Lactoflor Probiotic - 90 capsules- 3 pcs.

Lactoflor Probiotic combines four carefully selected strains of lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus, Bifidobacterium ssp., Lactobacillus acidophilus), which play important role in maintaining healthy intestinal microbalance.

·            Restores and maintains normal gastro-intestinal micro flora, especially after infections and antibiotic treatment;

·            Supports the immune system and helps the body to resist infections;

·            Provides necessary amino acids and natural vitamins, which improve the nutritional balance;

·            Each capsule contains 2×10⁹ CFU


Recommended Daily Allowance:

For adults and children over 12 years:  3 tablets.

For children 3 to 12 years:  2 tablets.

For children under 3:  1 tablets.

The tablets are taken with a little liquid. Not to exceed the recommended daily allowance.
Lateral effects were not monitored.

Storage conditions:

Keep in a dry place with a temperature between 0-25°C, inaccessible to small children.

After opening it's recommended to store the product in a refrigerator.


Recommended by the Bulgarian Society of Gastroenterology.


Probiotics and prebiotics food

The probiotics are defined as live microbial additives, particularly beneficial for the human health.

Inclusion of probiotics in the human diet is considered the most promising concept for overcoming the influence of the negative health factors caused by the lifestyle of the modern man. The increase of the probiotic products consumption leads to qualitative improvement of the human health status and decreased use of pharmaceuticals.

Restores the microflora after treatment with antibiotics

Nowadays there are plenty of probiotic preparations available on the market in USA, Japan, Germany, Switzerland, France, etc., based on different  microbiological compositions (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacteriae, etc.).

Probiotic preparations include mainly lactic acid bacteria of the genera Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus, but also yeasts (Saccharomyces boulardii) or other bacterial species (Bacillus coagulans, Escherichia coli Nissle 1917, etc.).

Prebiotics are a category of functional food, defined as non-digestible food ingredients that beneficially affect the host by selectively stimulating the growth and/or activity of one or a limited number of bacteria in the colon, and thus improve host health. Appropriate combinations of pre- and probiotics are called synbiotics.


Probiotic + Fibers

Probiotics  are live microbial food ingredients that have a beneficial effect on human body by improving its gastro-intestinal micro flora balance:

  • Support and strengthen our body’s immune system.
  • Help suppress putrefactive processes in the intestine and maintain normal gastro-intestinal micro flora.
  • Supports peristalsis and intestine good functioning.
  • Promote correct digestion and absorption of food nutrients.
  • Help maintain normal blood cholesterol levels.
  • Overcome skin problems and allergies.
  • Improve nutrition balance by providing necessary amino acids and natural vitamins.
  • Prevent constipation, bloating, diarrhoea & flatulence.
  • Assist weight reduction.



What are the Prebiotics?

Prebiotics are “food ingredients which stimulate the growth of good bacteria in the gastro-intestinal (GI) system”. Kendy uses inulin (fibers) as a prebiotic which can increase the volume of good bacteria by up to x10.

Our general level of health depends to a large extent upon the condition of the friendly bacteria in our GI system and their ability to control harmful bacteria and help us ingest nutrients from food.

When Probiotics are combined with Fibers they have more powerful and beneficial effect on gastro-intestinal system than standard Probiotics.


What is Inulin and is it in all probiotic products?

No, few Probiotics  products contain Inulin. It is a natural Fiber, extracted from chicory roots. It is beneficial for the good bacteria in gastro-intestinal tract.   Studies show that inulin can increase the absorption of calcium (an important nutrient especially for women and children) by 18%.


Lactoflor capsules and tablets – advantages

  • Optimize immune and digestive system.
  • Patented blend including 2 unique strains of Lactobacillicus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus.
  • Extremely powerful formula with Fibers added ensuring fast and effective reproduction of “friendly bacteria” in gastro-intestinal system.


Aren’t all Probiotics bacteria the same?

No! Different Lactobacilli strains have different characteristics and very different survival and reproductive capabilities when in the hostile environment of the human gastro-intestinal system.

Contained in the product strains are Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus  are registered in the National bank for microorganisms and cell cultures.

Recommended by the Bulgarian Society of Gastroenterology.


„Lactobacillus bulgaricus was the lactic acid starter species with the best Probiotic characteristics among the starter species tested”.

C.G. Vinderola, J.A. Reinheimer – Food Research Int. (2003)



Biological and healthy features of Bulgarian yoghurt

Bulgarian yoghurt is unique, worldwide famous fermented milk product. The yoghurt contains large amounts of live and metabolically active cells L. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus. Since the antiquity it has been considered a food that sustains the human health and life longevity.

Bulgarian yoghurt characteristically contains high number of live beneficial lactic acid bacteria, which counts vary between 400 million to 1 billion per gram of  yogurt. These bacteria cause profound changes in the milk content and synthesize substances which positively influence the human organism

After ingestion, the yoghurt enters the stomach where the microorganisms are exposed to the stressing influence of the hydrochloric acid and pepsin if the gastric juice. The high protein content of the milk acts as a buffer and prevents the yoghurt microorganisms from the impact of hydrochloric acid. Furthermore, L. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus are resistant to acids and consequently significant portion of the bacteria pass to the lower divisions of the gastrointestinal tract. The uptake of large amounts of beneficial lactic acid bacteria has a strong influence on the intestinal microflora. Many of the pathogenic microorganisms in the intestine are not able to adhere and therefore are excreted from the human organism. Additionally, consumption of Bulgarian yoghurt changes the environment in the intestine in a way that it suppresses the development of pathogenic microorganisms and stimulates the synthesis of mucins, which enhances the physical resistance of the intestine.

Bulgarian yoghurt also stimulates the immune system of the entire human body. It leads to increase of the amount of lymphocytes, killer cells, cytokines and enhanced synthesis of gamma-interferon, which blocks the multiplication of viruses.


Bulgarian yoghurt is irreplaceable source of biologically accessible calcium for the human organism. It is estimated that yoghurt delivers 75 % of the calcium needed daily by the population of Western Europe and North America. The calcium contained in yoghurt binds the bile acids and prevents the mucose membrane from irritation. Low pH of the milk ionizes the calcium. Ca2+ ions bind to a specific milk protein – calmodulin – and in this way calcium is absorbed in the intestine. Moreover, the calcium in Bulgarian yoghurt protects the human organism from intestinal diseases. Together with the specific action of L. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus the high calcium concentration in yoghurt promotes the establishment of an intestinal environment which inhibits the pathogenic microorganisms.

Bulgarian yoghurt contains large amounts of live and metabolically active cells L. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus. These lactic acid bacteria degrade about 30 % of the lactose during the fermentation which facilitates the lactose assimilation. In addition, the lactose facilitates the absorption of calcium in the intestine. Experiments indicate that Bulgarian yoghurt is much more efficient remedy for lactose digestion deficiency than fermented milks containing Bifidobacteriae and L. acidophilus. There is a tight correlation between the amount of biologically accessible calcium taken up with the food and the blood pressure. Therefore consumption of Bulgarian yoghurt is also recommended for individuals suffering form high blood pressure.

Besides its remarkable biological qualities Bulgarian yoghurt possesses a high nutritional value. The lactic acid improves the peristaltic of the duodenum, small and large intestine. Bulgarian yoghurt is easier to digest compare to fresh milk and contains increased concentrations of free amino acids.

Bulgarian yoghurt is a unique and powerful biological tool for strengthening the human health.


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