This is TruRev's  Kids Time Warp Speed Skate complete with frame, boots, spacers and bearings

The white leather is washable with soap and water.

 If the size you select does not fit, you can return it for one size bigger or smaller!

When ordering please specify which size you will need.

If you do not tell us which size wheels. We will be shipping 80mm.

This skate frame will hold up to 90mm wheels:

Little BulletSpacingLengthWeight
6-72mm to 6-90mm wheels
150mm & 165mm 8.5in - 215.9 mm 184 Grams

Product Description

TruRev's Little Bullet: Speed Skate Package for Kids


  • TruRev's Little Bullet Frame: 3 Wheel Series 
  • (6) TruRev's Wheels: Choose from 72mm to 90mm wheels
  • 12 SWISS bearings 608
  • Axles & spacers

Products sold separately: $545

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About Us:

TruRev is an internationally recognized manufacturer of high quality products in the inline speed skating industry.

Created for skaters by skaters, we started in 2003 producing our Truly Revolutionary skate frame which became an instant success as the lightest and strongest skate frames on the market using the highest grade of aluminum available.

From the very beginning, TruRev spends considerable time on Research and Development with an advisory board consisting of indoor and outdoor national and world-class champions, coaches and speed skaters for testing and advice.

We manufacture many more products which are held up to the same standards and testing, highlighting some: the lightest skate helmet in the market, high quality heat-moldable skate boots, award winning wheels, and all our products specially designed aerodynamic and lightweight ONLY. We are committed to improving and evolving new products in order to assure we can offer the best equipment, allowing you to reach your maximum potential!

Whats my TruRev Boot Size?

Is the same size as most running shoes.