Versatile Mini Memory Keyer, Iambic A or B

Small size, with very powerful feature set – the Memory Key  comprises a 2.25” x 1.75” high quality through hole PCB with built in power source, jacks for paddle and transmitter PTT, small piezo side-tone buzzer and three easily accessed control buttons. Piezo buzzer is low volume, good for personal use, solder pads on the pcb allow for the connection of an amplified speaker that will provide enough volume for group sessions. 

Ready built unit - Just add your battery and key to start using

Based on the work of DL4YHF & IZ4KBS, the code is released under the GNU license.  Main software features are:

·      --  Dot/Dash speed adjustment (approx. 6 – 45 WPM)

·     --    2 Message memories, 63 character non- volatile & 55 character volatile

·     --   Messages can be looped for CQ or contest work. Messages can be partitioned

·     --  Command mode, with command inputs via the paddles

·     --    Iambic A or B

·      --   Loop mode for CQ, Tune mode to assist in tune-up

·    --     Beacon mode & Macro mode

The Mini Memory Keyer is a complete PCB based unit ready to run.

The PCB dimensions (bare board) are nominally : 1 & 6/8" (44 mm)  wide  x 2 & 2/8" (58 mm) long  - Information provided for those of you looking to incorporate this item in existing or new equipment.

Install a CR2032 coin cell (not supplied)  plug in your paddle, record messages and get on the air.

Operation quick start guide on electroresales web site.

As always Free Shipping


Questions?  Please ask.