Luck (Fibber Broken 8 Mi
FMM - 531201 - 0782 - Enters Photo Contest
FMM - 531202 - 0783 - Candid Camera Fiend
FMM - 531203 - 0784 - Fibber Processes Own Film
FMM - 531204 - 0785 - $75 Snapshot Lost
FMM - 531207 - 0786 - $75 Snapshot Found
FMM - 531208 - 0787 - Call From Washington, D.C.
FMM - 531209 - 0788 - Missed The Call
FMM - 531210 - 0789 - Party Line Blocks Call
FMM - 531211 - 0790 - McGee's Call Comes Through
FMM - 531214 - 0791 - Cleaning Lady Hired
FMM - 531215 - 0792 - Molly's Lost Earring
FMM - 531216 - 0793 - Christmas Shopping At Bon Ton
FMM - 531217 - 0794 - Fibber Collects $30.90
FMM - 531218 - 0795 - The $42.60 Tax Refund
FMM - 531221 - 0796 - Mailing Aunt Sarah's Gift
FMM - 531222 - 0797 - The Expensive Christmas Tree
FMM - 531223 - 0798 - Decorating The Tree
FMM - 531224 - 0799 - Laura, The Lopsided Pine
FMM - 531225 - 0800 - Christmas At Home
FMM - 531228 - 0801 - Planning Elks Club New Years Party
FMM - 531229 - 0802 - Planning Elk's New Years Party
FMM - 531230 - 0803 - Fibber's Revived Vaudeville Act
FMM - 531231 - 0804 - The Elk's Extravanganza
FMM - 540101 - 0805 - A Quiet New Year's Day
FMM - 540118 - 0816 - Citizen X Contest Continues
FMM - 540119 - 0817 - McGee Foiled Again
FMM - 540120 - 0818 - Citizen X Not Located, Yet
FMM - 540121 - 0819 - McGee's Cigar Ashes
FMM - 540122 - 0820 - It's Fibber's Birthday
FMM - 540125 - 0821 - Molly Is Citizen X!
FMM - 540126 - 0822 - Tight Lipped McGee
FMM - 540127 - 0823 - The $3.00 Lawsuit
FMM - 540128 - 0824 - McGee's Go To See 'South Atlantic'
FMM - 540129 - 0825 - Fibber The Plumber
FMM - 540201 - 0826 - Fibber's Bank Statement
FMM - 540202 - 0827 - Redecorating Woman's Club Servicemen'
FMM - 540203 - 0828 - Fibber And The Boys Go To Work
FMM - 540204 - 0829 - Writting Checks With Teeny's Ink
FMM - 540205 - 0830 - Disposing The Christmas Tree
FMM - 540208 - 0831 - The McGees' New Dial Phone
FMM - 540209 - 0832 - New Neighbor Frank Ingram
FMM - 540210 - 0833 - McGee, House Sitter
FMM - 540211 - 0834 - Advertising Ingram's Home For Rent
FMM - 540212 - 0835 - House Almost Rented To A Professor
FMM - 540215 - 0836 - What's In The Attic
FMM - 540216 - 0837 - Installing a Light in Fibber's Closet
FMM - 540217 - 0838 - The House Is Finally Rented
FMM - 540218 - 0839 - Molly, In The Attic!
FMM - 540219 - 0840 - Fibber Sleeps Through 'Two Gun Justice'
FMM - 540222 - 0841 - Celebrating Washington's Birthday
FMM - 540223 - 0842 - Tall Tale McGee
FMM - 540225 - 0843 - Eight Year Old Newspaper
FMM - 540226 - 0844 - Fibber's High School Athletic Trophy
FMM - 540301 - 0845 - Trouble With The Bon Ton Parking Valet
FMM - 540302 - 0846 - Federal Income Tax Preparation
FMM - 540303 - 0847 - McGee's Lucky Day
FMM - 540304 - 0848 - The McGee Jet Ketchup Gun
FMM - 540305 - 0849 - Ketchup Representative Comes
FMM - 540308 - 0850 - The Envelope Swindle
FMM - 540309 - 0851 - Running A Variety Store
FMM - 540310 - 0852 - Fibber Manages Quilbys Variety Store
FMM - 540311 - 0853 - Business Is Dull
FMM - 540315 - 0854 - McGee Promotes Business
FMM - 540319 - 0855 - Fibber Helps Molly With Club Luncheon
FMM - 540330 - 0856 - Voting For Congressman
FMM - 540331 - 0867 - Buying 1000 Bricks
FMM - 540402 - 0869 - Building A Bar-B-Que
FMM - 540405 - 0870 - Wimple Helps With Bar-B-Que
FMM - 540407 - 0872 - Sleepwalking McGee
FMM - 540408 - 0873 - McGee Loses Coat Button Sleepwalking
FMM - 540409 - 0874 - Fibber Exchanges Buttons
FMM - 540412 - 0875 - Molly Almost Turns Fibber In
FMM - 540413 - 0876 - McGee Hires A Lawyer
FMM - 540414 - 0877 - Jewel Robbery Solved
FMM - 540415 - 0878 - Freeway Ride
FMM - 540416 - 0879 - Dying 12 Dozen Easter Eggs
FMM - 540419 - 0880 - Indian Scout McGee
FMM - 540420 - 0881 - Prepares For Hike
FMM - 540421 - 0882 - Nature Hike
FMM - 540422 - 0883 - 40,000 Copies Of 'Partly True'
FMM - 540423 - 0884 - Unloading 40,000 Magazines
FMM - 540426 - 0885 - McGee's Old Suit
FMM - 540427 - 0886 - Stung By A Wasp
FMM - 540428 - 0887 - Tennis Player McGee
FMM - 540429 - 0888 - City Orders Fibber To Cut A Tree
FMM - 540430 - 0889 - Cutting down The Oak Tree
FMM - 540503 - 0890 - New Shoes
FMM - 540504 - 0891 - McGee's Hiccups
FMM - 540505 - 0892 - An Orchid Plant For Doc
