Finally!  80's Old School Skate videos on DVD.

Gotcha Grind (c) MCMLXXXIX - Hightlights of the NSA Pro-Vert Competition shot live in SEATTLE WA.  Witness the World's Top Pros on the Hottest Ramp ever, as they battle for $10,500 in cash!!              FEATURED SKATERS: Tony Hawk * Christian Hosoi * Lance Mountain * Micke Alba * Mike McGill * Tony Magnusson * Jeff Grosso * Eric Nash * Ken Fillion * Chris miller * Danny Webster * ben schroeder * Peanut Brown * Tom Groholski * Jeff Jones 

This Historical Document is one of a collection of Vintage Skate Boarding videos shot by NSI Video, one of the Pioneers of the industry. (Approx. 60 minutes)