Details of more than 13,000 men who passed through the Corps for officer training. Information includes date of joining, of commission and into which regiment with subsequent service, casualties, honours and awards.
Various public schools, colleges, universities, and institutions hosted squadrons of cavalry and companies of infantry. They were to play a vital roll in the training and supply of the thousands of fresh officers required to meet the national emergency. Most progressed to the New Armies and Special Reserve of officers after receiving their commissions. This book lists over 13,000 men who passed through the Corps for officer training. A typical entry will give the full name, the date he joined (as an other rank), his number, unit and final rank within the Corps, where he was transferred to (e.g. Officer Cadet Battalion), the date and Regiment he was commissioned to and subsequent service with some detail. Reference is also made as to whether he was wounded, gassed or killed, as are his honours and awards. A veritable mine of information.