Nymphaea Rubra Red Bulb
Perfect for bettas to build nests under

Very easy to keep with rapid vigorous growth


You are buying 1 bulb of this beautiful aquatic plant which may not already show growth


Nymphaea species are popularly known as water lilies.  They are suitable for aquariums, and also outdoor ponds during the summer months.  Nymphaea rubra have dark red to brownish submerged leaves and beatiful red/pink flowers as shown in photo 2.

The nymphaea species require rich substrate and bright lighting to reach optimum growth.  They develop floating leaves on the water surface which are perfect for bettas and small fish to hide under.  Pruning of floating leaves will aid growth of the submerged leaves.  To enable the bulbs to flower the floating leaves need to remain on the water surface.  Great specimen plants once established


(photo shows sample plant which can be achieved within 1- 4 weeks of planting the bulbs)  Bulb you will receive are on average 1cm diameter in size.


How to plant:  Push the bulb gently into the substrate in your aquarium, with the bottom two thirds of the bulb in the substrate, and the top third sticking out.  The top is the more pointed end of the bulb.  Your bulb will soon establish.  We endeavour to send out our bulbs with new leaf growth, however this occasionally isnt possible.  If you are unsure which is the top of the bulb if you leave to float in your aquarium for a few days until new shoots grow, you will then be able to succesfully plant your bulb.

pH: 6.2 -7.2             water type: soft to medium hard                origin: Asia             Temp: 22-28 C              Lighting: Strong             Location: Mid ground to rear