Oktava MK-012-03 MSP6 Cardioid, Omni & Hypercardioid Capsule Microphone Kit

Black Color

Oktava USA.com is the Oldest and Most Trusted Oktava Microphone Dealer in North America

In pairs, the MK-012-03 MSP4 is perfectly suited for coincident and spaced stereo miking techniques, and also overhead usage in live and studio situations.

This FACTORY MATCHED KIT comes with a stereo pair of cardioid, hypercardioid, and omni capsule and -10 dB pad.


The wide, flat response ensures that all sounds are captured with a high degree of accuracy. A -10 dB pad is included for use in high SPL environments.


Will ship in Continental USA for $5


Official Oktava Russia Dealership Agreement to Oktava USA and Recording Services.

Since 2005

Oktava USA is the oldest and most trusted Oktava Russia distributor in North America!!