Ultimately Natural Premium Protein Powder Blends

Acai Berry Protein
Smoothie Blend

Our Acai Berry Smoothie Natural Whey Protein Powder Blend is a delicious, smoothie inspired combination of creamy Whey Protein Concentrate and real fruit infusions. Our Natural Whey Protein Powder is sourced only from Australian and New Zealand grass fed cows. Our all natural ingredient approach with no unnecessary artificial additives ensures our Mixed Berry Smoothie Natural Whey Protein Powder Blend is suitable for all ages and for all goals weather your in need of quick post workout shake, a healthy and convenient snack on the run or as a natural protein alternative to the chemically filled weight loss shakes.

Simply 6 Ingredients

Whey Protein Concentrate: For superior performance, recovery, fat burning and muscle repair. We only use natural whey protein concentrate sourced from Australian or New Zealand grass fed cows! 

Berries (Strawberry, Acai, Blueberry): Rich in cell repairing antioxidants and immune boosting vitamins and minerals berries are an excellent accompaniment to any exercise program or simply for general well being and vitality. Berries also aid in further fat burning have been shown to reduce blood sugar and insulin levels after meals. Raspberries also contain ketones which help the body to break down further fat cells for energy 

Manuka Honey: Packed with energy, vitamins, minerals, electrolytes and antimicrobial and anti-bacterial properties, manuka honey can help to increase muscle stamina, recovery and boost immunity 

Organic Stevia: A zero calorie, plant based sweetener that also provides many other trace minerals and vitamins 

By using only 100% real and unrefined ingredients like nutritious fruits, spices and super foods we are able to not only create a delicious life like smoothie flavour but also enhance the nutritional content of our all natural whey protein powders. These unique, very wholesome, smoothie inspired blends are packed with quality Australian pure protein, natural vitamins, minerals and health boosting antioxidants in each serve. Ultimately Natural's nutritious protein powder range are all chemical-free, additive-free and are made using only 100 % real, raw, natural ingredients.

Ultimately Natural's All Natural Acai Berry Protein Smoothie Powder contains only real ingredients to ensure you can experience a real protein and fruit infused smoothie anytime anywhere without needing a blender.

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