This is an Amazing Antique/Vintage Carved Soapstone Kuan Yin/Guan Yin that is signed on the base by the artist! I acquired 2 of these from a local antique store and this is the large statue! I am also listing the smaller statue, so please check that listing as well! It appears that these are signed (or engraved) in both in Asian Lettering and in some form of cursive lettering! This rendition of Kuan Yin is holding a fan, with some plant bearing large fruit and small child who is holding the fruit! This Soapstone is a beautiful creamy color with gray, black, and some pink all kind of marbled together creating incredible depth and detail! Each hair on her head is carved with precision! Obviously carved by a master, even a lot of the surface is further engraved adding to the carvings beauty! I love the way the artist preserved the raw, natural quality of these by leaving areas where the roughness of the original "rock" can be seen-glimpsed in between large cuts in the piece! This really adds to the dramatic contrast of colors and textures...reminding me of the dualistic nature of our reality! This piece is quite large measuring about 9 3/4 inches tall, 7 3/4 inches wide, and 2 inches thick! I wish I knew more about the symbolism of this piece! If anyone knows, please share! I do know that I Love Kuan Yin! She was the first of the Buddhist deities I was drawn too! She is one of the female Buddha's and a high-ranking Boddhisatva! She was offered Nirvana, but denied it! She said there was too much suffering on the planet and she would not go until we ALL reach enlightenment! Therefore, she is the Goddess of Love, Mercy, and Compassion! It is believed that there are many of us on the planet who have also taken this vow, the vow of the Boddhisatva, so that we keep re-incarnating until we reach this mass awakening here on Earth...creating the so-called "Heaven on Earth"! I really resonated with this! This piece is in Mint condition! I was not able to locate any chips, cracks, or repairs on this piece!
Please see pictures! I sell rocks for my "real" job but have a passion for rare, exotic, treasures-especially Wearable Art! Please ask any questions! Best offers are always welcomed! International shipping is available as long as the buyer pays for the additional shipping costs and fees! I have successfully shipped all over the USA, China, and Russia! Peace, Love, and Light!

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