Listed here are all the current Campagnolo jockey wheels. In the packet are a pair of jockey wheels. Compatability is listed below.

RD-RE500 - All Campagnolo  8 speed rear derailleurs

RD-RE600 -All Campagnolo 9 speed derailleurs and record 10 speed carbon cage rear mechs 8.8mm

RD-RE700- All Campagnolo 10 speed derailleurs except record 10 speed carbon cage mech. 8.4mm

RD-CH500 - All Campagnolo 11 speed derailleurs (11T)

RD-SR500 - Campagnolo Super Record 11 speed derailleurs and can be fitted to Athena, Chorus and Record 11 speed mechs. Ceramic bearing in lower pulley and ceramic bushing for upper pulley