FMM - 540506 - 0893 - Minding Teeny For An Evening
FMM - 540507 - 0894 - Carver's Coffee Slogan Contest
FMM - 540510 - 0895 - McGee Plans To Return To School
FMM - 540511 - 0896 - Fibber Meets Clobberhead Jones
FMM - 540513 - 0898 - Flash Broke The Coffee Maker
FMM - 540514 - 0899 - Sued For Alienating Flash's Affections
FMM - 540517 - 0900 - Fibber on Trial
FMM - 540608 - 0916 - Fibber Losing Hair
FMM - 540707 - 0937 - Trouble With The Law
FMM - 550331 - 1128 - Wistful Vista's Snowy Owl
FMM - 550510 - 1156 - McGee's Bank Statement
FMM - 551010 - 1264 - Breaking in Fibber's New Shoes
FMM - 551011 - 1265 - Pickup McGee
FMM - 551124 - 1297 - Thanksgiving Dinner - Out
FMM - 551222 - 1317 - Opening Doc's Christmas Cards
FMM - 570825 - 1408 - Reminicing - Peoria Lifeguard
FMM - 570915 - 1414 - Performing Autumn Chores
FMM - 570922 - 1416 - Taking Molly Duck Hunting
FMM - 570928 - 1417 - If McGee Had A Different Job
FMM - 571005 - 1419 - Balancing The Budget
FMM - 571006 - 1420 - Fibber's Dance Studio
FMM - 571012 - 1421 - Where McGee Should Have Lived
FMM - 571019 - 1423 - Newsmaker McGee
FMM - 571027 - 1426 - Lawyer Correspondence Course
FMM - 571102 - 1427 - The I.R.S. Audits McGee
FMM - 571109 - 1429 - Molly's Trip To Peoria
FMM - 571116 - 1431 - Thanksgiving At The McGees
FMM - 571123 - 1433 - Studies To Be A Detective
FMM - 571124 - 1434 - Going Bowling
FMM - 571201 - 1436 - Birthday Breakfast For Molly
FMM - 571208 - 1438 - Uranium-Rich Uncle Elrod
FMM - 571214 - 1439 - Early Christmas Shopping
FMM - 571215 - 1440 - Rememberances From McGee's Diary
FMM - 571221 - 1441 - Taking a Memory Course
FMM - 571222 - 1442 - National Prosperity Week
FMM - 571229 - 1444 - Dr. Fibber McGee, MD
FMM - 580104 - 1445 - Christams Preparation
FMM - 580105 - 1446 - Renewing Marriage Vows
FMM - 580223 - 1460 - Taking An Efficiency Course
FMM - 580302 - 1462 - Soap Contest Jingle
FMM - 580323 - 1468 - It's YMCA Week
FMM - 580329 - 1469 - Lincoln - Valentine's Days
FMM - 580405 - 1471 - McGee's Alternative Career
FMM - 580426 - 1477 - Preparing For The Easter Parade
FMM - 581025 - 1529 - It's National Dog Week
FMM - 581116 - 1536 - Builds A Hi Fi Set
FMM - 581122 - 1537 - Fibber's Letter To Aunt Sarah
FMM - 581123 - 1538 - Poet McGee
FMM - 581220 - 1545 - Fibber And Molly Reminisce
FMM - 581221 - 1546 - Called To Jury Duty
FMM - 590104 - 1550 - An Autumn Drive
FMM - 590315 - 1570 - McGee's Pet Store
FMM - 590405 - 1576 - Luther Burbank's Birthday & Girl Scou
FMM - XXXXXX - XXXX - Interview With Jim 'Fibber' Jordan
FMM - XXXXXX - XXXX - McGee Paints The Kitchen

IMPORTANT NOTE!: The DVD presented for sale contains radio programs recorded and preserved in the MP3 audio format. The MP3 format allows for audio compression and can allow the storage of over 400 hours of audio per DVD. The MP3 format is compatible with many newer DVD and MP3 players. The MP3 format is also playable on Windows based computers with DVD drives using Real Player, Windows Media Player or other players.

Attention EBay: After a careful search of the Library of Congress and the United States Trademark and Patent Office, it has been determined that the programs listed for sale here are in the Public Domain. They are being offered with the understanding that no valid or active copyright, trademark, and/or patent exist for them. These recordings are sold for private home listening and use only. No broadcast rights are stated, implied, or given. Historical Media assumes no responsibility for unauthorized use of these programs. The Library Of Congress has ruled that old radio broadcasts are within the Public Domain, since they were not qualified for copyright protection when presented, nor was any attempt to place them under such copyright protection when the opportunity existed in 1978-1979 when the copyright law regarding these programs was revised. Radio shows created before January 1, 1978 are protected by the Copyright Act of 1909. These shows are listed in accordance with current EBay policies concerning selling Old Time Radio Public Domain materials.

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We're Historical Media and we LOVE history!

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