Iconic Imagery



Bill Zygmant


Offical photographer of famous stars


These exclusive, limited edition 100% Cotton T-shirts are screen printed for Bill Zygmant with the iconic image of John Lennon & Yoko Ono, signed by Bill himself, the offical photographer. 

 The iconic imagine was taken months before the couple had announced there offical relationship to the media, whilst on the rehearsal for Top of the Pops.

This is the only time they appeared on Top of the Pops together in 1970 before they went to the States.

the first picture was out side `Johns apple tailoring in Kings Road 1968


This image taken by Bill has never been produced on garments before.


 Therefore these are an exclusive and copyrighted design that are not available to purchase anywhere else.


Size Guide

Medium - chest 38ins, length 29ins

Large - Chest 44ins, length 30ins

XLarge - Chest 48ins, length 31ins

XXLarge - Chest 52ins, length 32ins

Bill Zygmant Lennon Suite 2010 (Hard Days Night Hotel)

Bill's passion for Photography started at an early age seeing press photographers on newsreels photographing film stars. Bill got a job as a paper boy to enable him to purchase his first camera and spent most of his leisure hours looking for good photo opportunities, local rock & roll groups and interesting people before beginning his career at the London Star. He then went on to work at the News Chronicle in Fleet Street - first on the picture desk and then in the darkroom. 

In 1962 he joined a Fleet Street picture agency where he soon made lots of contacts, then in 1966 he went freelance, photographing music and show business stars including the BeeGees, Jimi Hendrix, Marc Bolan, Mary Hopkins and the Beatles, with his work being regularly published in the Musical Express, Billboard, Picture Post as well as british national newspapers and magazines. Bill took the first pictures of John Lennon and Yoko Ono seen together months before the official announcement of their relationship in public at the opening of John Crittles Apple Tailoring Boutique. He has since worked as picture editor and a lecturer on film and television production.

The Hard Days night hotel in Liverpool named a suite the Bill's honour. "The ZYGMANT SUITE" is in recognition of his many iconic Beatle pictures. Two of his pictures displayed in the John Lennon Suite gracing the white Grand Piano.

In 2009 Bills pictures were exhibited in the National 

All Content and images © Bill Zygmant. all rights reserved