Kodak Ektar 100 / 120 Medium Format / 5-Roll Pro Pack / ISO 100 / Process: C-41 / Fresh Dated

We are an official Kodak Alaris On-Line Store

Featuring ISO 100 speed, high saturation and ultra-vivid color, EKTAR 100 offers the finest, smoothest grain of any color negative film available today.

The Film Photography Project informs, engages and inspires film enthusiasts of all levels. While promoting the viability of vintage cameras and film through product reviews, frequent giveaways and exchange programs, the FPP is building a community of photographers from around the globe to share their creative output, experiences and passion for film photography. The Project includes the Film Photography Podcast, the FPP Flickr Page, FPP YouTube Channel, Facebook page, Twitter account, newsletter and the Film Photography Project Store.


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