DJ Song/Record Request Cards for Weddings or Parties
It is very popular now for these little cards to be put inside your wedding invitations for your guests to send back with their RSVP's or you can put them on your wedding tables to be filled in by your guests and create discussion.
It enables your DJ to play some of your guests favourite songs helping to make your wedding party to be the best it can be.
Just purchase the amount you require and send us the name or names to be printed at the bottom and wording choice 1 or 2
The cards are small credit card size printed on both sides
Size 7 x 10cm approx

Wording Choice 1 (To include with your invitations)

We want to play your favourite songs at our wedding
Please write your song choices overleaf
& return this card to us.
We will ask the DJ to play as many as possible.

Wording choice 2 (For Tables)

We want to play your favourite songs this evening
Please write your song choices overleaf
and hand the card to the DJ and he will play as many as possible