For Dogs and Cats

A dietary supplement to complement the diet by providing natural compounds that maintain good digestion.

Contains herbs traditionally used to soothe and comfort the digestive system, to settle windy tummies and reduce flatulence. Ginger and Valerian calm the digestive tract; Rhubarb and Peppermint aid digestion and Slippery Elm is soothing and comforting. Useful for those with rumbling and gurgly tummies, but also ideal if given two hours before travelling for those who find the sensation upsets their tummies even though they are not anxious when making a journey.

Active ingredients: Ginger 30mg; Slippery Elm bark 10mg; Rhubarb 20mg; Valerian root 20mg, Peppermint Oil 0.2mg

Administration: 1 tablet per 10kgs bodyweight, after meals or two hours before travelling

Use during pregnancy and lactation: Yes

Age from which can be used: 8 weeks of age

Interactions: Can be given in conjunction with any other medication

Long or short term use: Both, as required

Sugar coated tablet: No

Always read the label

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