One of the most amazing and unusual succulents you could possibly own. Has to be the String of Pearls succulent trailing plant. This is also commonly known as string beads and the Latin name is Senecio rowleyanus. We will send you 3 unrooted cuttings approximately 6 inches long.  These are extremely easy to propagate. Just place them on very free draining compost by gently pinning them in place with garden wire. They will soon take root and grow into established plants as you see in our photos.

This plant is perfect for accompanying other succulents within a succulent container as it will give a trailing effect over the edge of the plant pot. The plants can also be grown in a hanging basket to give the stems the opportunity to grow as long as they like.

When the cuttings need repotting, we recommend using a good quality succulent and cacti compost. We like to use our own mixture of 60% John innes number two with 40% horticultural sand to give maximum drainage. If there's one thing that succulents hate, it is having their roots sitting in water for prolonged periods.

Please note that this plant would need protection from frost. They are a tender succulent. Also, it's important not to overwater as the plant will store water in the leaves. The leaves will also be a good indication when the plant needs watering as they will start to slightly shrivel. Around once a fortnight is a good time to water. Although the plant will require less water in the winter months.

We also have very established plants available, as well as these cuttings. Please do check our other listings.

As always, if you have any questions, please do message us as we are here to help.