A spectacular 1804 Freeport Maine Arithmetic / Math copy book for a young student studying to be a ship Captain! Simeon Curtis practiced his math skills in this 7 1/2 by 12 inch book. 61 pages remain detailing math examples concerning the purchase of molasses, as well as bushels of corn. Curtis also notes word problems like "Captain M of the Jason meets at sea with the wreck of the Hawk of Boston... (noting the shares of salvage between captain and crew)," "Abner Dennison, a merchant failing in trade owes $275.91 dols..." and "a ships company of 16 men is on an allowance of ? ounces of bread..." Several pages are torn with portions missing, a number at the back are waterstained, and the covers are missing. Still, a great piece of Maine Maritime history. Contains a later inscription from Curtis's niece in 1840. Buyer to pay $8.50 priority mail within the US. Foreign shipping flat rate envelope.