Mini EL Wire Set 

This EL Set is perfect to add to hats or even just loose in your hair.

It can also make an amazing hanging flower decoration - anyway we can't guess what you crazy people are gonna use it for, all we really need to tell you is that this set includes:

1) A Mini 1xAAA Driver for up to 1 metre of EL Wire (4.8cm x 2.5cm x 1.4cm)

This has a switch on the side that allows you to choose between:

Flashing - Continuous On - Off

2) 5 Pieces of 10cm (1.3mm) EL Wire in your choice of colours (these wires have a 5cm connector wire on them)

3) Mini 5 Way Splitter (this is 10cm long in total)

10cm el wire

The EL Wire is available in these colours:

Light Blue (Tron Blue), Lime Green, Pink, Red, Orange, Purple, Yellow, Deep Blue, Grass GreenTurquoise (being discontinued) and White

We have a wide selection of other EL Tape, EL Wire, Sequencers, Drivers and helpful EL accessories in our ebay store

el wire and el tape