Title: The Boer War
Year: 2003
Region: ALL
Rating: E
Genre: War Documentary
Director: Jeremy Freeston
Description: When Britain went to war against the Boers in October 1899, the British public expected the fighting to be over by Christmas. As it turned out, The Boer War, in Kipling’s famous phrase, gave the British "no end of a lesson." Using accounts of the soldiers who fought in this bitter and bloody clash of arms and remarkable contemporary photographs, this programme tells the story of Britain’s last great imperial war which was fought until 31 May 1902, between the British Empire and the two independent Boer republics of the South African Republic (Transvaal Republic) and the Orange Free State.
■ Spion Kop
■ Bloemfontein
■ Lord Kitchener
■ Land Clearance Policy
■ Terms Of Surrender
■ Self Government
Extras: 10 Excerps From Other War File Titles
Release: Original Edition
Media: DVD
Case: Standard
Discs: 1
Format: PAL
Type: Single Layer
Display: 4:3 Fullscreen
Picture: Black & White
Audio: Dolby Digital 2.0
Language: English
Subtitles: None
Duration: 42 minutes
Condition: Brand New & Sealed