NXP MIFARE® Plus® X 4K Cards  Pack of 50
Product Number: SA108-PLUS-S-4K

 MIFARE® Plus® X 4K Cards provides end-user solution providers with a seamless upgrade of existing infrastructure and services with low cost procedures. This new MIFARE® product has been developed and supported by card and reader manufacturers and solution developers. and is the only MIFARE® Classic-compatible mainstream smart card IC featuring pre-issuance of cards prior to infrastructure changes.

MIFARE® Plus is available in two versions: MIFARE® Plus X and MIFARE® Plus S.

  • The NXP MIFARE® Plus® X (MF1PLUSx0y1, described in this data sheet) offers more flexibility to optimize the command flow for speed and confidentiality. It offers a rich feature set including proximity checks against relay attacks.
  • The NXP MIFARE® Plus® S (MF1SPLUSx0y1)is the standard version for straight forward migration of MIFARE Classic systems. It is configured to offer high data integrity.

Key Features
2 Kbytes EEPROM
Simple fixed memory structure compatible with MIFARE® Classic (MIFARE® Mini. MIFARE® 1K. MIFARE® 4K)

Memory structure as in MIFARE® 4k (sectors. blocks)

Unique serial number (4 or 7 byte)
Multi-sector authentication
Multi-block read
Anti-tear function for writing AES keys
Keys can be stored as MIFARE® Classic keys (2 x 48 bit per sector) or AES keys (2 x 128 bit per sector)

Access conditions freely configurable
Number of single write operations: 200.000