

This is a set of carefully made fragrant Lavender

Dryer Sachets which can be reused and recycled.

Lavender has been used many ways for many years

 to keep the household Fragrant and Clean.

  Now they can be used with modern dryers. Using

These natural sachets can give your laundry a

Fresh scent.  Each lavender dryer sachet is made

With 100% Muslin cotton and filled with over

½ cup of lavender and measures 4”x4”.  They

Can be used about 5-10 times each in your dryer.

There are now waterproof brass safety pins on

Each sachet to help diminish static cling.  Using

More than one at a time will increase the affect.

After the scent begins to fade you have many

Options to reuse your sachet. 

You can take out the exposed seam, put in new

Lavender and resew the seam closed.

Also, you can put a few drops of lavender essential

Oil on the sachet to use it again or simply empty

The lavender on your carpet and vacuum!

